Buddy's Github Events A online website for view broadcast/received GIthub events from other people or organizations requires no login in. How to Use Input GitHub Login Name or Organizations Name in in
Gihtub Client A simple github client web applcation using OOP javascript and the Github API Screenshot
Vue GitHub排行榜 GitHub不同语言热门项目排行,Vue做页面展示。 源代码 源代码地址: �� GitHub欢迎大家 star和fork �� 预览地址 在线效果预览地址:https://microzz.com/github-ranking/ 技术栈 Vue2.0:前端页面展示。 axios:一个基于 Promise 的 HTTP 库,向后端发起请求。 Express、Koa2:因为
github-admin 介绍 本仓库是使用vue和element-ui搭建的一个后台管理系统。目的是通过github提供的api展示个人(拥有github账号的人)的github活动等状况。线上效果请查看http://reng99.cc/github-admin/。 怎么运行 # 进入目录cd github-admin/core# 安装依赖npm install# 开发环境 localhost:
GithubProfile Visualizing GitHub profile . About Inspired by tipsy. This instance was finished with React/Koa/Echarts, support server-side rendering Live at https://gp.fedepot.com Screenshot Usage Dev
trending-github Simple API for getting trending repositories on Github Installation npm install trending-github --save Usage const trending = require('trending-github');trending() .then(repos => cons
Minimal Mistakes remote theme starter Click Use this template button above for the quickest method of getting started with the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme. Contains basic configuration to get you a
Easy Markdown to Github Pages Introduction This little guide demonstrates how to turn any Github repository with a bunch of Markdown files into a simple website using Github Pages and Jekyll. You don'
If you use some plugins with your Jekyll blog, chances are you can nothave your blog generated by GitHub Pages.First of all, because they do not allowcustom plugins.This is where jekyll-github-deploy
Boostrap 4 Github Pages A Bootstrap 4 template project for Github Pages and Jekyll. A full Bootstrap 4 theme usable both on Github Pages and with a standalone Jekyll. Recompiles Bootstrap from SCSS fi
Min Blog 下面是博客的搭建教程,这个教程修改自 Hux 。 我的博客在这里 → 使用 开始 环境 开始 撰写博文 组件 侧边栏 迷你关于我 推荐标签 好友链接 HTML5 演示文档布局 评论与 Google/Baidu Analytics 评论 网站分析 高级部分 自定义 标题底图 搜索展示标题-头文件 环境 如果你安装了 jekyll,那你只需要在命令行输入jekyll serve 或
Micropub to GitHub An endpoint that accepts Micropub requests, formats them into Jekyll posts before pushing them to a configured GitHub repository. This enables updating a Jekyll blog through a Micro
GitHub Metadata, a.k.a. site.github Jekyll plugin to propagate the site.github namespace and set default values for use with GitHub Pages. What it does Propagates the site.github namespace with reposi
My Blog Recording pieces of code and life. http://longqian.me Theme The theme is forked from hyde. License Open sourced under the MIT license.
v3 Third iteration of my personal website built with Jekyll. �� PSA for those who want to fork or copy this repo and use it for their own site: Please be a decent person and give me proper credit by l