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这个python print语句的最后一行中的错误是什么?[关闭]



ingredient_one = input("What is the first ingredient?: ")
ing_one_oz = int(input("How many ounces of this ingredient?: "))

ingredient_two = input("What is the second ingredient?: ")
ing_two_oz = int(input("How many ounces of this ingredient?: "))

ingredient_three = input("What is the third ingredient?: ")
ing_three_oz = int(input("How many ounces of this ingredient?: "))

servings_amt = int(input("How many servings would you like?: "))

ing_one_oz = ing_one_oz * servings_amt
ing_two_oz = ing_two_oz * servings_amt
ing_three_oz = ing_three_oz * servings_amt

print("In order to make " + str(servings_amt) + " servings of your recipe, you will need " + str(ing_one_oz) + " ounces of " /
+ str(ingredient_one) + ", " + str(ing_two_oz) + " ounces of " + str(ingredient_two) + ", and " + str(ing_three_oz) /
+ " ounces of " + str(ingredient_three))

我的输出说TypeError: unary的坏操作数类型:'str'最后一行。




ingredient_one = input("What is the first ingredient?: ")
ing_one_oz = int(input("How many ounces of this ingredient?: "))

ingredient_two = input("What is the second ingredient?: ")
ing_two_oz = int(input("How many ounces of this ingredient?: "))

ingredient_three = input("What is the third ingredient?: ")
ing_three_oz = int(input("How many ounces of this ingredient?: "))

servings_amt = int(input("How many servings would you like?: "))

ing_one_oz = ing_one_oz * servings_amt
ing_two_oz = ing_two_oz * servings_amt
ing_three_oz = ing_three_oz * servings_amt

    f"In order to make {servings_amt} servings of your recipe, you will need {ing_one_oz} ounces of {ingredient_one}, {ing_two_oz} ounces of {ingredient_two}, {ing_three_oz} ounces of {ingredient_three}")
  • 下面的代码返回一个错误,但我不确定原因。需要更改哪些内容以允许编译?

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  • 我正在处理此代码的特定部分,该部分允许用户更改有关保存在txt文件中的项目的详细信息。每个项目都保存在单独的行上,如下所示: 如果用户输入“c”,将要求他们在菜单中键入项目名称,然后输入“a”更改日期。这一切都很好,除了不只是更改txt文件中所需行的日期,而是用文件中最后一行的副本替换项目。 它最终看起来像这样(注意第3行的项目现在是第5行的副本,但是有了新的日期): 这是用户与菜单交互的主要方法

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