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原版:这是Salix Alba绝对奇妙答案的(天真的)修改版,它一次转换一张脸,吐出六张不同的图像,并保留原始图像的文件类型。
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from PIL import Image
from math import pi, sin, cos, tan, atan2, hypot, floor
from numpy import clip
# get x,y,z coords from out image pixels coords
# i,j are pixel coords
# faceIdx is face number
# faceSize is edge length
def outImgToXYZ(i, j, faceIdx, faceSize):
a = 2.0 * float(i) / faceSize
b = 2.0 * float(j) / faceSize
if faceIdx == 0: # back
(x,y,z) = (-1.0, 1.0 - a, 1.0 - b)
elif faceIdx == 1: # left
(x,y,z) = (a - 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 - b)
elif faceIdx == 2: # front
(x,y,z) = (1.0, a - 1.0, 1.0 - b)
elif faceIdx == 3: # right
(x,y,z) = (1.0 - a, 1.0, 1.0 - b)
elif faceIdx == 4: # top
(x,y,z) = (b - 1.0, a - 1.0, 1.0)
elif faceIdx == 5: # bottom
(x,y,z) = (1.0 - b, a - 1.0, -1.0)
return (x, y, z)
# convert using an inverse transformation
def convertFace(imgIn, imgOut, faceIdx):
inSize = imgIn.size
outSize = imgOut.size
inPix = imgIn.load()
outPix = imgOut.load()
faceSize = outSize[0]
for xOut in xrange(faceSize):
for yOut in xrange(faceSize):
(x,y,z) = outImgToXYZ(xOut, yOut, faceIdx, faceSize)
theta = atan2(y,x) # range -pi to pi
r = hypot(x,y)
phi = atan2(z,r) # range -pi/2 to pi/2
# source img coords
uf = 0.5 * inSize[0] * (theta + pi) / pi
vf = 0.5 * inSize[0] * (pi/2 - phi) / pi
# Use bilinear interpolation between the four surrounding pixels
ui = floor(uf) # coord of pixel to bottom left
vi = floor(vf)
u2 = ui+1 # coords of pixel to top right
v2 = vi+1
mu = uf-ui # fraction of way across pixel
nu = vf-vi
# Pixel values of four corners
A = inPix[ui % inSize[0], clip(vi, 0, inSize[1]-1)]
B = inPix[u2 % inSize[0], clip(vi, 0, inSize[1]-1)]
C = inPix[ui % inSize[0], clip(v2, 0, inSize[1]-1)]
D = inPix[u2 % inSize[0], clip(v2, 0, inSize[1]-1)]
# interpolate
(r,g,b) = (
A[0]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[0]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[0]*(1-mu)*nu+D[0]*mu*nu,
A[1]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[1]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[1]*(1-mu)*nu+D[1]*mu*nu,
A[2]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[2]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[2]*(1-mu)*nu+D[2]*mu*nu )
outPix[xOut, yOut] = (int(round(r)), int(round(g)), int(round(b)))
imgIn = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
inSize = imgIn.size
faceSize = inSize[0] / 4
components = sys.argv[1].rsplit('.', 2)
0: 'back',
1: 'left',
2: 'front',
3: 'right',
4: 'top',
5: 'bottom'
for face in xrange(6):
imgOut = Image.new("RGB", (faceSize, faceSize), "black")
convertFace(imgIn, imgOut, face)
imgOut.save(components[0] + "_" + FACE_NAMES[face] + "." + components[1])
// Define our six cube faces.
// 0 - 3 are side faces, clockwise order
// 4 and 5 are top and bottom, respectively
float faceTransform[6][2] =
{0, 0},
{M_PI / 2, 0},
{M_PI, 0},
{-M_PI / 2, 0},
{0, -M_PI / 2},
{0, M_PI / 2}
// Map a part of the equirectangular panorama (in) to a cube face
// (face). The ID of the face is given by faceId. The desired
// width and height are given by width and height.
inline void createCubeMapFace(const Mat &in, Mat &face,
int faceId = 0, const int width = -1,
const int height = -1) {
float inWidth = in.cols;
float inHeight = in.rows;
// Allocate map
Mat mapx(height, width, CV_32F);
Mat mapy(height, width, CV_32F);
// Calculate adjacent (ak) and opposite (an) of the
// triangle that is spanned from the sphere center
//to our cube face.
const float an = sin(M_PI / 4);
const float ak = cos(M_PI / 4);
const float ftu = faceTransform[faceId][0];
const float ftv = faceTransform[faceId][1];
// For each point in the target image,
// calculate the corresponding source coordinates.
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
// Map face pixel coordinates to [-1, 1] on plane
float nx = (float)y / (float)height - 0.5f;
float ny = (float)x / (float)width - 0.5f;
nx *= 2;
ny *= 2;
// Map [-1, 1] plane coords to [-an, an]
// thats the coordinates in respect to a unit sphere
// that contains our box.
nx *= an;
ny *= an;
float u, v;
// Project from plane to sphere surface.
if(ftv == 0) {
// Center faces
u = atan2(nx, ak);
v = atan2(ny * cos(u), ak);
u += ftu;
} else if(ftv > 0) {
// Bottom face
float d = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny);
v = M_PI / 2 - atan2(d, ak);
u = atan2(ny, nx);
} else {
// Top face
float d = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny);
v = -M_PI / 2 + atan2(d, ak);
u = atan2(-ny, nx);
// Map from angular coordinates to [-1, 1], respectively.
u = u / (M_PI);
v = v / (M_PI / 2);
// Warp around, if our coordinates are out of bounds.
while (v < -1) {
v += 2;
u += 1;
while (v > 1) {
v -= 2;
u += 1;
while(u < -1) {
u += 2;
while(u > 1) {
u -= 2;
// Map from [-1, 1] to in texture space
u = u / 2.0f + 0.5f;
v = v / 2.0f + 0.5f;
u = u * (inWidth - 1);
v = v * (inHeight - 1);
// Save the result for this pixel in map
mapx.at<float>(x, y) = u;
mapy.at<float>(x, y) = v;
// Recreate output image if it has wrong size or type.
if(face.cols != width || face.rows != height ||
face.type() != in.type()) {
face = Mat(width, height, in.type());
// Do actual resampling using OpenCV's remap
remap(in, face, mapx, mapy,
如果你想在服务器端做这件事,有很多选择。http://www.imagemagick.org/有一堆命令行工具可以把你的图像切成碎片。您可以将执行此操作的命令放入html" target="_blank">脚本中,并在每次有新映像时运行该命令。
数学上取极坐标r, θ, ø, 球r=1,0
如果| cotθ/cosø|
import sys
from PIL import Image
from math import pi,sin,cos,tan
def cot(angle):
return 1/tan(angle)
# Project polar coordinates onto a surrounding cube
# assume ranges theta is [0,pi] with 0 the north poll, pi south poll
# phi is in range [0,2pi]
def projection(theta,phi):
if theta<0.615:
return projectTop(theta,phi)
elif theta>2.527:
return projectBottom(theta,phi)
elif phi <= pi/4 or phi > 7*pi/4:
return projectLeft(theta,phi)
elif phi > pi/4 and phi <= 3*pi/4:
return projectFront(theta,phi)
elif phi > 3*pi/4 and phi <= 5*pi/4:
return projectRight(theta,phi)
elif phi > 5*pi/4 and phi <= 7*pi/4:
return projectBack(theta,phi)
def projectLeft(theta,phi):
x = 1
y = tan(phi)
z = cot(theta) / cos(phi)
if z < -1:
return projectBottom(theta,phi)
if z > 1:
return projectTop(theta,phi)
return ("Left",x,y,z)
def projectFront(theta,phi):
x = tan(phi-pi/2)
y = 1
z = cot(theta) / cos(phi-pi/2)
if z < -1:
return projectBottom(theta,phi)
if z > 1:
return projectTop(theta,phi)
return ("Front",x,y,z)
def projectRight(theta,phi):
x = -1
y = tan(phi)
z = -cot(theta) / cos(phi)
if z < -1:
return projectBottom(theta,phi)
if z > 1:
return projectTop(theta,phi)
return ("Right",x,-y,z)
def projectBack(theta,phi):
x = tan(phi-3*pi/2)
y = -1
z = cot(theta) / cos(phi-3*pi/2)
if z < -1:
return projectBottom(theta,phi)
if z > 1:
return projectTop(theta,phi)
return ("Back",-x,y,z)
def projectTop(theta,phi):
# (a sin θ cos ø, a sin θ sin ø, a cos θ) = (x,y,1)
a = 1 / cos(theta)
x = tan(theta) * cos(phi)
y = tan(theta) * sin(phi)
z = 1
return ("Top",x,y,z)
def projectBottom(theta,phi):
# (a sin θ cos ø, a sin θ sin ø, a cos θ) = (x,y,-1)
a = -1 / cos(theta)
x = -tan(theta) * cos(phi)
y = -tan(theta) * sin(phi)
z = -1
return ("Bottom",x,y,z)
# Convert coords in cube to image coords
# coords is a tuple with the side and x,y,z coords
# edge is the length of an edge of the cube in pixels
def cubeToImg(coords,edge):
if coords[0]=="Left":
(x,y) = (int(edge*(coords[2]+1)/2), int(edge*(3-coords[3])/2) )
elif coords[0]=="Front":
(x,y) = (int(edge*(coords[1]+3)/2), int(edge*(3-coords[3])/2) )
elif coords[0]=="Right":
(x,y) = (int(edge*(5-coords[2])/2), int(edge*(3-coords[3])/2) )
elif coords[0]=="Back":
(x,y) = (int(edge*(7-coords[1])/2), int(edge*(3-coords[3])/2) )
elif coords[0]=="Top":
(x,y) = (int(edge*(3-coords[1])/2), int(edge*(1+coords[2])/2) )
elif coords[0]=="Bottom":
(x,y) = (int(edge*(3-coords[1])/2), int(edge*(5-coords[2])/2) )
return (x,y)
# convert the in image to out image
def convert(imgIn,imgOut):
inSize = imgIn.size
outSize = imgOut.size
inPix = imgIn.load()
outPix = imgOut.load()
edge = inSize[0]/4 # the length of each edge in pixels
for i in xrange(inSize[0]):
for j in xrange(inSize[1]):
pixel = inPix[i,j]
phi = i * 2 * pi / inSize[0]
theta = j * pi / inSize[1]
res = projection(theta,phi)
(x,y) = cubeToImg(res,edge)
#if i % 100 == 0 and j % 100 == 0:
# print i,j,phi,theta,res,x,y
if x >= outSize[0]:
#print "x out of range ",x,res
if y >= outSize[1]:
#print "y out of range ",y,res
outPix[x,y] = pixel
imgIn = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
inSize = imgIn.size
imgOut = Image.new("RGB",(inSize[0],inSize[0]*3/4),"black")
import sys
from PIL import Image
from math import pi,sin,cos,tan,atan2,hypot,floor
from numpy import clip
# get x,y,z coords from out image pixels coords
# i,j are pixel coords
# face is face number
# edge is edge length
def outImgToXYZ(i,j,face,edge):
a = 2.0*float(i)/edge
b = 2.0*float(j)/edge
if face==0: # back
(x,y,z) = (-1.0, 1.0-a, 3.0 - b)
elif face==1: # left
(x,y,z) = (a-3.0, -1.0, 3.0 - b)
elif face==2: # front
(x,y,z) = (1.0, a - 5.0, 3.0 - b)
elif face==3: # right
(x,y,z) = (7.0-a, 1.0, 3.0 - b)
elif face==4: # top
(x,y,z) = (b-1.0, a -5.0, 1.0)
elif face==5: # bottom
(x,y,z) = (5.0-b, a-5.0, -1.0)
return (x,y,z)
# convert using an inverse transformation
def convertBack(imgIn,imgOut):
inSize = imgIn.size
outSize = imgOut.size
inPix = imgIn.load()
outPix = imgOut.load()
edge = inSize[0]/4 # the length of each edge in pixels
for i in xrange(outSize[0]):
face = int(i/edge) # 0 - back, 1 - left 2 - front, 3 - right
if face==2:
rng = xrange(0,edge*3)
rng = xrange(edge,edge*2)
for j in rng:
if j<edge:
face2 = 4 # top
elif j>=2*edge:
face2 = 5 # bottom
face2 = face
(x,y,z) = outImgToXYZ(i,j,face2,edge)
theta = atan2(y,x) # range -pi to pi
r = hypot(x,y)
phi = atan2(z,r) # range -pi/2 to pi/2
# source img coords
uf = ( 2.0*edge*(theta + pi)/pi )
vf = ( 2.0*edge * (pi/2 - phi)/pi)
# Use bilinear interpolation between the four surrounding pixels
ui = floor(uf) # coord of pixel to bottom left
vi = floor(vf)
u2 = ui+1 # coords of pixel to top right
v2 = vi+1
mu = uf-ui # fraction of way across pixel
nu = vf-vi
# Pixel values of four corners
A = inPix[ui % inSize[0],clip(vi,0,inSize[1]-1)]
B = inPix[u2 % inSize[0],clip(vi,0,inSize[1]-1)]
C = inPix[ui % inSize[0],clip(v2,0,inSize[1]-1)]
D = inPix[u2 % inSize[0],clip(v2,0,inSize[1]-1)]
# interpolate
(r,g,b) = (
A[0]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[0]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[0]*(1-mu)*nu+D[0]*mu*nu,
A[1]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[1]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[1]*(1-mu)*nu+D[1]*mu*nu,
A[2]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[2]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[2]*(1-mu)*nu+D[2]*mu*nu )
outPix[i,j] = (int(round(r)),int(round(g)),int(round(b)))
imgIn = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
inSize = imgIn.size
imgOut = Image.new("RGB",(inSize[0],inSize[0]*3/4),"black")
我想将立方体贴图[图1]转换为等矩形全景图[图2]。 从球形到立方体是可能的(通过以下步骤:将2:1等矩形全景图转换为立方体贴图),但在如何反转它上迷失了方向。 使用Unity将图2渲染成一个球体。
我有完整的等矩形图像,可以很好地处理三个。js: 但我的图像实际上只包含180x180度(球体的一半),因此我尝试在不拉伸整个球体的情况下,在球形网格上部分应用方形纹理。我想这和纹理有关。抵消xyz参数,但我没有成功。虽然我可以继续填充图像以符合2x1等矩形标准,但我宁愿将此步骤从处理工作流中删除。 在下面,你会看到完整的等矩形图像和我正在努力工作的正方形图像。有人对如何做到这一点有任何线索吗?谢
我们已经使用2D纹理很长时间了,但除此之外仍有更多的纹理类型等着我们探索。在本节中,我们将讨论的是将多个纹理组合起来映射到一张纹理上的一种纹理类型:立方体贴图(Cube Map)。 简单来说,立方体贴图就是一个包含了6个2D纹理的纹理,每个2D纹理都组成了立方体的一个面:一个有纹理的立方体。你可能会奇怪,这样一个立方体有什么用途呢?为什么要把6张纹理合并到一张纹理中,而不是直接使用6个单独的纹理呢
我的目标是使图像圆形并显示它。如果图像是方形的,那么我可以通过简单地使用CSS的属性将其转换为圆形。但是当图像是矩形时,使用这个CSS属性会给我椭圆形的图像。 剪辑的部分是不可见的,但仍然存在。所以即使现在我也在尝试使用属性,它给我椭圆形图像,右侧和左侧被剪辑。 我有什么办法可以解决这个问题吗?
在上面的图片中,我展示了两个矩形 矩形1,其x可以从-900到13700不等,Y可以从-600到6458 矩形2,其坐标X可以从0到3000变化,而y可以从0到2000变化 同样:矩形2的起点位于左上角位置(0,0),而矩形1的起点位于左上角位置(宽度/2,高度/2)。 我需要做的是:使用缩放或平移将矩形1的点转换为矩形2的点。 那么,为了将矩形1的坐标转换为矩形2的坐标,< code>x和< c