为了表示我的board(dimensitions:N x N board with P x Q box),我使用了一个2D列表,其中每个条目的形式为[value,[domain]],其中value是为单元格分配的编号(如果未分配则为0),domain是使数独游戏保持一致的单元格的可能值。
def fc_recursive_solve(board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout):
###some preprocessing here to check if puzzle is solved and find next empty cell if not
vals = board[row][col][1] #domain/possible values for the empty cell
for num in vals:
#if num doesn't violate the row, col, and box sudoku constraints
if constraintCheck(row, col, num, P, N, Q, board):
#make copy of cell's domain for backtracking
tempDomain = copy.deepcopy(board[row][col][1])
board[row][col][0] = num #assign num to the cell
#remove num from domains of neighbors,
#if an empty domain results after removing num,
#return False and the original board,
#else return True and the updated board
noEmptyDomains, board = propagate_fc(board, N, P, Q, row, col, num)
if noEmptyDomains:
board[row][col][1] = [num] #update domain to be num and then recurse
if fc_recursive_solve(board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout):
return True
#backtrack -- reset value and domain of assigned cell
board[row][col][1] = tempDomain
board[row][col][0] = 0
board[row][col][0] = 0
return False
def fc_recursive_solve(board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout):
if time.clock() >= timeout:
return "timeout"
while row < N and board[row][col][0] != 0: #find next blank
if col == N-1:
row = row + 1
col = 0
col = col + 1
if row == N: #solved
return True
for num in vals:
if constraintCheck(row, col, num, P, N, Q, board):
board[row][col][0] = num
noEmptyDomains, new_board = propagate_fc(board, N, P, Q, row, col, num) # new var
if noEmptyDomains:
new_board[row][col][1] = [num] # this doesn't modify board, only new_board
if fc_recursive_solve(new_board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout):
return True
board[row][col][0] = 0 # the only thing that's required to backtrack
return False
def propagate_fc(board, N, P, Q, row, col, num):
origBoard = copy.deepcopy(board)
#row propagate
for x in range(N):
if board[x][col][0] == 0:
if num in board[x][col][1]:
if len(board[x][col][1]) == 0:
return False, origBoard #domain is empty; return original board
#col propagate
for y in range(N):
if board[row][y][0] == 0:
if num in board[row][y][1]:
if len(board[row][y][1]) == 0:
return False, origBoard #domain is empty
#box propagate
rDiv = row/P
cDiv = col/P
for i in range((rDiv * P), ((rDiv + 1) * P)):
for j in range((cDiv * Q), ((cDiv + 1) * Q)):
if board[i][j][0] == 0:
if num in board[i][j][1]:
if len(board[i][j][1]) == 0:
return False, origBoard #domain is empty
return True, board #success; return board with updated domains
def fc_recursive_solve(board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout):
if time.clock() >= timeout:
return "timeout"
while row < N and board[row][col][0] != 0: #find next blank
if col == N-1:
row = row + 1
col = 0
col = col + 1
if row == N: #solved
return board
for num in vals:
if constraintCheck(row, col, num, P, N, Q, board):
new_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
new_board[row][col][0] = num
if propagate_fc(new_board, N, P, Q, row, col, num):
new_board[row][col][1] = [num]
result = fc_recursive_solve(new_board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout)
if result is not None and result != "timeout":
return result
return None
def propagate_fc(board, N, P, Q, row, col, num):
# no copying any more here
#row propagate
for x in range(N):
if board[x][col][0] == 0:
if num in board[x][col][1]:
if len(board[x][col][1]) == 0:
return False
#col propagate
for y in range(N):
if board[row][y][0] == 0:
if num in board[row][y][1]:
if len(board[row][y][1]) == 0:
return False
#box propagate
rDiv = row/P
cDiv = col/P
for i in range((rDiv * P), ((rDiv + 1) * P)):
for j in range((cDiv * Q), ((cDiv + 1) * Q)):
if board[i][j][0] == 0:
if num in board[i][j][1]:
if len(board[i][j][1]) == 0:
return False
return board #success; return new board
(我最初认为还有另一个问题,If len(...)==0
d a值(通过将这些块缩进两个级别)时,执行这些检查的性能可能会稍好一些,但这不太可能是性能上的巨大提升。)board[x][y][1]
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