登录后,它生成了一个哈希值,但仍然给出错误“Some problem currened!try tain”。
PayUmoneySdkInitilizer.PaymentParam.Builder builder =
new PayUmoneySdkInitilizer.PaymentParam.Builder();
.setTnxId("0nf7" + System.currentTimeMillis())
.setPhone(<My phone>)
.setFirstName(<My Name>)
.setEmail(<My email>)
.setMerchantId(<my debug merchant id>);
String tnxId="0nf7" + System.currentTimeMillis();
PayUmoneySdkInitilizer.PaymentParam paymentParam = builder.build();
String hashSequence = "<...>|"+tnxId+"|10.0|product_name|<My name>|<My email>|||||||||||salt";
String serverCalculatedHash= hashCal("SHA-512", hashSequence);
serverCalculatedHash, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
// calculateServerSideHashAndInitiatePayment(paymentParam);
PayUmoneySdkInitilizer.startPaymentActivityForResult(TrayActivity.this, paymentParam);
public static String hashCal(String type, String str) {
byte[] hashseq = str.getBytes();
StringBuffer hexString = new StringBuffer();
try {
MessageDigest algorithm = MessageDigest.getInstance(type);
byte messageDigest[] = algorithm.digest();
for (int i = 0; i<messageDigest.length; i++) {
String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xFF &messageDigest[i]);
if (hex.length() == 1) { hexString.append("0"); }
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
} return hexString.toString();
.setTnxId("0nf7" + System.currentTimeMillis())
String tnxId="0nf7" + System.currentTimeMillis();
import java.util.Locale;
public class TransactionIdProvider {
private final static String DEFAULT_PREFIX = "ID";
// Convenient prime number for incrementing the counter
private final static long ID_ADD = 0xF0AD; // "f*ck off and die"
// 64b counter with non-trivial start value
private static long idCounter = 0x0101F00DDEADBEEFL;
* Returns ID consisting of prefix string and 64b counter interleaved
* with 32b per-4s-timestamp.
* May produce identical ID (collision) when:
* 1) class is reloaded within 4s
* (to fix: serialize "idCounter" upon shutdown/restart of VM, or
* modify prefix per start of VM)
* 2) more than 2^64 IDs are requested within 4s (no fix, unexpected)
* 3) more than 2^64 IDs are requested after cca. 550 years.
* (no fix, unexpected)
* 4) more than one static instance of TransactionIdProvider is used
* (two or more VMs running the app) (to fix put different prefix in
* every VM/server running this)
* Length of returned ID is prefix.length() + 24 alphanumeric symbols.
public static synchronized String getNewId(final String prefix) {
idCounter += ID_ADD; // increment counter
// get 32b timestamp per ~4s (millis/4096) (good for ~550 years)
final int timeStamp = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis()>>12);
final int idPart1 = (int)(idCounter>>32);
final int idPart2 = (int)(idCounter);
return String.format(Locale.US, "%s%08X%08X%08X",
prefix, idPart1, timeStamp, idPart2);
public static String getNewId() {
return getNewId(DEFAULT_PREFIX);
我试图将payUMoney集成到Node.js中,但我得到一个错误,作为 这里显示缺少参数furl,但我提供了这一点。我的代码如下:
我已经核实了Payumoney的帐户。当点击沙箱模式下的paynow按钮时,它会显示“发生了一些错误”。我使用了pnp SDK。 此代码用于onclick on paynow按钮。 这是哈希计算函数 执行流程: 用户在选择“在线支付”作为方法后,单击“paynow”按钮。 执行LaunchPayumOneyFlow()函数 所有附加到PayumOneYSDKInitializer.PaymentP
基本上我是按照这个指示做的:http://thecodeship.com/deployment/deploy-django-apache-virtualenv-and-mod_wsgi/ 但结果是: 尚未找到任何服务器 请求方法:获取请求URL: Django版本:1.5.11异常类型:ServerSelectionTimeoutError异常
试图调用不存在的方法。尝试是从以下位置进行的: 以下方法不存在: 该方法的类javax.el.elutil可从以下位置获得:
我正在我的Android应用程序中集成payUMoney。在测试和生产两个环境中都成功支付后,我只得到paymentId。我需要交易细节以及从Payumoney。我也联系了payUMoney的技术团队,但没有得到任何回应。 请看附上的图片为payUMoney响应,我已经打印在logcat。 我所尝试的如下所示。