Benchmark Results
*50 - 118kb Audio File Streamed and Read Simultaneously from One Node in 4096 byte chunks*
I used a 50ms polling interval to check for updates to the cache.
- Total Time to stream and read 50 audio files: 226ms.
- average complete read and write: 125ms
- average time to first byte read: 26ms
- average read time per runner: 103ms
- average write time per runner: 71ms
- p99 time to first byte: 59ms
- p90 time to first byte: 57ms
- p50 time to first byte: 6ms
Remote (Over SSH | Seattle → IAD):
- Total Time to stream and read 50 audio files: 1405ms.
- average complete read and write: 1298ms
- average time to first byte read: 81ms
- average read time per runner: 1277ms
- average write time per runner: 1238ms
- p99 time to first byte: 148ms
- p90 time to first byte: 126ms
- p50 time to first byte: 84ms
Remote (Through VIP | Seattle → IAD):
- Total Time to stream and read 50 audio files: 2035ms.
- average complete read and write: 1245ms
- average time to first byte read: 67ms
- average read time per runner: 1226ms
- average write time per runner: 1034ms
- p99 time to first byte: 161ms
- p90 time to first byte: 87ms
- p50 time to first byte: 74ms
I have a feeling these numbers are artificially inflated. I think the client is not well built for extreme parallelism. I believe it's doing quite a bit of locking. I think if you were to have many nodes doing the same amount of work, the numbers might be better. This would require more in depth benchmarking. This is 50 caches, one cache group.
- Total Time to stream and read 50 audio files: 327ms.
- average complete read and write: 321ms
- average time to first byte read: 184ms
- average read time per runner: 225ms
- average write time per runner: 35ms
- p99 time to first byte: 212ms
- p90 time to first byte: 197ms
- p50 time to first byte: 191ms
Remote (Over SSH | Seattle → IAD):
- Total Time to stream and read 50 audio files: 5148ms.
- average complete read and write: 4483ms
- average time to first byte read: 947ms
- average read time per runner: 3224ms
- average write time per runner: 2779ms
- p99 time to first byte: 4936ms
- p90 time to first byte: 926ms
- p50 time to first byte: 577ms
Remote (Through VIP | Seattle → IAD):
- Total Time to stream and read 50 audio files: 4840ms.
- average complete read and write: 4287ms
- average time to first byte read: 780ms
- average read time per runner: 3035ms
- average write time per runner: 2562ms
- p99 time to first byte: 4458ms
- p90 time to first byte: 857ms
- p50 time to first byte: 566ms
*1 - 118kb Audio File Streamed and Read Simultaneously from One Node in 4096 byte chunks*
I used a 50ms polling interval to check for updates to the cache.
- Total Time to stream and read 1 audio files: 62ms.
- average complete read and write: 62ms
- average time to first byte read: 55ms
- average read time per runner: 61ms
- average write time per runner: 3ms
- p99 time to first byte: 55ms
- p90 time to first byte: 55ms
- p50 time to first byte: 55ms
Remote (Over SSH | Seattle → IAD):
- Total Time to stream and read 1 audio files: 394ms.
- average complete read and write: 394ms
- average time to first byte read: 57ms
- average read time per runner: 394ms
- average write time per runner: 342ms
- p99 time to first byte: 57ms
- p90 time to first byte: 57ms
- p50 time to first byte: 57ms
Remote (Through VIP | Seattle → IAD):
- Total Time to stream and read 1 audio files: 388ms.
- average complete read and write: 388ms
- average time to first byte read: 61ms
- average read time per runner: 388ms
- average write time per runner: 343ms
- p99 time to first byte: 61ms
- p90 time to first byte: 61ms
- p50 time to first byte: 61ms
- Total Time to stream and read 1 audio files: 32ms.
- average complete read and write: 32ms
- average time to first byte read: 2ms
- average read time per runner: 23ms
- average write time per runner: 11ms
- p99 time to first byte: 2ms
- p90 time to first byte: 2ms
- p50 time to first byte: 2ms
Remote (Over SSH | Seattle → IAD):
- Total Time to stream and read 1 audio files: 259ms.
- average complete read and write: 258ms
- average time to first byte read: 19ms
- average read time per runner: 232ms
- average write time per runner: 169ms
- p99 time to first byte: 19ms
- p90 time to first byte: 19ms
- p50 time to first byte: 19ms
Remote (Through VIP | Seattle → IAD):
- Total Time to stream and read 1 audio files: 203ms.
- average complete read and write: 203ms
- average time to first byte read: 20ms
- average read time per runner: 174ms
- average write time per runner: 93ms
- p99 time to first byte: 20ms
- p90 time to first byte: 20ms
- p50 time to first byte: 20ms
有趣的是,雷迪斯的表现并不是那么好。要么是Python做了一些神奇的事情(存储文件),要么是我的redis版本慢得惊人。 我不知道这是不是因为我的代码的结构方式,或者什么,但我希望redis做得比它做得更好。 为了制作一个redis缓存,我将我的二进制数据(在本例中是一个HTML页面)设置为一个从文件名派生的密钥,过期时间为5分钟。 在所有情况下,文件处理都是用完成的(这比
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问题内容: 这让我疯狂。与直接通过Navicat运行该查询相比,使休眠简单选择非常慢。更有趣的是。使用本地数据库运行此查询确实非常快,但是远程使用它确实很差。 我正在做以下Hibernate本机SQL查询(因为HQL或Criteria不支持左连接): 实体的结构并不重要。SALES_UNIT和SALES_UNIT_RELATION表的记录大约为28k 使用本地数据库在我的 本地JBoss 上运行的
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