from itertools import count, cycle
def dvprm(end):
"finds primes by trial division. returns a list"
for i in range(3, end+1, 2):
if all(map(lambda x:i%x, primes)):
return primes
def prod(seq, factor=1):
"sequence -> product"
for i in seq:factor*=i
return factor
def wheelGaps(primes):
"""returns list of steps to each wheel gap
that start from the last value in primes"""
strtPt= primes.pop(-1)#where the wheel starts
whlCirm= prod(primes)# wheel's circumference
#spokes are every number that are divisible by primes (composites)
gaps=[]#locate where the non-spokes are (gaps)
for i in xrange(strtPt, strtPt+whlCirm+1, 2):
if not all(map(lambda x:i%x,primes)):continue#spoke
else: gaps.append(i)#non-spoke
#find the steps needed to jump to each gap (beginning from the start of the wheel)
steps=[]#last step returns to start of wheel
for i,j in enumerate(gaps):
if i==0:continue
steps.append(j - gaps[i-1])
return steps
def wheel_setup(num):
"builds initial data for sieve"
initPrms=dvprm(num)#initial primes from the "roughing" pump
gaps = wheelGaps(initPrms[:])#get the gaps
c= initPrms.pop(-1)#prime that starts the wheel
return initPrms, gaps, c
def wheel_psieve(lvl=0, initData=None):
'''postponed prime generator with wheels
Refs: http://stackoverflow.com/a/10733621
whlSize=11#wheel size, 1 higher prime than
# 5 gives 2- 3 wheel 11 gives 2- 7 wheel
# 7 gives 2- 5 wheel 13 gives 2-11 wheel
#set to 0 for no wheel
if lvl:#no need to rebuild the gaps, just pass them down the levels
initPrms, gaps, c = initData
else:#but if its the top level then build the gaps
if whlSize>4:
initPrms, gaps, c = wheel_setup(whlSize)
initPrms, gaps, c= dvprm(7), [2], 9
#toss out the initial primes
for p in initPrms:
yield p
compost = {}#found composites to skip
ps=wheel_psieve(lvl+1, (initPrms, gaps, c))
p=next(ps)#advance lower level to appropriate square
while p*p < c:
while True:
step1 = next(cgaps)#step to next value
step2=compost.pop(c, 0)#step to next multiple
if not step2:
#see references for details
if c < psq:
yield c
c += step1
d = c + step2
while d in compost:
d+= step2
compost[d]= step2
c += step1
def test(num=100):
for i,p in enumerate(wheel_psieve(), 1):
if i>num:break
print sum(found)
return found
from itertools import count
def wpsieve():
"""prime number generator
call this function instead of roughing or turbo"""
whlSize = 11
initPrms, gaps, c = wheel_setup(whlSize)
for p in initPrms:
yield p
primes = turbo(0, (gaps, c))
for p, x in primes:
yield p
def prod(seq, factor=1):
"sequence -> product"
for i in seq: factor *= i
return factor
def wheelGaps(primes):
"""returns list of steps to each wheel gap
that start from the last value in primes"""
strtPt = primes.pop(-1) # where the wheel starts
whlCirm = prod(primes) # wheel's circumference
# spokes are every number that are divisible by primes (composites)
gaps = [] # locate where the non-spokes are (gaps)
for i in xrange(strtPt, strtPt + whlCirm + 1, 2):
if not all(map(lambda x: i%x, primes)): continue # spoke
else: gaps.append(i) # non-spoke
# find the steps needed to jump to each gap (beginning from the start of the wheel)
steps = [] # last step returns to start of wheel
for i, j in enumerate(gaps):
if i == 0: continue
steps.append(int(j - gaps[i-1]))
return steps
def wheel_setup(num):
"builds initial data for sieve"
initPrms = roughing(num) # initial primes from the "roughing" pump
gaps = wheelGaps(initPrms[:]) # get the gaps
c = initPrms.pop(-1) # prime that starts the wheel
return initPrms, gaps, c
def roughing(end):
"finds primes by trial division (roughing pump)"
primes = [2]
for i in range(3, end + 1, 2):
if all(map(lambda x: i%x, primes)):
return primes
def turbo(lvl=0, initData=None):
"""postponed prime generator with wheels (turbo pump)
Refs: http://stackoverflow.com/a/10733621
gaps, c = initData
yield (c, 0)
compost = {} # found composites to skip
# store as current value: (base prime, wheel index)
ps = turbo(lvl + 1, (gaps, c))
p, x = next(ps)
psq = p*p
gapS = len(gaps) - 1
ix = jx = kx = 0 # indices for cycling the wheel
def cyc(x): return 0 if x > gapS else x # wheel cycler
while True:
c += gaps[ix] # add next step on c's wheel
ix = cyc(ix + 1) # and advance c's index
bp, jx = compost.pop(c, (0,0)) # get base prime and its wheel index
if not bp:
if c < psq: # prime
yield c, ix # emit index for above recursive level
jx = kx # swap indices as a new prime comes up
bp = p
p, kx = next(ps)
psq = p*p
d = c + bp * gaps[jx] # calc new multiple
jx = cyc(jx + 1)
while d in compost:
step = bp * gaps[jx]
jx = cyc(jx + 1)
d += step
compost[d] = (bp, jx)
import time
def speed_test(num, whlSize):
t1 = time.time()
initPrms, gaps, c = wheel_setup(whlSize)
t2 = time.time()
print('2-{} wheel'.format(initPrms[-1]))
print('setup time: {} sec.'.format(round(t2 - t1, 5)))
t3 = time.time()
prm = initPrms[:]
primes = turbo(0, (gaps, c))
for p, x in primes:
if len(prm) > num:
t4 = time.time()
print('run time : {} sec.'.format(len(prm), round(t4 - t3, 5)))
print('prime sum : {}'.format(sum(prm)))
for w in [5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]:
speed_test(1e7-1, w)
当设置为生成一千万个素数时,它是如何使用PyPy(兼容Python 2.7)在我的计算机上运行的:
2- 3 wheel
setup time: 0.0 sec.
run time : 18.349 sec.
prime sum : 870530414842019
2- 5 wheel
setup time: 0.001 sec.
run time : 13.993 sec.
prime sum : 870530414842019
2- 7 wheel
setup time: 0.001 sec.
run time : 7.821 sec.
prime sum : 870530414842019
2- 11 wheel
setup time: 0.03 sec.
run time : 6.224 sec.
prime sum : 870530414842019
2- 13 wheel
setup time: 0.011 sec.
run time : 5.624 sec.
prime sum : 870530414842019
2- 17 wheel
setup time: 0.047 sec.
run time : 5.262 sec.
prime sum : 870530414842019
2- 19 wheel
setup time: 1.043 sec.
run time : 5.119 sec.
prime sum : 870530414842019
2- 23 wheel
setup time: 22.685 sec.
run time : 4.634 sec.
prime sum : 870530414842019
n=3; n+=2; n+=2; n+=2; ... # wheel = [2]
3 5 7 9
n=5; n+=2; n+=4; n+=2; n+=4; ... # wheel = [2,4]
5 7 11 13 17
在这里,我们确实需要知道从哪里开始添加差异,2或4,具体取决于初始值。对于5,11,17,...,它是2(即轮子的第0个元素);对于 7, 13, 19, ..., 它是 4 (即 1-st 元素)。
我们如何知道从哪里开始?轮子优化的要点是我们只处理这个共素序列(在这个例子中,2-3个共素)。因此,在我们获得递归生成的素数的代码部分,我们还将维护滚动的车轮流,并推进它,直到我们看到其中的下一个素数。滚动序列将需要产生两个结果-值和车轮位置。因此,当我们看到质数时,我们也得到相应的轮位置,并且我们可以从轮上的该位置开始产生它的倍数。我们用< code>p乘以所有的东西,当然,从< code>p*p开始:
for (i, p) # the (wheel position, summated value)
in enumerated roll of the wheel:
when p is the next prime:
multiples of p are m = p*p; # map (p*) (roll wheel-at-i from p)
m += p*wheel[i];
m += p*wheel[i+1]; ...
from itertools import accumulate, chain, cycle, count
def wsieve(): # wheel-sieve, by Will Ness. ideone.com/mqO25A
wh11 = [ 2,4,2,4,6,2,6,4,2,4,6, 6,2,6,4,2,6,4,6,8,4,2, 4,
2,4,8,6,4,6,2,4,6,2,6, 6,4,2,4,6,2,6,4,2,4,2, 10,2,10]
cs = accumulate(chain([11], cycle(wh11))) # roll the wheel from 11
yield(next(cs)) # cf. ideone.com/WFv4f,
ps = wsieve() # codereview.stackexchange.com/q/92365/9064
p = next(ps) # 11
psq = p**2 # 121
D = dict(zip(accumulate(chain([0], wh11)), count(0))) # wheel roll lookup dict
mults = {}
for c in cs: # candidates, coprime with 210, from 11
if c in mults:
wheel = mults.pop(c)
elif c < psq:
yield c
else: # c==psq: map (p*) (roll wh from p) = roll (wh*p) from (p*p)
i = D[(p-11) % 210] # look up wheel roll starting point
wheel = accumulate( chain( [psq],
cycle( [p*d for d in wh11[i:] + wh11[:i]])))
p = next(ps)
psq = p**2
for m in wheel: # pop, save in m, and advance
if m not in mults:
mults[m] = wheel # mults[143] = wheel@187
def primes():
yield from (2, 3, 5, 7)
yield from wsieve()
问题内容: 我正在从此处修改一个不确定的Eratosthenes筛子,因此与目前仅检查所有赔率的形式相比,它使用车轮分解来跳过更多合成。 我已经弄清楚了如何产生步骤以达到车轮上所有的间隙。从那里我可以算出我可以用+2代替这些滚轮,但这会导致筛子漏掉素数。这是代码: 我正在用它来检查它: 当我将车轮尺寸设置为0时,对于前一百个质数,我得到正确的总和24133,但是当我使用任何其他车轮尺寸时,我最终会
我在PrimeFaces3.5中使用JSF。我使用而不使用属性,而是显式地使用和创建行和列,如展示案例(http://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/panelgrid.jsf)所示。 现在我需要在一些CSS类的帮助下对一行进行不同的样式设置。但是要么我错过了它,要么就是没有办法向添加类?!我甚至可以设置属性,但在呈现的输出中会忽略它...
我正在实现一个相当快的质数生成器,我得到了一些不错的结果,在埃拉托斯特尼的筛子上进行了一些优化。特别是,在算法的初步部分,我以这种方式跳过2和3的所有倍数: 这里是一个根据埃拉托色尼筛的布尔数组。我认为这是一种只考虑质数2和3的轮式因式分解,按照模式2、4、2、4递增。. 我想做的是实现一个更大的轮子,也许考虑素数2,3和5。 我已经阅读了很多关于它的文档,但我没有看到任何使用埃拉托斯特尼筛子的实
我已经搜索了又搜索,除了我称之为“hack方法”的方法之外,找不到其他方法将自定义分类添加到自定义管理菜单中。 然后我注册我的帖子类型并确保它们使用 这可以工作,自定义帖子类型显示在我的自定义菜单中。 但是自定义分类法不接受同一属性的字符串,只接受true或false。 因此,要添加它,您必须创建一个子菜单页 这是一种“黑客”方式。 还有别的办法吗?如果不修改WordPress核心,我可以覆盖re
问题内容: 我需要能够向ELF文件添加任意部分。我无法在该程序中使用GPL代码,因此BFD成为不可能。我可以使用libelf / gelf来阅读节,但是这些文档很少,因此我无法弄清楚如何添加节。有人知道怎么做这个吗?我宁愿不编写自己的ELF代码。 问题答案: 关于ELF文件标头的问题有几个(可能)相关答案。提到的接受的答案用于将部分添加到ELF文件,并且BSD bintools 声称具有BSD许可
我想在gradle.properties文件中添加ndk.abifilters属性。现在我有了这栋楼里的房子。这是我建筑的一部分 这是我的gradle.properties文件的一部分