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import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
from random import randrange

# click function
def choose(event):
    global game_over
    if not game_over:
        if event.widget["state"] == "normal":
            event.widget.configure(text="O", disabledforeground="#0000ff", state="disabled")
            # check for winner
            window.after(1000, check)
            # let computer make its move
            if not game_over:
                window.after(1000, machine_move)
                # check again
                window.after(1000, check)
        elif event.widget["state"] == "disabled":
            messagebox.showerror("Field taken", "Please choose a different field")

# define machine move
def machine_move():
    global taken
    pick = randrange(1, 9)
    taken = True
    while taken:
        if button_dict[pick-1].cget("state") == "normal":
            button_dict[pick-1].configure(text="X", disabledforeground="#ff0000", state="disabled")
            taken = False

# check for winner function
def check():
    global game_over
    global inputs
    inputs = []
    for key in button_dict.keys():
    # line win
    if inputs[0] == "X" and inputs[1] == "X" and inputs[2] == "X" \
    or inputs[3] == "X" and inputs[4] == "X" and inputs[5] == "X" \
    or inputs[6] == "X" and inputs[7] == "X" and inputs[8] == "X":
        messagebox.showinfo("Game over", "Line win by machine")
        game_over = True
    elif inputs[0] == "O" and inputs[1] == "O" and inputs[2] == "O" \
    or inputs[3] == "O" and inputs[4] == "O" and inputs[5] == "O" \
    or inputs[6] == "O" and inputs[7] == "O" and inputs[8] == "O":
        messagebox.showinfo("Game over", "Line win by you")
        game_over = True
    # row win
    elif inputs[0] == "X" and inputs[3] == "X" and inputs[6] == "X" \
    or inputs[1] == "X" and inputs[4] == "X" and inputs[7] == "X" \
    or inputs[2] == "X" and inputs[5] == "X" and inputs[8] == "X":
        messagebox.showinfo("Game over", "Row win by machine")
        game_over = True
    elif inputs[0] == "O" and inputs[3] == "O" and inputs[6] == "O" \
    or inputs[1] == "O" and inputs[4] == "O" and inputs[7] == "O" \
    or inputs[2] == "O" and inputs[5] == "O" and inputs[8] == "O":
        messagebox.showinfo("Game over", "Row win by you")
        game_over = True
    # check for diagonal win
    elif inputs[0] == "X" and inputs[4] == "X" and inputs[8] == "X" \
    or inputs[2] == "X" and inputs[4] == "X" and inputs[6] == "X":
        messagebox.showinfo("Game over", "Diagonal win by machine")
        game_over = True
    elif inputs[0] == "O" and inputs[4] == "O" and inputs[8] == "O" \
    or inputs[2] == "O" and inputs[4] == "O" and inputs[6] == "O":
        messagebox.showinfo("Game over", "Diagonal win by machine")
        game_over = True

# create window
window = tk.Tk()

# create buttons

button_dict = {}
for i in range(9):
    new_button = tk.Button(window, text=" ", width=3, font=30)
    new_button.grid(column=i // 3, row=i % 3, ipadx=50, ipady=50)
    new_button.bind("<Button-1>", choose)
    button_dict[i] = new_button

# start game
game_over = False
button_dict[4].configure(text="X", disabledforeground="#ff0000", state="disabled")



正如@Paul M在评论中所述,如果machine\u move函数中的pick变量恰好是已禁用的按钮的变量,其值将保持不变,while循环将无限期运行,导致程序挂起。要克服这一点,您可以尝试以下方法(这是解决此问题的众多解决方案之一)

def machine_move():
    available_buttons=[button_dict[i] for i in range(len(button_dict)) if button_dict[i].cget("state") == "normal"]
    pick = choice(available_buttons)
    pick.configure(text="X", disabledforeground="#ff0000", state="disabled")




def choose(event):
    global game_over
    if not game_over:
        if event.widget["state"] == "normal":
            event.widget.configure(text="O", disabledforeground="#0000ff", state="disabled")
            # check for winner
            # let computer make its move
            if not game_over:
                window.after(1000, machine_move)
        elif event.widget["state"] == "disabled":
            messagebox.showerror("Field taken", "Please choose a different field")

# define machine move
def machine_move():
    available_buttons=[button_dict[i] for i in range(len(button_dict)) if button_dict[i].cget("state") == "normal"]
    pick = choice(available_buttons)
    pick.configure(text="X", disabledforeground="#ff0000", state="disabled")


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