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无法分配值:“ i”是迅速的“ let”常量



@IBAction func submit(sender: AnyObject) {
    var i: Int  //counter for 10 repetitions
    var result = 0
    for i in 0..<10 {
        //generate 2 random numbers up to 20
        var rn1 = arc4random_uniform(20)
        var rn2 = arc4random_uniform(20)
        //assign the rundom numbers to the labels
        n1.text = String(rn1)
        n2.text = String(rn2)
        result = Int((rn1) + (rn2))
        //show respective view based on if answer is correct or not
        if answer.text == String(result)  {
            i = i + 1 //here i get the error: cannot assign to value 'i' is a 'let' constant
            performSegueWithIdentifier("firstsegue", sender: self)
        }else {
            performSegueWithIdentifier("wrong", sender: self)


使用for var i in 0..<10 {克服了错误。

ifor i in 1..<10实际上是一个重新声明ifor范围,默认为let和覆盖以前的声明。介意,不知道您的逻辑在做什么,i在循环的中间不断增加。它与循环执行的次数没有区别-

var i: Int = -1  
print("Outer scope, i=\(i)") // i=-1
for var i in 0..<10 { // Will be executed 10 times, regardless of what you do to i in the loop
    print("Inner scope, i=\(i)") // i=0...9, including all
    if i == 2 {
        i = i + 10
        print("Inner, modified i=\(i)") // i=12
print("Outer scope, i=\(i)") // i=-1

/* Complete output:
Outer scope, i=-1
Inner scope, i=0
Inner scope, i=1
Inner scope, i=2
Inner, modified i=12
Inner scope, i=3
Inner scope, i=4
Inner scope, i=5
Inner scope, i=6
Inner scope, i=7
Inner scope, i=8
Inner scope, i=9
Outer scope, i=-1

重要的一点是,Swift for i in循环 不是 C for (i=0; i<10; i++)循环。

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