stage('Approve') {
when {
expression { BRANCH_NAME ==~ /^qa[\w-_]*$/ }
input {
message "Approve release?"
ok "y"
submitter "admin"
parameters {
string(name: 'IS_APPROVED', defaultValue: 'y', description: 'Deploy to master?')
steps {
script {
if (IS_APPROVED != 'y') {
currentBuild.result = "ABORTED"
error "User cancelled"
pipeline {
// We want to use agents per stage to avoid blocking our build agents
// while we are waiting for user input.
agent none
// The question mark naming convention is helpful to show you which
// approval stage belongs to which work stage.
stage('Release?') {
// Don't allocate an agent because we don't want to block our
// slaves while waiting for user input.
agent none
when {
// You forgot the 'env.' in your example above ;)
expression { env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /^qa[\w-_]*$/ }
options {
// Optionally, let's add a timeout that we don't allow ancient
// builds to be released.
timeout time: 14, unit: 'DAYS'
steps {
// Optionally, send some notifications to the approver before
// asking for input. You can't do that with the input directive
// without using an extra stage.
slackSend ...
// The input statement has to go to a script block because we
// want to assign the result to an environment variable. As we
// want to stay as declarative as possible, we put noting but
// this into the script block.
script {
// Assign the 'DO_RELEASE' environment variable that is going
// to be used in the next stage.
env.DO_RELEASE = input ...
// In case you approved multiple pipeline runs in parallel, this
// milestone would kill the older runs and prevent deploying
// older releases over newer ones.
milestone 1
stage('Release') {
// We need a real agent, because we want to do some real work.
agent any
when {
// Evaluate the 'when' directive before allocating the agent.
beforeAgent true
// Only execute the step when the release has been approved.
environment name: 'DO_RELEASE', value: 'yes'
steps {
// Make sure that only one release can happen at a time.
lock('release') {
// As using the first milestone only would introduce a race
// condition (assume that the older build would enter the
// milestone first, but the lock second) and Jenkins does
// not support inter-stage locks yet, we need a second
// milestone to make sure that older builds don't overwrite
// newer ones.
milestone 2
// Now do the actual work here.
在Jenkins管道中,我使用构建步骤触发其他几个作业,并向其传递一些参数。除了管道之外,我在可视化我触发的不同工作时遇到了问题。我已经设置了Jenkins Delivery Pipeline插件,但是它的文档非常模糊,我只能可视化管道中的步骤,尽管用阶段和任务名称标记作业。 例子: 我在Jenkins中有两个作业作为管道/工作流作业,具有以下管道脚本: 工作坊: 作业栏: 我如何使它也显示在工作
根据Andrew Bayer的说法,您不应该向其他人注入声明性管道。将来可能会有人支持它,但可能不会。 我目前正在尝试在管道中启动一个管道,但我想知道我需要做什么才能使它工作。jenkins网页上的文档说明,如果新作业或管道与第一个作业或管道位于同一文件夹中,则可以从直接名称或绝对路径调用它。我已经尝试了所有不同的方法,目前我正在尝试一个文件的绝对路径,我刚刚检查过它一秒钟前存在,但它说它不存在。
我试图建立一个jenkins多分支管道,在docker容器中运行我的所有代码验证步骤,然后构建docker映像并将其推出docker容器。 目前,我的 Jenkinsfile 看起来有点像这样(为了便于阅读,它精简了): 这里的问题是,我使用 dockerfile 代理的每个阶段,jenkins 都会尝试重建 docker 映像。这些阶段都被缓存了,但是发送构建上下文并实际处理所有内容仍然需要比我
问题内容: 我有带有输入步骤的Jenkins管道,我想通过脚本提交此输入(单字符串参数)。到目前为止,我正在尝试使用curl,理想情况下,我将通过Python请求库发送它。这应该是一个简单的POST请求,但是使用CSRF变得棘手。我已经获得Jenkins- Crumb(在这种情况下,使用curl是在同一台机器和同一bash会话上进行的),但仍然无法发送内容… 我正在发送标头,就像在https://
问题内容: 仅在构建特定分支时,如何运行构建步骤/阶段? 例如,仅在调用分支的情况下才运行部署步骤,而其他所有都保持不变。 问题答案: 在声明性管道语法中执行相同的操作,以下是一些示例: 出现更有效的方法-https: //issues.jenkins- ci.org/browse/JENKINS-41187 另请 参阅- https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/
仅当构建特定分支时,如何运行构建步骤/阶段? 例如,仅当分支被称为时才运行部署步骤,其他操作保持不变。