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04 基本概念



A PHP program consists of one or more source files, known formally as scripts.

 script   script-section

   textopt start-tag statement-listopt end-tagopt textopt



  arbitrary text not containing any of start-tag sequences

All of the sections in a script are treated as though they belonged to one continuous section, except that any intervening text is treated as though it were a string literal given to the intrinsic echo.

A script can import another script via a script inclusion operator.

statement-list is defined in statements section.

The top level of a script is simply referred to as the top level.

If <?= is used as the start-tag, the Engine proceeds as if the statement-list started with echo statement.

Program Start-Up

A program begins execution at the start of a script designated in some unspecified manner. This script is called the start-up script.

Once a program is executing, it has access to certain environmental information, which may include:

  • The number of command-line arguments, via the predefined variable $argc.
  • A series of one or more command-line arguments as strings, via the predefined variable $argv.
  • A series of environment variable names and their definitions.

The exact set of the environment variables available is implementation-defined and can vary depending on the type and build of the Engine and the environment in which it executes.

When a top level is the main entry point for a script, it gets the global variable scope. When a top level is invoked via include/require, it inherits the variable scope of its caller. Thus, when looking at one script's top level in isolation, it's not possible to tell statically whether it will have the global variable scope or some local variable scope. It depends on how the script is invoked and it depends on the runtime state of the program when it's invoked.

The implementation may accept more than one start-up script, in which case they are executed in implementation-defined order and share the global environment.


A program may terminate normally in the following ways:

  • Execution reaches the end of the start-up script. In case of the multiple start-up scripts, the execution reaches the end of the last of them.
  • A return statement in the top level of the last start-up script is executed.
  • The intrinsic exit is called explicitly.

The behavior of the first two cases is equivalent to corresponding calls to exit.

A program may terminate abnormally under various circumstances, such as the detection of an uncaught exception, or the lack of memory or other critical resource. If execution reaches the end of the start-up script via a fatal error, or via an uncaught exception and there is no uncaught exception handler registered by set_exception_handler, that is equivalent to exit(255). If execution reaches the end of the start-up script via an uncaught exception and an uncaught exception handler was registered by set_exception_handler, that is equivalent to exit(0). It is unspecified whether object destructors are run. In all other cases, the behavior is unspecified.


PHP script files can incorporate data which is to be ignored by the Engine when compiling the script. An example of such files are PHAR files.

In order to make the Engine ignore all the data in the script file starting from certain point, __halt_compiler(); construct is used. This construct is not case-sensitive.

The __halt_compiler(); construct can only appear on the top level of the script. The Engine will ignore all text following this construct.

The value of the __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ constant is set to the byte offset immediately following the ; character in the construct.


// open this file
$fp = fopen(__FILE__, 'r');

// seek file pointer to data
fseek($fp, __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__);

// and output it

// the end of the script execution
__halt_compiler(); the file data which will be ignored by the Engine

The Memory Model


This section and those immediately following it describe the abstract memory model used by PHP for storing variables. A conforming implementation may use whatever approach is desired as long as from any testable viewpoint it appears to behave as if it follows this abstract model. The abstract model makes no explicit or implied restrictions or claims about performance, memory consumption, and machine resource usage.

The abstract model presented here defines three kinds of abstract memory locations:

  • A variable slot (VSlot) is used to represent a variable named by the programmer in the source code, such as a local variable, an array element, an instance property of an object, or a static property of a class. A VSlot comes into being based on explicit usage of a variable in the source code. A VSlot contains a pointer to a VStore.
  • A value storage location (VStore) is used to represent a program value, and is created by the Engine as needed. A VStore can contain a scalar value such as an integer or a Boolean, or it can contain a handle pointing to an HStore.
  • A heap storage location (HStore) is used to represent the contents of a composite value, and is created by the Engine as needed. HStore is a container which contains VSlots.

Each existing variable has its own VSlot, which at any time points to a VStore. A VSlot can be changed to point to different VStores over time. Multiple VSlots may simultaneously point to the same VStore. When a new VSlot is created, a new VStore is also created and the VSlot is initially set to point to the new VStore.

A VStore can be changed to contain different values over time. Multiple VStores may simultaneously contain handles that point to the same HStore. When a VStore is created it initially contains the value NULL unless specified otherwise. In addition to containing a value, VStores also carry a type tag that indicates the type of the VStore's value. A VStore's type tag can be changed over time. The tags for the values include types matching the Engine types, and may include other tags defined by the implementation, provided that these tags are not exposed to the user.

An HStore represents the contents of a composite value, and it may contain zero or more VSlots. At run time, the Engine may add new VSlots and it may remove and destroy existing VSlots as needed to support adding/removing array elements (for arrays) and to support adding/removing instance properties (for objects). HStores support access to VSlots contained in them by integer or case-sensitive string keys. The exact manner of how VSlots are stored and managed within the HStore is unspecified.

HStore may contain other information besides VSlots. For example, HStore for objects also contains information about object's class. The implementation may also add other information to HStore as needed.

An HStore's VSlots (i.e., the VSlots contained within the HStore) point to VStores, and each VStore contains a scalar value or a handle to an HStore, and so on through arbitrary levels, allowing arbitrarily complex data structures to be represented. For example, a singly linked list might consist of a variable called $root, which is represented by a VSlot pointing to a VStore containing a handle to the first node. Each node is represented by an HStore that contains the data for that node in one or more VSlots, as well as a VSlot pointing to VStore containing a handle to the next node. Similarly, a binary tree might consist of a variable called $root, which is represented by a VSlot pointing to a VStore containing a handle to the root node. Each node is represented by an HStore that contains the data for that node in one or more VSlots, as well as a pair of VSlots pointing to VStores containing the handles to the left and right branch nodes. The leaves of the tree would be VStores or HStores, as needed.

VSlots cannot contain pointers to VSlots or handles to HStores. VStores cannot contain pointers to VSlots or VStores. HStores cannot directly contain any pointers or handles to any abstract memory location; HStores can only directly contain VSlots.

Here is an example demonstrating one possible arrangement of VSlots, VStores, and HStores:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *]]
                                                           |            |
                                                           V            V
                                                      [VStore int 1]  [VStore int 3]

In this picture the VSlot in the upper left corner represents the variable $a, and it points to a VStore that represents $a's current value, which is a object. This VStore contains a handle pointing to an HStore which represents the contents of an object of type Point with two instance properties $x and $y. The HStore contains two VSlots representing instance properties $x and $y, and each of these VSlots points to a distinct VStore which contains an integer value.

Even though resources are not classified as scalar values, for the purposes of the memory model they are assumed to behave like scalar values, while the scalar value is assumed to be the the resource descriptor.

Implementation Notes: php.net's implementation can be mapped roughly onto the abstract memory model as follows: zval pointer => VSlot, zval => VStore, HashTable => HStore, and zend_object/zend_object_handlers => HStore. Note, however, that the abstract memory model is not intended to exactly match the php.net implementation's model, and for generality and simplicity there are some superficial differences between the two models.

For most operations, the mapping between VSlots and VStores remains the same. Only the following program constructs can change a VSlot to point to different VStore, all of which are byRef-aware operations and all of which (except unset) use the & punctuator:

Reclamation and Automatic Memory Management

The Engine is required to manage the lifetimes of VStores and HStores using some form of automatic memory management. In particular, when a VStore or HStore is created, memory is allocated for it.

Later, if a VStore or HStore becomes unreachable through any existing VSlot, they become eligible for reclamation to release the memory they occupy. The engine may reclaim a VStore or HStore at any time between when it becomes eligible for reclamation and the end of the script execution.

Before reclaiming an HStore that represents an object, the Engine should invoke the object's destructor if one is defined.

The Engine must reclaim each VSlot when the storage duration of its corresponding variable ends, when the variable is explicitly unset by the programmer, or when the script exits, whichever comes first. In the case where a VSlot is contained within an HStore, the engine must immediately reclaim the VSlot when it is explicitly unset by the programmer, when the containing HStore is reclaimed, or when the script exits, whichever comes first.

The precise form of automatic memory management used by the Engine is unspecified, which means that the time and order of the reclamation of VStores and HStores is unspecified.

A VStore's refcount is defined as the number of unreclaimed VSlots that point to that VStore. Because the precise form of automatic memory management is not specified, a VStore's refcount at a given time may differ between conforming implementations due to VSlots, VStores, and HStores being reclaimed at different times. Despite the use of the term refcount, conforming implementations are not required to use a reference counting-based implementation for automatic memory management.

In some pictures below, storage-location boxes are shown as (dead). For a VStore or an HStore this indicates that the VStore or HStore is no longer reachable through any variable and is eligible for reclamation. For a VSlot, this indicates that the VSlot has been reclaimed or, in the case of a VSlot contained with an HStore, that the containing HStore has been reclaimed or is eligible for reclamation.



This section and those immediately following it describe the abstract model's implementation of value assignment and byRef assignment. Value assignment of non-array types to local variables is described first, followed by byRef assignment with local variables, followed by value assignment of array types to local variables, and ending with value assignment with complex left-hand side expressions, and byRef assignment with complex expressions on the left- or right-hand side.

Value assignment and byRef assignment are core to the PHP language, and many other operations in this specification are described in terms of value assignment and byRef assignment.

Value Assignment of Scalar Types to a Local Variable

Value assignment is the primary means by which the programmer can create local variables. If a local variable that appears on the left-hand side of value assignment does not exist, the engine will bring a new local variable into existence and create a VSlot and initial VStore for storing the local variable's value.

Consider the following example of value assignment of scalar values to local variables:

$a = 123;

$b = false;
[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore int 123]

[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore bool false]

Variable $a comes into existence and is represented by a newly created VSlot pointing to a newly created VStore. Then the integer value 123 is written to the VStore. Next, $b comes into existence represented by a VSlot and corresponding VStore, and the Boolean value false is written to the VStore.

Next consider the value assignment $b = $a:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore int 123]

[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore int 123]

The integer value 123 is read from $a's VStore and is written into $b's VStore, overwriting its previous contents. As we can see, the two variables are completely independent, each has its own VStore containing the integer value 123. Value assignment reads the contents of one VStore and overwrites the contents of the other VStore, but the relationship of VSlots to VStores remains unchanged. Changing the value of $b has no effect on $a, and vice versa.

Using literals or arbitrarily complex expressions on the right hand side of value assignment value works the same as it does for variables, except that the literals or expressions don't have their own VSlots or VStores. The scalar value or handle produced by the literal or expression is written into the VStore of the left hand side, overwriting its previous contents.

Implementation Notes: For simplicity, the abstract model's definition of value assignment never changes the mapping from VSlots to VStores. However, the conforming implementation is not required to actually keep separate memory allocations for both variables, it is only required to behave as if they were independent, e.g. writes to one VStore should not change the content of another.

For example, the php.net implementation's model, which in some cases will set two variable slots to point to the same zval when performing value assignment, produces the same observable behavior as the abstract model presented here.

To illustrate the semantics of value assignment further, consider ++$b:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore int 123]

[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore int 124 (123 was overwritten)]

Now consider $a = 99:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore int 99 (123 was overwritten)]

[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore int 124]

In both of these examples, one variable's value is changed without affecting the other variable's value. While the above examples only demonstrate value assignment for integer and Boolean values, the same mechanics apply for all scalar types.

Note that as string values are scalar values, the model assumes the whole string representation, including string characters and its length, is contained within the VStore. This means that the model assumes whole string data is copied when the string is assigned.

$a = 'gg';

$b = $a;
[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore string 'gg']

[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore string 'gg']

$a's string value and $b's string values are distinct from each other, and mutating $a's string will not affect $b. Consider ++$b, for example:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore string 'gg']

[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore string 'gh']

Implementation Notes: The conforming implementation may use an actual representation where string characters are stored outside the structure representing the VStore and are not copied immediately on assignment, for performance reasons. Applications in PHP are often written to assume that value assignment of strings is a rather inexpensive operation. Thus, it is common for an implementation to use a deferred copy mechanism to reduce the cost of value assignment for strings. Deferred copy mechanisms work by not copying a string during value assignment and instead allowing multiple variables to share the string's contents indefinitely until a mutating operation (such as the increment operator) is about to be executed on the string, at which time some or all of the string's contents are copied. A conforming implementation may choose to defer copying a string's contents for value assignment so long as it has no observable effect on behavior from any testable viewpoint (excluding performance and resource consumption).

Value Assignment of Objects to a Local Variable

To demonstrate value assignment of objects to local variables, consider the case in which we have a Point class that supports a two-dimensional Cartesian system. An instance of Point contains two instance properties, $x and $y, that store the x- and y-coordinates, respectively. A constructor call of the form Point(x, y) used with operator new creates a new point at the given location, and a method call of the form move(newX, newY) moves a Point to the new location.

With the Point class, let us consider the value assignment $a = new Point(1, 3):

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *]]
                                                           |            |
                                                           V            V
                                                      [VStore int 1]  [VStore int 3]

Variable $a is given its own VSlot, which points to a VStore that contains a handle pointing to an HStore allocated by new and that is initialized by Point's constructor.

Now consider the value assignment $b = $a:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *]]
                                     ^                     |            |
                                     |                     V            V
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore object *]-----+             [VStore int 1] [VStore int 3]

$b's VStore contains a handle that points to the same object as does $a's VStore's handle. Note that the Point object itself was not copied, and note that $a's and $b's VSlots point to distinct VStores.

Let's modify the value of the Point whose handle is stored in $b using $b->move(4, 6):

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *]]
                                     ^                     |            |
                                     |                     V            V
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore object *]-----+            [VStore int 4] [VStore int 6]
                                       (1 was overwritten) (3 was overwritten)

As we can see, changing $b's Point changes $a's as well.

Now, let's make $a point to a different object using $a = new Point(2, 1):

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *]]
                                                           |            |
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore object *]-----+                     V            V
                                     |             [VStore int 2] [VStore int 1]
                                   [HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *]]
                                                           |            |
                                                           V            V
                                                   [VStore int 4] [VStore int 6]

Before $a can take on the handle of the new Point, its handle to the old Point must be removed, which leaves the handles of $a and $b pointing to different Points.

We can remove all these handles using $a = NULL and $b = NULL:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore null]    [HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *] (dead)]
                                                        |            |
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore null]    [VStore int 2 (dead)]&lt;--+            V
                                                          [VStore int 1 (dead)]

                                [HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *] (dead)]
                                                        |            |
                                [VStore int 4 (dead)]&lt;--+            V
                                                        [VStore int 6 (dead)]

By assigning null to $a, we remove the only handle to Point(2,1) which makes that object eligible for destruction. A similar thing happens with $b, as it too is the only handle to its Point.

Although the examples above only show with only two instance properties, the same mechanics apply for value assignment of all object types, even though they can have an arbitrarily large number of instance properties of arbitrary type. Likewise, the same mechanics apply to value assignment of all resource types.

ByRef Assignment for Scalar Types with Local Variables

Let's begin with the same value assignment as in the previous section, $a = 123 and $b = false:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore int 123]

[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore bool false]

Now consider the byRef assignment $b =& $a, which has byRef semantics:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore int 123]
[VSlot $b *]-----+     [VStore bool false (dead)]

In this example, byRef assignment changes $b's VSlot point to the same VStore that $a's VSlot points to. The old VStore that $b's VSlot used to point to is now unreachable.

When multiple variables' VSlots point to the same VStore, the variables are said to be aliases of each other or they are said to have an alias relationship. In the example above, after the byRef assignment executes the variables $a and $b will be aliases of each other.

Note that even though in the assignment $b =& $a the variable $b is on the left and $a is on the right, after becoming aliases they are absolutely symmetrical and equal in their relation to the VStore.

When we change the value of $b using ++$b the result is:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore int 124 (123 was overwritten)]
[VSlot $b *]-----+

$b's value, which is stored in the VStore that $b's VSlot points, is changed to 124. And as that VStore is also aliased by $a's VSlot, the value of $a is also 124. Indeed, any variable's VSlot that is aliased to that VStore will have the value 124.

Now consider the value assignment $a = 99:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore int 99 (124 was overwritten)]
[VSlot $b *]-----+

The alias relationship between $a and $b can be broken explicitly by using unset on variable $a or variable $b. For example, consider unset($a):

[VSlot $a (dead)]      [VStore int 99]
[VSlot $b *]-------------+

Unsetting $a causes variable $a to be destroyed and its link to the VStore to be removed, leaving $b's VSlot as the only pointer remaining to the VStore.

Other operations can also break an alias relationship between two or more variables. For example, $a = 123 and $b =& $a, and $c = 'hi':

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore int 123]
[VSlot $b *]-----+

[VSlot $c *]-->[VStore string 'hi']

After the byRef assignment, $a and $b now have an alias relationship. Next, let's observe what happens for $b =& $c:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore int 123]

[VSlot $b *]-----+
[VSlot $c *]-->[VStore string 'hi']

As we can see, the byRef assignment above breaks the alias relationship between $a and $b, and now $b and $c are aliases of each other. When byRef assignment changes a VSlot to point to a different VStore, it breaks any existing alias relationship the left hand side variable had before the assignment operation.

It is also possible to use byRef assignment to make three or more VSlots point to the same VStore. Consider the following example:

$b =& $a;
$c =& $b;
$a = 123;
[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore int 123]
                 ^   ^
                 |   |
[VSlot $b *]-----+   |
[VSlot $c *]---------+

Like value assignment, byRef assignment provides a means for the programmer to create variables. If the local variables that appear on the left- or right-hand side of byRef assignment do not exist, the engine will bring new local variables into existence and create a VSlot and initial VStore for storing the local variable's value.

Note that literals, constants, and other expressions that don't designate a modifiable lvalue cannot be used on the left- or right-hand side of byRef assignment.

ByRef Assignment of Non-Scalar Types with Local Variables

ByRef assignment of non-scalar types works using the same mechanism as byRef assignment for scalar types. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to describe a few examples to clarify the semantics of byRef assignment. Recall the example using the Point class:

$a = new Point(1, 3);

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *]]
                                                           |            |
                                                           V            V
                                                  [VStore int 1]  [VStore int 3]

Now consider the byRef assignment $b =& $a, which has byRef semantics:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *][VSlot $y *]]
                 ^                                         |           |
                 |                                         V           V
[VSlot $b *]-----+                                  [VStore int 1] [VStore int 3]

$a and $b now aliases of each other. Note that byRef assignment produces a different result than $b = $a where $a and $b would point to distinct VStores pointing to the same HStore.

Let's modify the value of the Point aliased by $a using $a->move(4, 6):

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *] VSlot $y *]]
                 ^                                         |           |
                 |                                         V           V
[VSlot $b *]-----+                              [VStore int 4] [VStore int 6]
                                        (1 was overwritten) (3 was overwritten)

Now, let's change $a itself using the value assignment $a = new Point(2, 1):

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *][VSlot $y *]]
                 ^                                         |           |
                 |                                         V           V
[VSlot $b *]-----+                                [VStore int 2] [VStore int 1]

                               [HStore Point [VSlot $x *]   [VSlot $y *] (dead)]
                                                       |              |
                                                       V              V
                                     [VStore int 4 (dead)] [VStore int 6 (dead)]

As we can see, $b continues to have an alias relationship with $a. Here's what's involved in that assignment: $a and $b's VStore's handle pointing to Point(4,6) is removed, Point(2,1) is created, and $a and $b's VStore is overwritten to contain a handle pointing to that new Point. As there are now no VStores pointing to Point(4,6), it can be destroyed.

We can remove these aliases using unset($a, $b):

[VSlot $a (dead)]       [HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *] (dead)]
                                                |            |
                                                V            V
[VSlot $b (dead)]             [VStore int 2 (dead)]  [VStore int 1 (dead)]

Once all the aliases to the VStores are gone, the VStores can be destroyed, in which case, there are no more pointers to the HStore, and it can be destoyed too.

Value Assignment of Array Types to Local Variables

The semantics of value assignment of array types is different from value assignment of other types. Recall the Point class from the examples, and consider the following value assignments and their abstract implementation:

$a = array(10, 'B' => new Point(1, 3));

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore array *]-->[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 'B' *]]
                                                         |             |
                                                         V             V
                                               [VStore int 10]   [VStore Obj *]
                                [HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *]]&lt;----+
                                                        |            |
                                                        V            V
                                            [VStore int 1]  [VStore int 3]

In the example above, $a's VStore is initialized to contain a handle to an HStore for an array containing two elements, where one element is an integer and the other is a handle to an HStore for an object.

Now consider the following value assignment $b = $a. A conforming implementation must implement value assignment of arrays in one of the following ways: (1) eager copying, where the implementation makes a copy of $a's array during value assignment and changes $b's VSlot to point to the copy; or (2) deferred copying, where the implementation uses a deferred copy mechanism that meets certain requirements. This section describes eager copying, and the section that immediately follows describes deferred copying.

To describe the semantics of eager copying, let's begin by considering the value assignment $b = $a:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore array *]-->[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 'B' *]]
                                                         |             |
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore array *]                          V             V
                             |                  [VStore int 10]  [VStore object *]
                             V                                                  |
[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 'B' *]]                                        |
                       |             |                                          |
             +---------+   +---------+                                          |
             V             V                                                    |
[VStore int 10] [VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *]]&lt;---+
                                                            |            |
                                                            V            V
                                                 [VStore int 1]  [VStore int 3]

The value assignment $b = $a made a copy of $a's array. Note how $b's VSlot points to a different VStore than $a's VSlot, and $b's VStore points to a different HStore than $a's VStore. Each source array element is copied using member-copy assignment =*, which is defined as follows:

   $destination =* $source
  • If $source's VStore has a refcount equal to 1, the Engine copies the array element using value assignment (destination = $source).
  • If $source's VStore has a refcount that is greater than 1, the Engine uses an implementation-defined algorithm to decide whether to copy the element using value assignment ($destination = $source) or byRef assignment ($destination =& $source).

Note the member-copy assignment =* is not an operator or a language construct in the PHP language, but instead it is used in this text to describe behavior for the engine for array copying and other operations.

For the particular example above, member-copy assignment exhibits the same semantics as value assignment for all conforming implementations because all of the array elements' VStores have a refcount equal to 1. The first element VSlots in $a's array and $b's array point to distinct VStores, each of which contain a distinct copy of the integer value 10. The second element VSlots in $a's array and $b's array point to distinct VStores, each of which contain a handle to the same object HStore.

Let's consider another example:

$x = 123;
$a = array(array(&$x, 'hi'));
$b = $a;

Eager copying can produce two possible outcomes depending on the implementation. Here is the first possible outcome:

[VSlot $a *]---->[VStore array *]---->[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *]]
[VSlot $x *]-------------------------+   [VStore array *]&lt;---+
                                     |                 |
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore array *]      |                 V
                             |       |  [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *][VSlot 1 *]]
                             V       |                         |          |
         [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *]]  |                         V          |
                                |    +---------------->[VStore int 123]   |
                                V                          ^              V
                     [VStore array *]                      |   [VStore string 'hi']
                                   |        +--------------+
                                   V        |
                     [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]]
                                                     [VStore string 'hi']

Here is the second possible outcome:

[VSlot $a *]---->[VStore array *]---->[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *]]
[VSlot $x *]-------------------------+  [VStore array *]&lt;----+
                                     |                |
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore array *]      |                V
                             |       |  [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]]
                             V       |                         |           |
         [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *]]  |                         V           |
                                |    +---------------->[VStore int 123]    |
                                V                                          V
                     [VStore array *]                            [VStore string 'hi']
                    [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]]
                                           |           |
                                           V           V
                                  [VStore int 123]  [VStore string 'hi']

In both possible outcomes, value assignment with eager copying makes a copy of $a's array, copying the array's single element using member-copy assignment (which in this case will exhibit the same semantics of value assignment for all implementations), which in turn makes a copy of the inner array inside $a's array, copying the inner array's elements using member-copy assignment. The inner array's first element VSlot points to a VStore that has a refcount that is greater than 1, so an implementation-defined algorithm is used to decide whether to use value assignment or byRef assignment. The first possible outcome shown above demonstrates what happens if the implementation chooses to do byRef assignment, and the second possible outcome shown above demonstrates what happens if the implementation chooses to do value assignment. The inner array's second element VSlot points to a VStore that has a refcount equal to 1, so value assignment is used to copy the inner array's second element for all conforming implementations that use eager copying.

Although the examples in this section only use arrays with one element or two elements, the model works equally well for all arrays even though they can have an arbitrarily large number of elements. As to how an HStore accommodates all of them, is unspecified and unimportant to the abstract model.

Deferred Array Copying

As mentioned in the previous section, an implementation may choose to use a deferred copy mechanism instead of eagerly making a copy for value assignment of arrays. An implementation may use any deferred copy mechanism desired so long as it conforms to the abstract model's description of deferred array copy mechanisms presented in this section.

Because an array's contents can be arbitrarily large, eagerly copying an array's entire contents for value assignment can be expensive. In practice an application written in PHP may rely on value assignment of arrays being relatively inexpensive for the common case (in order to deliver acceptable performance), and as such it is common for an implementation to use a deferred array copy mechanism in order to reduce the cost of value assignment for arrays.

Unlike conforming deferred string copy mechanisms discussed before that must produce the same observable behavior as eager string copying, deferred array copy mechanisms are allowed in some cases to exhibit observably different behavior than eager array copying. Thus, for completeness this section describes how deferred array copies can be modeled in the abstract memory model and how conforming deferred array copy mechanisms must behave.

Conforming deferred array copy mechanisms work by not making an array copy during value assignment, by allowing the destination VStore to share an array HStore with the source VStore, and by making a copy of the array HStore at a later time if or when it is necessary. The abstract model represents a deferred array copy relationship by marking the destination VStore with a special “Arr-D” type tag and by sharing the same array HStore between the source and destination VStores. Note that the source VStore's type tag remains unchanged. For the purposes of this abstract model, the “Arr-D” type tag is considered identical to the array type in all respects except when specified otherwise.

To illustrate this, let's see how the previous example would be represented under the abstract model assuming the implementation defers the copying the array:

$x = 123;
$a = array(array(&$x, 'hi'));
$b = $a;
[VSlot $a *]--->[VStore array *]--->[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *]]
                                      ^                    |
                                      | [VStore array *]&lt;--+
[VSlot $b *]--->[VStore Arr-D *]------+               |
                                        [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]]
                                                               |           |
                                                               V           |
[VSlot $x *]------------------------------------------>[VStore int 123]    |
                                                               [VStore string 'hi']

As we can see, both $a's VStore (the source VStore) and $b's VStore (the destination VStore) point to the same array HStore. Note the asymmetric nature of how deferred array copies are represented in the abstract model. In the above example the source VStore's type tag remains unchanged after value assignment, whereas the destination VStore's type tag was changed to “Arr-D”.

When the engine is about to perform an array-mutating operation on a VStore tagged “Arr” that participates in a deferred array copy relationship or on a VStore tagged “Arr-D”, the engine must first take certain actions that involve making a copy of the array (described in the next paragraph) before performing the array-mutating operation. An array-mutating operation is any operation can add or remove array elements, overwrite existing array elements, change the state of the array's internal cursor, or cause the refcount of one or more of the array's element VStores or subelement VStores to increase from 1 to a value greater than 1. This requirement to take certain actions before performing an array-mutation operation on a VStore participating in a deferred array copy relationship is commonly referred to as the copy-on-write requirement.

When an array-mutating operation is about to be performed on a given VStore X with an “array” type tag that participates in a deferred array copy relationship, the engine must find all of the VStores tagged “Arr-D” that point to the same array HStore that VStore X points to, make a copy of the array (using member-copy assignment to copy the array's elements, and update all of these VStores tagged “Arr-D” to point to the newly created copy (note that VStore X remains unchanged). When an array-mutation operation is about to be performed on a given VStore X with an “Arr-D” type tag, the engine must make a copy of the array, update VStore X to point to the newly created copy, and change VStore X's type tag to “array”. These specific actions that the engine must perform on VStore at certain times to satisfy the copy-on-write requirement are collectively referred to as array-separation or array-separating the VStore. An array-mutation operation is said to trigger an array-separation.

Note that for any VStore with an “array” type tag that participates in a deferred array copy relationship, or for any VStore with an “Arr-D” type tag, a conforming implementation may choose to array-separate the VStore at any time for any reason as long as the copy-on-write requirement is upheld.

Continuing with the previous example, consider the array-mutating operation $b[1]++. Depending on the implementation, this can produce one of three possible outcomes. Here is the one of the possible outcomes:

[VSlot $a *]---->[VStore array *]---->[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *]]
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore array *]            [VStore Arr *]&lt;---+
                             |                         |
      +----------------------+              +----------+
      V                                     V
  [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]]  [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]]
                         |           |       ^                   |           |
                         |           V       |                   V           |
                         |   [VStore int 1]  |            [VStore int 123]   |
                         V                   |             ^                 V
                       [VStore Arr-D *]------+             |   [VStore string 'hi']
 [VSlot $x *]----------------------------------------------+

As we can see in the outcome shown above, $b's VStore was array-separated and now $a's VStore and $b's VStore point to distinct array HStores. Performing array-separation on $b's VStore was necessary to satisfy the copy-on-write requirement. $a's array remains unchanged and that $x and $a[0][0] still have an alias relationship with each other. For this particular example, conforming implementations are required to preserve $a's array's contents and to preserve the alias relationship between $x and $a[0][0]. Finally, note that $a[0] and $b[0] have a deferred copy relationship with each other in the outcome shown above. For this particular example, a conforming implementation is not required to array-separate $b[0]'s VStore, and the outcome shown above demonstrates what happens when $b[0]'s VStore is not array-separated. However, an implementation can choose to array-separate $b[0]'s VStore at any time if desired. The other two possible outcomes shown below demonstrate what can possibly happen if the implementation choose to array-separate $b[0]'s VStore as well. Here is the second possible outcome:

[VSlot $a *]---->[VStore array *]---->[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *]]
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore array *]          [VStore array *]&lt;---+
                             |                         |
                             V                         V
  [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]]  [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]]
                         |           |                           |           |
       +-----------------+           V                           |           |
       |                     [VStore int 1]                 +----+           |
       V                                                    |                V
  [VStore Arr-D *]-->[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]] | [VStore string 'hi']
                                            |           |   |
                                    +-------+           |   |
                                    |                   V   |
                                    | [VStore string 'hi']  |
                                    V                       |
 [VSlot $x *]--------------------->[VStore int 123]&lt;--------+

Here is the third possible outcome:

[VSlot $a *]---->[VStore array *-]---->[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *]]
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore array *]           [VStore array *]&lt;---+
                             |                          |
                             V                          V
 [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]]  [HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]]
                        |           |                           |           |
       +----------------+           V                           |           |
       |                     [VStore int 1]                  +--+           |
       V                                                     |              V
   [VStore Arr-D *]-->[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *] [VSlot 1 *]] | [VStore string 'hi']
                                             |           |   |
                     [VStore int 123]&lt;-------+           |   |
                                                         V   |
                                       [VStore string 'hi']  |
 [VSlot $x *]--------------------->[VStore int 123]&lt;---------+

The second and third possible outcomes show what can possibly happen if the implementation chooses to array-separate $b[0]'s VStore. In the second outcome, $b[0][0] has an alias relationship with $x and $a[0][0]. In the third outcome, $b[0][0] does not have an alias relationship, though $x and $a[0][0] still have an alias relationship with each other. The differences between the second and third outcome are reflect that different possibilities when the engine uses member-copy assignment to copy $a[0]'s arrays's elements into $b[0]'s array.

Finally, let's briefly consider one more example:

$x = 0;
$a = array(&$x);
$b = $a;
$x = 2;
echo $a[0], ' ', $b[0];

For the example above, a conforming implementation could output “2 1”, “2 3”, or “3 3” depending on how it implements value assignment for arrays.

For portability, it is generally recommended that programs written in PHP should avoid performing value assignment with a right-hand side that is an array with one or more elements or sub-elements that have an alias relationship.

Implementation Notes: For generality and for simplicity, the abstract model represents deferred array copy mechanisms in a manner that is more open-ended and superficially different than the php.net implementation's model, which uses a symmetric deferred copy mechanism where a single zval contains the sole pointer to a given Hashtable and deferred array copies are represented as multiple slots pointing to the same single zval that holds the array. Despite this superficial difference, php.net's implementation produces behavior that is compatible with the abstract model's definition of deferred array copy mechanisms.

General Value Assignment

The sections above thus far have described the mechanics of value assignment to a local variable. The assignment to a modifiable lvalue that is not a variable, such as array element or object property, works like the local variable assignment, except that the VSlot which represented a variable is replaced by a VSlot that represents the target lvalue. If necessary, such VSlot is created.

For example, assuming Point definition as in previous sections and further assuming all instance properties are public, this code:

$a = new Point(1, 3);
$b = 123;
$a->x = $b;

Will result in:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *]]
                                                           |            |
                                                           V            V
                                                  [VStore int 123] [VStore int 3]
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore int 123]

If needed, new VSlots are created as part of the containing VStore, for example:

$a = new Point(1, 3);
$b = 123;
$a->z = $b;

Will result in:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *] [VSlot $z *]]
                                                           |            |            |
                                                           V            V            V
                                                  [VStore int 1] [VStore int 3] [VStore int 123]
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore int 123]

The same holds for array elements:

$a = array('hello', 'world');
$b = 'php';
$a[1] = $b;
$a[2] = 'World!';

Will result in:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore array *]-->[HStore Array [VSlot 0 *]  [VSlot 1 *]  [VSlot 2 *]]
                                                         |            |            |
                                                         V            V            V
                                    [VStore string 'hello'] [VStore string 'php'] [VStore string 'World!']
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore string 'php']

Where the third VSlot with index 2 was created by the assignment.

Note that any array element and instance property, including a designation of non-existing ones, is considered a modifiable lvalue, and the VSlot will be created by the engine and added to the appropriate HStore automatically. Static class properties are considered modifiable lvalues too, though new ones would not be created automatically.

General ByRef Assignment

The sections above thus far have described the mechanics of byref assignment with local variables. The byRef assignment to a modifiable lvalue that is not a variable, such as array element or object property, works like the local variable assignment, except that the VSlot which represented a variable is replaced by a VSlot that represents the target lvalue. If necessary, such VSlot is created and added to the corresponding HStore.

For example:

$a = new Point(1, 3);
$b = 123;
$a->z =& $b;

Will result in:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Point [VSlot $x *] [VSlot $y *] [VSlot $z *]]
                                                           |            |            |
                                                           V            V            |
                                                  [VStore int 1] [VStore int 3]      |
[VSlot $b *]---------------->[VStore int 123]&lt;---------------------------------------+

Argument Passing

Argument passing is defined in terms of simple assignment or byRef assignment, depending on how the parameter is declared. That is, passing an argument to a function having a corresponding parameter is like assigning that argument to that parameter. The function call situations involving missing arguments or undefined variable arguments are discussed in section describing the function call operator.

Value Returning

Returning a value from a function is defined in terms of simple assignment or byRef assignment, depending on how the function is declared. That is, returning a value from a function to its caller is like assigning that value to the user of the caller's return value. The function-return situations involving a missing return value are discussed in section describing the function call operator.

Note that to achieve byRef assignment semantics, both function return and assignment of the return value should be byRef. For example:

function &counter()
  static $c = 0;
  echo $c." ";
  return $c;

$cnt1 = counter();
$cnt1++; // this does not influence counter
$cnt2 =& counter();
$cnt2++; // this does influence counter

This example prints 1 2 4, since the first assignment does not produce byRef semantics even though the function return is declared byRef. If the function is not declared to return byRef, its return never produces byRef semantics, regardles of how it is assigned.

Passing function's return to another function is considered the same as assigning the value to the corresponding function's parameter, with byRef parameters treated as byRef assignments.

Cloning objects

When an object instance is allocated, operator new returns a handle that points to that object. As described above, value assignment of a handle to an object does not copy the object HStore itself. Instead, it creates a copy of the handle. The copying of the HStore itself is performed via operator clone.

To demonstrate how the clone operator works, consider the case in which an instance of class Widget contains two instance properties: $p1 has the integer value 10, and $p2 is a handle to an array of elements of some type(s) or to an instance of some other type.

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Widget [VSlot $p1 *][VSlot $p2 *]]
                                                             |            |
                                                             V            V
                                               [VStore int 10] [VStore object *]
                                                        [HStore ...]&lt;---------+

Let us consider the result of $b = clone $a:

[VSlot $a *]-->[VStore object *]-->[HStore Widget [VSlot $p1 *][VSlot $p2 *]]
                                                             |            |
[VSlot $b *]-->[VStore object *]                             V            V
                             |                  [VStore int 10] [VStore object *]
     +-----------------------+                                                 |
     V                                                                         |
   [HStore Widget [VSlot $p1 *] [VSlot $p2 *]]              +--->[HStore ...]&lt;-+
                             |             |                |
                             V             V                |
                 [VStore int 10] [VStore object *]----------+

The clone operator will create another object HStore of the same class as the original and copy $a's object's instance properties using member-copy assignment. For the example shown above, the handle to the newly created HStore stored into $b using value assignment. Note that the clone operator will not recursively clone objects held in $a's instance properties; hence the object copying performed by the clone operator is often referred to as a shallow copy. If a deep copy of an object is desired, the programmer must achieve this manually by using the method __clone which is called after the initial shallow copy has been performed.


The same name can designate different things at different places in a program. For each different thing that a name designates, that name is visible only within a part of the program called that name's scope.

There are a number of scope types that exist in PHP:

  • Variable scope - the scope which defined what unqualified variables (like $foo) are referring to. Variables defined in one variable scope are not visible in another variable scope.
  • Class scope - the scope that defines visibility of the methods and properties, and resolution of keywords like self, parent, etc. Class scope encompasses the body of that class and any classes derived from it.
  • Namespace scope - the scope that defines what unqualified and not-fully-qualified class and function names (e.g. foo() or new Bar()) refer to. Namespace scoping rules are defined in the Namespaces chapter.

For variable scopes, the following scopes can be distinguished:

  • Global scope is the topmost scope of the script, which contains global variables, including pre-defined ones and ones defined outside of any other scope.
  • Function scope, which means from the point of declaration/first initialization through to the end of that function's body.

Start-up scripts have the global variable scope. Included scripts have the variable scope matching the scope in the place where the inclusion operator was executed.

A variable declared or first initialized inside a function, has function scope; otherwise, the variable has the same variable scope as the enclosing script.

Global variables can be brought into the current scope by using global keyword. Superglobals exist in the global variable scope, however they can be also accessed in any scope; they never need explicit declaration.

Each function has its own function scope. An anonymous function has its own scope separate from that of any function inside which that anonymous function is defined.

The variable scope of a parameter is the body of the function in which the parameter is declared.

The scope of a ]named-label is the body of the function in which the label is defined.

The class scope of a class member m that is declared in, or inherited by, a class type C is the body of C.

The class scope of an interface member m that is declared in, or inherited by, an interface type I is the body of I.

When a trait is used by a class or an interface, the trait's members take on the class scope of a member of that class or interface.

Storage Duration

The lifetime of a variable is the time during program execution that storage for that variable is guaranteed to exist. This lifetime is referred to as the variable's storage duration, of which there are three kinds: automatic, static, and allocated.

A variable having automatic storage duration comes into being and is initialized at its declaration or on its first use, if it has no declaration. Its lifetime is delimited by an enclosing scope. The automatic variable's lifetime ends at the end of that scope. Automatic variables lend themselves to being stored on a stack where they can help support argument passing and recursion. Local variables, which include function parameters, have automatic storage duration.

A variable having static storage duration comes into being and is initialized before its first use, and lives until program shutdown. The following kinds of variables have static storage duration: constants, function statics, global variables, static properties, and class and interface constants.

A variable having allocated storage duration comes into being based on program logic by use of the new operator or a factory function. Ordinarily, once such storage is no longer needed, it is reclaimed automatically by the Engine via its garbage-collection process and the use of destructors. The following kinds of variables have allocated storage duration: array elements and instance properties.

Although all three storage durations have default ends-of-life, their lives can be shortened by calling the intrinsic unset, which destroys any given set of variables.

The following example demonstrates the three storage durations:

class Point { ... }

$av1 = new Point(0, 1);       // auto variable $av1 created and initialized
static $sv1 = ...;          // static variable $sv1 created and initialized

function doit($p1)
  $av2 = ...;           // auto variable $av2 created and initialized
  static $sv2 = ...;        // static variable $sv2 created and initialized
  if ($p1)
    $av3 = ...;         // auto variable $av3 created and initialized
    static $sv3 = ...;    // static variable $sv3 created and initialized
  global $av1;
  $av1 = new Point(2, 3);   // Point(0,1) is eligible for destruction
}                   // $av2 and $av3 are eligible for destruction


// At end of script, $av1, $sv1, $sv2, and $sv3 are eligible for destruction

The comments indicate the beginning and end of lifetimes for each variable. In the case of the initial allocated Point variable whose handle is stored in $av1, its life ends when $av1 is made to point to a different Point.

If function doit is called multiple times, each time it is called, its automatic variables are created and initialized, whereas its static variables retain their values from previous calls.

Consider the following recursive function:

function factorial($i)
  if ($i > 1) return $i * factorial($i - 1);
  else if ($i == 1) return $i;
  else return 0;

When factorial is first called, the local variable parameter $i is created and initialized with the value of the argument in the call. Then, if this function calls itself, the same process is repeated each call. Specifically, each time factorial calls itself, a new local variable parameter $i is created and initialized with the value of the argument in the call.

The lifetime of any VStore or HStore can be extended by the Engine as long as needed. Conceptually, the lifetime of a VStore ends when it is no longer pointed to by any VSlots. Conceptually, the lifetime of an HStore ends when no VStores have a handle to it.