客户端资源操纵测试 (OTG-CLIENT-006)



A ClientSide Resource Manipulation vulnerability is an input validation flaw that occurs when an application accepts an user controlled input which specifies the path of a resource (for example the source of an iframe, js, applet or the handler of an XMLHttpRequest). Specifically, such a vulnerability consists in the ability to control the URLs which link to some resources present in a web page. The impact may vary on the basis of the type of the element whose URL is controlled by the attacker, and it is usually adopted to conduct Cross-Site Scripting attacks.

How to Test

Such a vulnerability occurs when the application employs user controlled URLs for referencing external/internal resources. In these circumstances it is possible to interfere with the expected application's behavior in the sense of making it load and render malicious objects.

The following JavaScript code shows a possible vulnerable script in which the attacker is able to control the "location.hash" (source) which reaches the attribute "src" of a script element. This particular obviously leads XSS since an external JavaScript could be easily injected in the trusted web site.

  var d=document.createElement("script");
     d.src = location.hash.slice(1);

Specifically the attacker could target the victim by asking her to visit the following URL:


Where js.js contains:


Controlling scripts' sources is a basic example, since some other interesting and more subtle cases can take place. A widespread scenario involves the possibility to control the URL called in a CORS request; since CORS allows the target resource to be accessible by the requesting domain through a header based approach, then the attacker may ask the target page to load malicious content loaded on its own web site.

Refer to the following vulnerable code:

<b id="p"></b>
 function createCORSRequest(method, url) {
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhr.open(method, url, true);
  xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
   if (this.status == 200 && this.readyState == 4) {
     document.getElementById('p').innerHTML = this.responseText;
  return xhr;

 var xhr = createCORSRequest('GET', location.hash.slice(1));

The “location.hash” is controlled by the attacker and it is used for requesting an external resource, which will be reflected through the construct “innerHTML”. Basically the attacker could ask the victim to visit the following URL and at the same time he could craft the payload handler.

Exploit URL:

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://www.victim.com');

Black Box testing

Black box testing for Client Side Resource Manipulation is not usually performed since access to the source code is always available as it needs to be sent to the client to be executed.

Gray Box testing

Testing for Client Side Resource Manipulation vulnerabilities:
To manually check for this type of vulnerability we have to identify whether the application employs inputs without correctly validating them; these are under the control of the user which could be able to specify the url of some resources. Since there are many resources that could be included into the application (for example images, video, object, css, frames etc.), client side scripts which handle the associated URLs should be investigated for potential issues.

The following table shows the possible injection points (sink) that should be checked:

Resource TypeTag/MethodSink
AJAX Requestxhr.open(method, [url], true);URL

The most interesting ones are those that allow to an attacker to include client side code (for example JavaScript) since it could lead to an XSS vulnerabilities.

When trying to check for this kind of issues, consider that some characters are treated differently by different browsers. Moreover always consider the possibility to try absolute URLs variants as described here: http://kotowicz.net/absolute/



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