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Insert the `at` or not


PS. All blocks in this article like this word would be an option in settings

Somebody want to insert the at into inputor(textarea/contentEditable), but somebody don't.
So, maybe I can just add an optional setting, But i think there is a better way: using the tpl.

First, After v0.4.0, At.js will not insert the at anymore. But the default tpl will do it instead!
So, If you have to customize tpl or inserted_tpl and want to insert the at as well, You have to do it yourself.


Now At.js will just insert the data-value in tpl, so you can just put the at into it or remove it:

// for {at: "@"} and don't insert it.
<li data-value='${name}'>${name}</li>

// for emojis {at: ":"} and insert it.
<li data-value=':${name}:'>${name}</li>

In default tpl: <li data-value='${atwho-at}${name}'>${name}</li>, The variable: atwho-at would just be the current at. you can use it if you like. ;)

ContentEditable Mode

In contentEditable mode, At.js will just insert data-value in tpl by default too.
so if you want to customize inserted_tpl, choose to insert the at or not by yourself. For example:

// Default inserted_tpl:

// Customize and Don't insert `at`:
<div>${name}<span class="large">${title}</span></div>

// Customize and insert `at`:
<div><span class="at-class">@</span><span class="user-name">${name}</span></div>