
  Usage: mocha [debug] [options] [files]
  -V, --version                           output the version number
  -A, --async-only                        force all tests to take a callback (async) or return a promise
  -c, --colors                            force enabling of colors
  -C, --no-colors                         force disabling of colors
  -G, --growl                             enable growl notification support
  -O, --reporter-options <k=v,k2=v2,...>  reporter-specific options
  -R, --reporter <name>                   specify the reporter to use
  -S, --sort                              sort test files
  -b, --bail                              bail after first test failure
  -d, --debug                             enable node's debugger, synonym for node --debug
  -g, --grep <pattern>                    only run tests matching <pattern>
  -f, --fgrep <string>                    only run tests containing <string>
  -gc, --expose-gc                        expose gc extension
  -i, --invert                            inverts --grep and --fgrep matches
  -r, --require <name>                    require the given module
  -s, --slow <ms>                         "slow" test threshold in milliseconds [75]
  -t, --timeout <ms>                      set test-case timeout in milliseconds [2000]
  -u, --ui <name>                         specify user-interface (bdd|tdd|qunit|exports)
  -w, --watch                             watch files for changes
  --check-leaks                           check for global variable leaks
  --full-trace                            display the full stack trace
  --compilers <ext>:<module>,...          use the given module(s) to compile files
  --debug-brk                             enable node's debugger breaking on the first line
  --globals <names>                       allow the given comma-delimited global [names]
  --es_staging                            enable all staged features
  --file <file>                           include a file to be ran during the suite [file]
  --harmony<_classes,_generators,...>     all node --harmony* flags are available
  --preserve-symlinks                     Instructs the module loader to preserve symbolic links when resolving and caching modules
  --icu-data-dir                          include ICU data
  --inline-diffs                          display actual/expected differences inline within each string
  --inspect                               activate devtools in chrome
  --inspect-brk                           activate devtools in chrome and break on the first line
  --interfaces                            display available interfaces
  --no-deprecation                        silence deprecation warnings
  --exit                                  force shutdown of the event loop after test run: mocha will call process.exit
  --no-timeouts                           disables timeouts, given implicitly with --debug
  --no-warnings                           silence all node process warnings
  --opts <path>                           specify opts path
  --perf-basic-prof                       enable perf linux profiler (basic support)
  --napi-modules                          enable experimental NAPI modules
  --prof                                  log statistical profiling information
  --log-timer-events                      Time events including external callbacks
  --recursive                             include sub directories
  --reporters                             display available reporters
  --retries <times>                       set numbers of time to retry a failed test case
  --throw-deprecation                     throw an exception anytime a deprecated function is used
  --trace                                 trace function calls
  --trace-deprecation                     show stack traces on deprecations
  --trace-warnings                        show stack traces on node process warnings
  --use_strict                            enforce strict mode
  --watch-extensions <ext>,...            additional extensions to monitor with --watch
  --delay                                 wait for async suite definition
  --allow-uncaught                        enable uncaught errors to propagate
  --forbid-only                           causes test marked with only to fail the suite
  --forbid-pending                        causes pending tests and test marked with skip to fail the suite
  -h, --help                              output usage information
  init <path>  initialize a client-side mocha setup at <path>

-w, --watch


--exit / --no-exit

在Mocha v4.0.0中更新

版本v4.0.0 之前默认情况下,一旦完成执行所有测试,Mocha将强制其自己的进程退出。这种行为会带来一系列潜在问题; 它表示测试(或固定装置,线束,被测代码等),这些测试不能在自身正常后进行清理。最终,“脏”测试可以(但不总是)导致假阳性假阴性结果。






在Mocha v4.0.0中更新

--compilers自Mocha v4.0.0起已弃用。请参阅进一步的解释和解决方法

CoffeeScript is no longer supported out of the box. CS and similar transpilers may be used by mapping the file extensions (for use with --watch) and the module name. For example --compilers coffee:coffee-script with CoffeeScript 1.6- or --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register with CoffeeScript 1.7+.

About Babel

If your ES6 modules have extension .js, you can npm install --save-dev babel-register and use mocha --require babel-register; --compilers is only necessary if you need to specify a file extension.

-b, --bail

Only interested in the first exception? use --bail!

-d, --debug

Enables node’s debugger support, this executes your script(s) with node debug <file ...> allowing you to step through code and break with the debugger statement. Note the difference between mocha debug and mocha --debug: mocha debug will fire up node’s built-in debug client, mocha --debug will allow you to use a different interface — such as the Blink Developer Tools. Implies --no-timeouts.

--globals <names>

Accepts a comma-delimited list of accepted global variable names. For example, suppose your app deliberately exposes a global named app and YUI, you may want to add --globals app,YUI. It also accepts wildcards. You could do --globals '*bar' and it would match foobar, barbar, etc. You can also simply pass in '*' to ignore all globals.

By using this option in conjunction with --check-leaks, you can specify a whitelist of known global variables that you would expect to leak into global scope.


Use this option to have Mocha check for global variables that are leaked while running tests. Specify globals that are acceptable via the --globals option (for example: --check-leaks --globals jQuery,MyLib).

-r, --require <module-name>

The --require option is useful for libraries such as should.js, so you may simply --require should instead of manually invoking require('should') within each test file. Note that this works well for should as it augments Object.prototype, however if you wish to access a module’s exports you will have to require them, for example var should = require('should'). Furthermore, it can be used with relative paths, e.g. --require ./test/helper.js

-u, --ui <name>


-R, --reporter <name>

--reporter选项允许您指定将使用的报告器,默认为“spec”。该标志也可用于利用第三方记者。例如,如果你npm install mocha-lcov-reporter可以这样做的话--reporter mocha-lcov-reporter

-t, --timeout <ms>

指定测试用例超时,默认为2秒。要覆盖,您可以以毫秒为单位传递超时,或者使用s后缀ex:--timeout 2s--timeout 2000等效的值传递。


禁用超时。相当于--timeout 0

-s, --slow <ms>


--file <file>


-g, --grep <pattern>

--grep指定的选项将触发mocha仅运行与pattern内部编译为a 的给定匹配的测试RegExp

例如,假设您有“api”相关测试以及“app”相关测试,如下面的代码段所示; 人们可以使用--grep api--grep app运行其中一个或另一个。套件或测试用例标题的任何其他部分也是如此,--grep users也是有效的,甚至是有效的--grep GET

describe('api', function() {
describe('GET /api/users', function() {
  it('respond with an array of users', function() {
    // ...
describe('app', function() {
describe('GET /users', function() {
  it('respond with an array of users', function() {
    // ...