

这里有些给使用和编写 Ansible playbook 的贴士.

你能在我们的 ansible-example repository.找到展示这些最佳实践的 playbook 样例.(注意: 这些示例用的也许不是最新版的中所有特性,但它们仍旧是极佳的参考.)


  • 最佳实践
    • 接下来的章节将向你展示一种组织 playbook 内容方式.

      你对 Ansible 的使用应该符合你的需求而不是我们的,所以请随意根据你的需求来组织修改接下来的示例.

      有件事绝对是你想要做的,那就是使用 “roles” 组织特性.它作为主要的 playbook 的主要部分被文档化.详情参见 Playbook Roles and Include Statements. 你绝对应该使用 roles. roles 是极好的. 快去使用 roles! roles! 重要的事情要重复说!roles 是极好的.(译者:..老外也知道重要的事情重复三遍啊!~~~)

      Directory Layout


      production                # inventory file for production servers 关于生产环境服务器的清单文件
      stage                     # inventory file for stage environment 关于 stage 环境的清单文件
         group1                 # here we assign variables to particular groups 这里我们给特定的组赋值
         group2                 # ""
         hostname1              # if systems need specific variables, put them here 如果系统需要特定的变量,把它们放置在这里.
         hostname2              # ""
      library/                  # if any custom modules, put them here (optional) 如果有自定义的模块,放在这里(可选)
      filter_plugins/           # if any custom filter plugins, put them here (optional) 如果有自定义的过滤插件,放在这里(可选)
      site.yml                  # master playbook 主 playbook
      webservers.yml            # playbook for webserver tier Web 服务器的 playbook
      dbservers.yml             # playbook for dbserver tier 数据库服务器的 playbook
          common/               # this hierarchy represents a "role" 这里的结构代表了一个 "role"
              tasks/            #
                  main.yml      #  <-- tasks file can include smaller files if warranted
              handlers/         #
                  main.yml      #  <-- handlers file
              templates/        #  <-- files for use with the template resource
                  ntp.conf.j2   #  <------- templates end in .j2
              files/            #
                  bar.txt       #  <-- files for use with the copy resource
                  foo.sh        #  <-- script files for use with the script resource
              vars/             #
                  main.yml      #  <-- variables associated with this role
              defaults/         #
                  main.yml      #  <-- default lower priority variables for this role
              meta/             #
                  main.yml      #  <-- role dependencies
          webtier/              # same kind of structure as "common" was above, done for the webtier role
          monitoring/           # ""
          fooapp/               # ""

      Use Dynamic Inventory With Clouds

      如果你正在使用云服务,你不应该在一个静态文件管理你的清单.详见 动态 Inventory.

      这不仅适用于云环境 – 如果你的基础设施中还有其他系统维护着一系列标准系统,使用 动态清单 会是个好主意.

      How to Differentiate Stage vs Production

      If managing static inventory, it is frequently asked how to differentiate different types of environments. The following example shows a good way to do this. Similar methods of grouping could be adapted to dynamic inventory (for instance, consider applying the AWS tag “environment:production”, and you’ll get a group of systems automatically discovered named “ec2_tag_environment_production”.


      Let’s show a static inventory example though. Below, the production file contains the inventory of all of your production hosts.

      It is suggested that you define groups based on purpose of the host (roles) and also geography or datacenter location (if applicable):

      # file: production
      # webservers in all geos
      # dbservers in all geos
      # everything in the atlanta geo
      # everything in the boston geo

      Group And Host Variables


      分组有利于组织结构,但不是所有的分组都是有益的.你也可以给他们赋值!比如说亚特兰大有它自己的网络时间协议, 所以当配置 ntp.conf 时,我们就该使用它.让我们现在设置它们:

      # file: group_vars/atlanta
      ntp: ntp-atlanta.example.com
      backup: backup-atlanta.example.com

      Variables aren’t just for geographic information either! Maybe the webservers have some configuration that doesn’t make sense for the database servers:

      # file: group_vars/webservers
      apacheMaxRequestsPerChild: 3000
      apacheMaxClients: 900

      If we had any default values, or values that were universally true, we would put them in a file called group_vars/all:

      # file: group_vars/all
      ntp: ntp-boston.example.com
      backup: backup-boston.example.com

      We can define specific hardware variance in systems in a host_vars file, but avoid doing this unless you need to:

      # file: host_vars/db-bos-1.example.com
      foo_agent_port: 86
      bar_agent_port: 99

      Again, if we are using dynamic inventory sources, many dynamic groups are automatically created. So a tag like “class:webserver” would load in variables from the file “group_vars/ec2_tag_class_webserver” automatically.

      Top Level Playbooks Are Separated By Role

      在 site.yml 中,我们包含了一个定义了整个基础设施的 playbook.注意这个 playbook 是非常短的, 因为它仅仅包含了其他 playbooks.记住, playbook 不过就是一系列的 plays:

      # file: site.yml
      - include: webservers.yml
      - include: dbservers.yml

      在诸如 like webservers.yml 的文件中(同样也在顶层结构),我们仅仅将 Web 服务器组与对应的 role 行为做映射.同样值得注意的是这也非常的短小精悍.例如:

      # file: webservers.yml
      - hosts: webservers
          - common
          - webtier

      理念是我们能够通过 “运行”(running) site.yml 来选择整个基础设施的配置.或者我们能够通过运行其子集 webservers.yml 来配置. 这与 Ansible 的 “–limit” 类似,而且相对的更为显式:

      ansible-playbook site.yml --limit webservers
      ansible-playbook webservers.yml

      Task And Handler Organization For A Role

      接下来的示例任务文件展示了一个 role 是如何工作的.我们这里的普通 role 仅仅用来配置 NTP,但是如果我们想的话,它可以做更多:

      # file: roles/common/tasks/main.yml
      - name: be sure ntp is installed
        yum: pkg=ntp state=installed
        tags: ntp
      - name: be sure ntp is configured
        template: src=ntp.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ntp.conf
          - restart ntpd
        tags: ntp
      - name: be sure ntpd is running and enabled
        service: name=ntpd state=running enabled=yes
        tags: ntp

      这是个处理文件样例.作为一种审核,它只有当特定的任务报告发生变化时会被触发,并在每个 play 结束时运行:

      # file: roles/common/handlers/main.yml
      - name: restart ntpd
        service: name=ntpd state=restarted

      详情请参阅 Playbook Roles and Include Statements.

      What This Organization Enables (Examples)


      那这种结构适用于何种应用场景? 很多!若我想重新配置整个基础设施,如此即可:

      ansible-playbook -i production site.yml

      那只重新配置所有的 NTP 呢?太容易了.:

      ansible-playbook -i production site.yml --tags ntp

      只重新配置我的 Web 服务器呢?:

      ansible-playbook -i production webservers.yml

      只重新配置我在波士顿的 Web服务器呢?:

      ansible-playbook -i production webservers.yml --limit boston

      前10台 和 接下来的10台呢?

      ansible-playbook -i production webservers.yml –limit boston[0-10] ansible-playbook -i production webservers.yml –limit boston[10-20]

      当然,只使用基础的 ad-hoc 也是 OK 的啦.:

      ansible boston -i production -m ping
      ansible boston -i production -m command -a '/sbin/reboot'

      这里还有些有用的命令你需要知道(版本至少 1.1 或更高):

      # confirm what task names would be run if I ran this command and said "just ntp tasks"
      ansible-playbook -i production webservers.yml --tags ntp --list-tasks
      # confirm what hostnames might be communicated with if I said "limit to boston"
      ansible-playbook -i production webservers.yml --limit boston --list-hosts

      Deployment vs Configuration Organization

      The above setup models a typical configuration topology. When doing multi-tier deployments, there are going to be some additional playbooks that hop between tiers to roll out an application. In this case, ‘site.yml’ may be augmented by playbooks like ‘deploy_exampledotcom.yml’ but the general concepts can still apply.

      Consider “playbooks” as a sports metaphor – you don’t have to just have one set of plays to use against your infrastructure all the time – you can have situational plays that you use at different times and for different purposes.

      Ansible allows you to deploy and configure using the same tool, so you would likely reuse groups and just keep the OS configuration in separate playbooks from the app deployment.

      Stage vs Production

      如前所述,通过使用不同的清单文件来分离你的 stage 和 生产环境是个好方法.你可以通过 -i 来指定.把它们放在同一个文件中会有惊喜哦! 在部署到生产环境之前,先在 stage 环境中做测试是个好主意.你的环境不必保持同样的大小,你可以通过 分组变量来对不同的环境进行控制.

      Rolling Updates

      请理解 ‘serial’ 关键字.你会在批量升级中使用它来控制升级机器的数量.

      See 委托,滚动更新,本地动作.

      Always Mention The State

      parameter in your playbooks to make it clear, especially as some modules support additional states. 对于很多模块来说 ‘state’ 参数是可选的.无论是 ‘state=present’ 亦或 ‘state=absent’ ,你最好在 playbook 中显式指定该参数,毕竟有些模块是支持附加的 ‘state’ 参数.

      Group By Roles

      在这条贴士中,我们某种程度上在重复自己,但这是值得的.一个系统可能被分成多分组.详情请查阅 Inventory文件Patterns. 在样例中,分组名之后的 webserversdbservers ,它们因为是很重要的概念所以反复出现.(译者:恩,重要的事情要重复三遍!)一个系统可以出现在多个分组中.

      通过给 role 赋予特定的变量,这允许 playbooks 能基于角色来锁定机器.

      See Playbook Roles and Include Statements.

      Operating System and Distribution Variance

      当处理在不同操作系统间参数值不同的参数时,使用 group_by 模块是个好主意.


      # talk to all hosts just so we can learn about them
      - hosts: all
           - group_by: key=os_{{ ansible_distribution }}
      # now just on the CentOS hosts...
      - hosts: os_CentOS
        gather_facts: False
           - # tasks that only happen on CentOS go here



      # file: group_vars/all
      asdf: 10
      # file: group_vars/os_CentOS
      asdf: 42

      在上述的例子中, CentOS 的机器获取的 asdf 的值为 42,但其他机器获得是 ‘10’.这不止可以用于设置变量,也可以将特定的 role 应用于特定的操作系统.


      - hosts: all
          - include_vars: "os_{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml"
          - debug: var=asdf


      Bundling Ansible Modules With Playbooks

      如果一个 playbook 有一个与它 YMAL 文件相关的 ”./library” 目录,该目录可以用于添加 Ansible 模块,它会被自动添加到 Ansible 模块的路径中.这是一个将 playbook 与其模块放置在一起的方式.如下面的目录结构样例所展示:

      .. _whitespace:

      Whitespace and Comments

      鼓励使用空格来分隔内容,用 ‘#’ 来写注释.

      Always Name Tasks

      虽然推荐提供关于为什么要这么做的描述,但是直接给一个给定任务命名也是可以的.名字会在 playbook 运行时显示.

      Keep It Simple

      当你能简单的搞定某事时,就简单的搞定.不要试图一次性使用 Ansible 的所有的特性.仅仅使用对你有用的即可. 比如说你基本上不会需要一次性使用 vars , vars_files , vars_prompt--extra-vars 同时还是用一个外部的节点配置文件.


      Version Control

      请使用版本控制.保持你的 playbook 和 清单文件 在 git(或其他版本控制系统)中,并将你的修改做提交. 这样你就有审计轨迹来描述什么时候以及为什么你做了这样的修改.

      See also

      YAML 语法
      Learn about YAML syntax
      Review the basic playbook features
      Learn about available modules
      Developing Modules
      Learn how to extend Ansible by writing your own modules
      Learn about how to select hosts
      GitHub examples directory
      Complete playbook files from the github project source
      Mailing List
      Questions? Help? Ideas? Stop by the list on Google Groups