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Ansible Molecule

授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 邓翼
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Ansible Molecule

About Ansible Molecule

Molecule project is designed to aid in the development and testing of Ansible roles.

Molecule provides support for testing with multiple instances, operating systems and distributions, virtualization providers, test frameworks and testing scenarios.

Molecule encourages an approach that results in consistently developed roles that are well-written, easily understood and maintained.

Molecule supports only the latest two major versions of Ansible (N/N-1), meaning that if the latest version is 2.9.x, we will also test our code with 2.8.x.

Once installed, the command line can be called using any of the methods below:

molecule ...
mol ...  # same as above, introduced in 3.0.5
python3 -m molecule ...  # python module calling method



Read the documentation and more at https://molecule.readthedocs.io/.


Get Involved

If you want to get moving fast and make a quick patch:

$ git clone https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule && cd molecule
$ python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
$ python3 -m pip install -U setuptools pip tox

And you're ready to make your changes!



Molecule project was created by Retr0h and it is now community-maintained as part of the Ansible by Red Hat project.



The MIT License.

The logo is licensed under the Creative Commons NoDerivatives 4.0 License.

If you have some other use in mind, contact us.

  • ansible角色目录结构 测试技术在软件开发中起着重要的作用,当我们谈论基础架构即代码(IaC)时,这也没有什么不同。 在开发自动化时,典型的工作流程将从新的虚拟机开始。 我将使用Vagrant来说明这个想法,但是您可以使用libvirt , Docker , VirtualBox或VMware ,私有或公共云中的实例,或数据中心虚拟机管理程序中配置的虚拟机( oVirt , Xen或VMwar