- Angular.io API Reference - Angular 2 Reference Material with easy access to different Angular 2 items
- Angular Style Guide - Opinions from the Angular 2 tea
- - Official repo for Angular 2 implementation in material design
- tsconfig options - information on how to configure the TypeScript compiler
- TypeScript Playground - In-browser TypeScript editor with live reload
- TypeScript Handbook
- TypeScript Deep Dive - Additional learning material
RxJS, Reactive Programming and Observables
- RxJS 5 Observables Reference - Reference material on RxJS 5 Observables. There are many breaking changes from RxJS 4-> 5 so please use documentation on version 5.
- RxMarbles - Quick references for visualizing observable value fulfillment through the use of marble diagrams
- How to debug RxJS code - Blog post explaining how to read and use marble diagrams
- - Example driven guide to RxJS
- A comprehensive guide to ngrx
- ng2-redux Github
- ngrx Github - Includes links to ngrx scoped libraries including: store, effects, router
- Redux Documentation
Keeping up to date
- Angular 2 Weekly Notes
- Angular blog - Includes blog posts for Angular 1.x
- Angular Air - Angular podcast
- Adventures in Angular - Angular podcast