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Developing in Odoo most of the time means creating our own modules. In this
chapter, we will create our first Odoo application, and you will learn the steps
needed make it available to Odoo and install it.


Inspired by the notable todomvc.com project, we will build a simple to-do application. It should allow us to add new tasks, then mark them as completed, and finally clear the task list of all completed tasks.


You will learn how Odoo follows an MVC architecture, and we will go through the
following layers during the to-do application implementation:


  • The model, defining the structure of the data
  • The view, describing the user interface
  • The controller, supporting the business logic of the application

  • 模型,定义数据结构

  • 视图,描述用户接口
  • 控制器,对应用的业务逻辑提供支持

The model layer is defined with Python objects that have their data is stored in the
PostgreSQL database. The database mapping is automatically managed by Odoo, and the mechanism responsible for this is the object relational model, (ORM).


The view layer describes the user interface. Views are defined using XML, which is
used by the web client framework to generate data-aware HTML views.


The web client views perform data persistent actions by interacting with the server ORM. These can be basic operations such as write or delete, but can also invoke methods de ned in the ORM Python objects, performing more complex business logic. This is what we refer to as the controller layer.

Web客户端视图执行数据保存的动作是通过与服务器ORM交互来完成的。这些基本操作可以是写或者删,但是你也可以调用定义在ORM 对象中的方法,以便执行更为复杂的业务逻辑。这就是我们将说到的控制器层。


Note that the concept of controller mentioned here is different from the Odoo web development controllers. Those are program endpoints that web pages can call to perform actions.


注意这里提到的控制器概念不同于Odoo Web开发中的控制器。这些控制器是可以被web页面调用来执行动作的程序端点。

With this approach, you will be able to gradually learn about the basic building blocks that make up an application and experience the iterative process of building an Odoo module from scratch.


Understanding applications and modules 理解应用和模块

It’s common to hear about Odoo modules and applications. But what exactly is the difference between them? Modules are building blocks of Odoo applications. A module can add or modify Odoo features. It is supported by a directory containing a manifest or descriptor file (named __openerp__.py) and the remaining files that implement its features. Sometimes, modules can also be referred to as “add-ons.” Applications are not different from regular modules, but functionally, they provide a central feature, around which other modules add features or options. They provide the core elements for a functional area, such as accounting or HR, around which other modules add features. Because of this, they are highlighted in the Odoo Apps menu.


Modifying and extending modules 模块的修改和扩展

In the example that will follow, we will create a new module with as few dependencies as possible.


This will not be the typical case, however. The most frequent situation is where
modi cations or extensions are needed on an already existing module to fit some specific use cases.


The golden rule is that we shouldn’t modify existing modules by changing them directly. It’s considered bad practice to modify existing modules. This is especially true for the of cial modules provided by Odoo. Doing so does not allow a clear separation between the original module code and our modi cations, and makes it dif cult to apply upgrades.


Instead, we should create new modules to be applied on top of the modules we want to modify, and implement those changes. This is one of Odoo’s main strengths: it provides “inheritance” mechanisms that allow custom modules to extend existing modules, either of cial or from the community. The inheritance is possible at all levels data models, business logic, and user interface layers.


Right now, we will create a completely new module, without extending any existing module, to focus on the different parts and steps involved in module creation. We will just take a brief look at each part, since each will be studied in more detail in the later chapters. Once we are comfortable with creating a new module, we can dive into the inheritance mechanisms, which will be introduced in the next chapter.


Creating a new module 创建新模块

Our module will be a very simple application to keep to-do tasks. These tasks will have
a single text field, for the description, and a checkbox to mark them as complete. We
will also have a button to clean the to-do list from the old completed tasks.


These are very simple specifications, but throughout the book we will gradually add
new features to it, to make it more interesting for the users.


Enough talk, let’s start coding and create our new module.


Following the instructions in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Odoo Development, we should have the Odoo server at /odoo-dev/odoo/. To keep things tidy, we will create a new directory alongside it to host our custom modules:


  1. $ mkdir ~/odoo-dev/custom-addons

An Odoo module is a directory containing an __openerp__.py descriptor file. This is still a legacy from when Odoo was named OpenERP, and in the future is expected to become __odoo__.py.


It also needs to be Python importable, so it must also have an __init__.py file.


The module’s directory name will be its technical name. We will use todo_app for it. The technical name must be a valid Python identi er: it should begin with a letter and can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character. The following commands create the module directory and create an empty __init__.py file in it:


  1. $ mkdir ~/odoo-dev/custom-addons/todo_app
  2. $ touch ~/odoo-dev/custom-addons/todo_app/__init__.py

Next we need to create the descriptor file. It should contain only a Python dictionary
with about a dozen possible attributes, of which only the name attribute is required. A longer description attribute and the author also have some visibility and
are advised.


We should now add an __openerp__.py file alongside the __init__.py le with the following content:

我们应该添加一个和 __init__.py放到一起的__openerp__.py文件

  1. {
  2. 'name': 'To-Do Application',
  3. 'description': 'Manage your personal Tasks with this module.',
  4. 'author': 'Daniel Reis',
  5. 'depends': ['mail'],
  6. 'application': True,
  7. }

The depends attribute can have a list of other modules required. Odoo will have them automatically installed when this module is installed. It’s not a mandatory attribute, but it’s advised to always have it. If no particular dependencies are needed, we should depend on the special base module. You should be careful to ensure all dependencies are explicitly set here, otherwise the module may fail to install in a clean database (due to missing dependencies) or have loading errors, if the other needed modules are loaded afterwards. For our application, we want to depend on the mail module because that is the module that adds the Messaging top menu, and we will want to include our new menu options there.


To be concise, we chose to use very few descriptor keys, but in a real word scenario it is recommended to also use these additional keys, since they are relevant for the Odoo app store:


  • summary is displayed as a subtitle for the module.
  • version, by default, is 1.0. Should follow semantic versioning rules
    (see semver.org for details).
  • license identifier, by default is AGPL-3.
  • website is a URL to find more information about the module. This can help people to find more documentation or the issue tracker to file bugs and suggestions.
  • category is the functional category of the module, which defaults to Uncategorized. The list of existing categories can be found in the security Groups form (Settings | User | Groups menu), in the Application field drop-down list.

  • summary 显示模块的副标题。

  • version 默认是1.0. 应该遵循语意话的版本命令规则(详情见emver.org)
  • license 标识符号,默认为AGPL-3。
  • website 是有个可以找到关于模块的更多消息的URL。
  • category 是模块的功能分类,默认是不分类的。

These other descriptor keys are also available:


  • installable is by default True, but can be set to False to disable a module.
  • auto_install if this is set to True this module is automatically installed if all its dependencies are already installed. It is used for glue modules.

  • installable 默认为True,但是可以设置为Fasle来禁用模块。

  • auto_install 如果改它设置为True,那幺在模块所需依赖都已经安装的情况下,该模块会自动地安装。它被当做“胶水”模块来使用。

Since Odoo 8.0, instead of the description key we can use a README.rst or README.md le in the module’s top directory.

从Odoo 8.0开始,我们可以在模块的顶层目录中使用README.rst 或者 README.md而不是使用描述符键。

Adding to the addons path 添加插件路径

Now that we have a new module, even if minimal, we want to make it available in Odoo.


For that, we need to make sure the directory the module is in is part of the addons path. And then we need to update the Odoo module list.

Both operations have been explained in detail in the previous chapter, but we will follow here with a brief overview of what is needed.


We will position in our work directory and start the server with the appropriate
addons path configuration:


  1. $ cd ~/odoo-dev
  2. $ odoo/odoo.py -d v8dev --addons-path="custom-addons,odoo/addons" --save

The --save option saves the options you used in a config file. This spares you from repeating them the next time you restart the server: just run ./odoo.py and the last saved options will be used.


Look closely at the server log. It should have an INFO ? openerp: addons paths: (…) line, and it should include our custom-addons directory.

仔细来看一看服务器日志。它应该包含INFO ? openerp: addons paths这样的一行,这一行也应该包含我们的custom-addons目录。

Remember to also include any other addons directories you might be using. For instance, if you followed the last chapter’s instructions to install the department repository, you might want to include it and use the option:


  1. --addons-path="custom-addons,departmernt,odoo/addons"

Now let’s ask Odoo to acknowledge the new module we just added.


For that, in the Modules section of the Settings menu, select the Update Modules List option. This will update the module list adding any modules added since the last update to the list. Remember that we need the Technical Features enabled for this option to be visible. That is done by selecting the Technical Features checkbox for our user.

因此,在设置菜单的模块区域,请选择更新模块列表选项。该操作将更新模块列表,以添加从上次更新到列表中的已添加模块。记住,我们需要启用技术特性以便让该选项正常显示。对用户来说,你可以通过选择Technical Features(技术特性)复选框来完成这个操作。

Installing the new module 安装新模块

The Local Modules option shows us the list of available modules. By default it shows only Apps modules. Since we created an application module we don’t need to remove that lter to see it. Type “todo” in the search and you should see our new module, ready to be installed.



Now click on its Install button and you’re done!


Upgrading a module 更新模块

Developing a module is an iterative process, and you will want changes made on source files to be applied and visible in Odoo.


In most cases this is done by upgrading the module: look up the module in the Local Modules list and, since it is installed, you will see an Upgrade button available.


However, when the changes are only in Python code, the upgrade may not have an effect. Instead of a module upgrade, an application server restart is needed.


In some cases, if the module has changed both in data files and Python code, you
might need both operations. This is a common source of confusion for newcomer Odoo developers.


But fortunately, there is a better way. The simplest and fastest way to make all our changes to a module effective is to stop (Ctrl + C) and restart the server process requesting our modules to be upgraded on our work database.

不过,幸运的是,还有更好的办法。使应用到模块的变更生效的最简单也最快的办法就是停止服务器(Ctrl + C),然后重启后服务器进程将基于当前使用的模型,来更新模块。

To start the server upgrading the todo_app module in the v8dev database, we will use:


  1. $ ./odoo.py -d v8dev -u todo_app

The -u option (or —update in the long form) requires the -d option and accepts a comma-separated list of modules to update. For example, we could use:-u todo_app,mail.

-u选项(或者非简写模式下的—update )需要-d选项,并接受用逗号分隔的需要更新模块列表。例如,我们可以使用-u todo_app,mail。

Whenever you need to upgrade work in progress modules throughout the book, the safest way to do so is to go to the terminal window where you have Odoo running, stop the server, and restart it with the command above. Frequently pressing the Up arrow key will be enough, since it should bring you the previous command you used to start the server.


Unfortunately, updating the module list and uninstalling modules are both actions not available through the command line. These have to be done through the web interface, in the Settings menu.


Creating an application model 创建应用模型

Now that Odoo knows about our new module, let’s start by adding to it a simple model.


Models describe business objects, such as an opportunity, a sales order, or a partner
(customer, supplier, and so on.). A model has a list of attributes and can also define its specific business.


Models are implemented using a Python class derived from an Odoo template class. They translate directly to database objects, and Odoo automatically takes care of that when installing or upgrading the module.


Some consider it good practice to keep the Python files for models inside a models subdirectory. For simplicity we won’t be following that here, so let’s create a todo_model.py file in the todo_app module main directory.


Add the following content to it:


  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. from openerp import models, fields
  3. class TodoTask(models.Model):
  4. _name = 'todo.task'
  5. name = fields.Char('Description', required=True)
  6. is_done = fields.Boolean('Done?')
  7. active = fields.Boolean('Active?', default=True)

The first line is a special marker telling the Python interpreter that this file has
UTF-8, so that it can expect and handle non-ASCII characters. We won’t be using any, but it’s safer to use it anyway.


The second line makes available the models and fields objects from the Odoo core.


The third line declares our new model. It’s a class derived from models.Model. The next line sets the _name attribute defining the identifier that will be used throughout Odoo to refer to this model. Note that the actual Python class name is meaningless to the other Odoo modules. The _name value is what will be used as an identifier.


Notice that this and the following lines are indented. If you’re not familiar with
Python you should know that this is important: indentation defines a nested code
block, so these four line should all be equally indented.


The last three lines define the model’s fields. It’s worth noting that name and active are names of special fields. By default Odoo will use the name eld as the record’s title when referencing it from other models. The active field is used to inactivate records, and by default only active records will be shown. We will use it to clear away completed tasks without actually deleting them from the database.


Right now, this file is not yet used by the module. We must tell Odoo to load it with the module in the __init__.py file. Let’s edit it to add the following line:


  1. from . import todo_model

That’s it. For our changes to take effect the module has to be upgraded. Locate the To-Do application in the Local Modules and click on its Upgrade button.


Now we can inspect the newly created model in the Technical menu. Go to Database Structure | Models and search for the todo.task model on the list. Then click on it to see its definition:



If everything went right, this will let us confirm that the model and our fields were created. If you made changes and don’t see them here, try a server restart, as described before, to force all of the Python code to be reloaded.


We can also see some additional fields we didn’t declare. These are the five reserved fields Odoo automatically adds to any model. They are as follows:


  • id: This is the unique identifier for each record in the particular model.
  • create_date and create_uid: These tell us when the record was created and who created it, respectively.
  • write_date and write_uid: These tell us when the record was last modified and who modified it, respectively.

  • id: 这是在特殊模型中每个记录都要使用的唯一标识符号。

  • create_date and create_uid: 这写字段分别告诉我们,记录何时被创建,由什幺人创建的。
  • write_date and write_uid: 这些字段分别告诉我们字段的修改实践以及修改人。

Adding menu entries 添加菜单项

Now that we have a model to store our data, let’s make it available on the user interface.


All we need to do is to add a menu option to open the To-do Task model so
that it can be used. This is done using an XML file. Just as in the case of models, some people consider it good practice to keep the view de nitions inside a views subdirectory.

我们要做的就是添加一个菜单项以便打开To-do Task 模型,这样它才可以被使用。可以使用XML文件来实现这个目的。就像在模型例子中所做的那样,有些人认为最佳时间就是在子目录views中定义视图。

We will create a new todo_view.xml data file in the module’s top directory, and it will declare a menu item and the action performed by it:


  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <openerp>
  3. <data>
  4. <!-- Action to open To-do Task list -->
  5. <act_window id="action_todo_task"
  6. name="To-do Task"
  7. res_model="todo.task"
  8. view_mode="tree,form" />
  9. <!-- Menu item to open To-do Task list -->
  10. <menuitem id="menu _todo_task"
  11. name="To-Do Tasks"
  12. parent="mail.mail_feeds"
  13. sequence="20"
  14. action="action_todo_task" />
  15. </data>
  16. </openerp>

The user interface, including menu options and actions, is stored in database tables.
The XML file is a data file used to load those definitions into the database when the module is installed or upgraded. This is an Odoo data file, describing two records to add to Odoo:

用户接口,以及菜单选项和动作都存储在数据库表中。 在模块安装和升级时,XML文件用来载入这些定义到数据库的一个文件。这是一个添加了两个record到Odoo的数据文件。

  • The <act_window> element defines a client-side Window Action to open the todo.task model defined in the Python file, with the tree and form views enabled, in that order.
  • The <menuitem> defines a menu item under the Messaging menu (identified by mail.mail_feeds), calling the action_todo_task action, which was defined before. The sequence lets us set the order of the
    menu options.

  • <act_window>定义元素定义了用户“窗口动作”,以打开定义在Python文件中的todo.task模型,同时按照顺序启用了tree和form视图。

  • <menuitem>定义了“消息”菜单(通过mail.mail_feeds识别)下面的一个菜单选项,它调用的是上面定义的action_todo_task 动作。sequence让我们设置菜单选项的顺序。

Now we need to tell the module to use the new XML data file. That is done in the __openerp__.py file using the data attribute. It defines the list of les to be loaded by the module. Add this attribute to the descriptor’s dictionary:


  1. 'data': ['todo_view.xml'],

Now we need to upgrade the module again for these changes to take effect. Go to the Messaging menu and you should see our new menu option available.



Clicking on it will open an automatically generated form for our model, allowing us to add and edit records.


Views should be defined for models to be exposed to the users, but Odoo is nice
enough to do that automatically if we don’t, so we can work with our model right
away, without having any form or list views defined yet.


So far, so good! Let’s improve our user interface now. Try the gradual improvements as shown in the next sections, doing frequent module upgrades, and don’t be afraid to experiment.



In case an upgrade fails because of an XML error, don’t panic! Comment out the last edited XML portions, or remove the XML file from __openerp__.py, and repeat the upgrade. The server should start correctly. Now read the error message in the server log carefully—it should point you to where the problem is.



Creating views – form, tree, and search 创建视图——表单、树形、和搜索

As we have seen, if no view is defined, Odoo will automatically generate basic views to get you going. But surely you would like to define the module views yourself, so that’s what we’ll do next.


Odoo supports several types of views, but the three main ones are: list (also called tree), form, and search views. We’ll add an example of each to our module.


All views are stored in the database, in the ir.model.view model. To add a view in a module, we declare a <record> element describing the view in an XML file that will be loaded into the database when the module is installed.


Creating a form view 创建一个表单视图

Edit the XML we just created to add this <record> element just after the <data> opening tag at the top:


  1. <record id="view_form_todo_task" model="ir.ui.view">
  2. <field name="name">To-do Task Form</field>
  3. <field name="model">todo.task</field>
  4. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  5. <form string="To-do Task">
  6. <field name="name"/>
  7. <field name="is_done"/>
  8. <field name="active" readonly="1"/>
  9. </form>
  10. </field>
  11. </record>

This will add a record to the model ir.ui.view with the identifier view_form_ todo_task. The view is for the model todo.task and named To-do Task Form. The name is just for information, does not have to be unique, but should allow one to easily identify what record it refers to.

上面的内容使用标识符view_form_todo_task对模型ir.ui.view添加一个记录。todo.task模型的视图被称作 To-do Task Form。名称仅是信息而已,没有让名称唯一化的必要,但应该是可以标示出自己在引用什幺记录。

The most important attribute is arch, containing the view definition. Here we say it’s a form, and it contains three fields, and we chose to make the active field read only.


Formatting as a business document 为业务文档进行格式化

The above provides a basic form view, but we can make some improvements to make it nicer. For document models Odoo has a presentation style that mimics a paper page. The form contains two elements: a <head>, containing action buttons, and a <sheet>, containing the data fields:


  1. <form>
  2. <header>
  3. <!-- Buttons go here-->
  4. </header>
  5. <sheet>
  6. <!-- Content goes here: -->
  7. <field name="name"/>
  8. <field name="is_done"/>
  9. </sheet>
  10. </form>

Adding action buttons 添加动作按钮

Forms can have buttons to run actions. These are able to trigger work ow actions, run Window Actions, such as opening another form, or run Python functions defined in the model.


They can be placed anywhere inside a form, but for document-style forms, the recommended place for them is the <header> section.

在表单内部这些按钮可以被方法任何地方,不过为了遵循文档风格的表单,我们建议还是将这些按钮放倒 <header> 区域。

For our application, we will add two buttons to run methods of the todo.task model:


  1. <header>
  2. <button name="do_toggle_done" type="object"
  3. string="Toggle Done" class="oe_highlight" />
  4. <button name="do_clear_done" type="object"
  5. string="Clear All Done" />
  6. </header>

The basic attributes for a button are: string with the text to display on the button, the type of action it performs, and the name that is the identifier for that action. The optional class attribute can apply CSS styles, just like in regular HTML.


Organizing forms using groups 利用group来组织表单

The <group> tag allows organizing the form content. Placing <group> elements inside a <group> element creates a two column layout inside the outer group. Group elements are advised to have a name to make it easier for other modules to extend on them.

<group>标签能够过组织表单内容。将<group>元素放倒一个<group> 元素中可以在外部的group中创建一个两列的布局。建议group元素包含一个能够过让其它模块能够在自身基础上进行相对容易的扩展。

We will use this to better organize our content. Let’s change the <sheet> content of our form to match this:


  1. <sheet>
  2. <group name="group_top">
  3. <group name="group_left">
  4. <field name="name"/>
  5. </group>
  6. <group name="group_right">
  7. <field name="is_done"/>
  8. <field name="active" readonly="1"/>
  9. </group>
  10. </group>
  11. </sheet>

The complete form view 完整的表单视图

At this point, our record in todo_view.xml for the todo.task form view should look like this:


  1. <record id="view_form_todo_task" model="ir.ui.view">
  2. <field name="name">To-do Task Form</field>
  3. <field name="model">todo.task</field>
  4. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  5. <form>
  6. <header>
  7. <button name="do_toggle_done" type="object"
  8. string="Toggle Done" class="oe_highlight" />
  9. <button name="do_clear_done" type="object"
  10. string="Clear All Done" />
  11. </header>
  12. <sheet>
  13. <group name="group_top">
  14. <group name="group_left">
  15. <field name="name"/>
  16. </group>
  17. <group name="group_right">
  18. <field name="is_done"/>
  19. <field name="active" readonly="1" />
  20. </group>
  21. </group>
  22. </sheet>
  23. </form>
  24. </field>
  25. </record>

Remember that for the changes to be loaded into our Odoo database, a module upgrade is needed. To see the changes in the web client, the form needs to be reloaded: either click again on the menu option that opens it, or reload the browser page (F5 in most browsers).


Now, let’s add the business logic for the actions buttons.


Adding list and search views 添加列表和搜索视图

When viewing a model in list mode, a <tree> view is used. Tree views are capable of displaying lines organized in hierarchies, but most of the time they are used to display plain lists.


We can add the following tree view definition to todo_view.xml:


  1. <record id="view_tree_todo_task" model="ir.ui.view">
  2. <field name="name">To-do Task Tree</field>
  3. <field name="model">todo.task</field>
  4. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  5. <tree colors="gray:is_done==True">
  6. <field name="name"/>
  7. <field name="is_done"/>
  8. </tree>
  9. </field>
  10. </record>

We have defined a list with only two columns, name and is_done. We also added a nice touch: the lines for done tasks (is_done==True) are shown in grey.


At the top right of the list Odoo displays a search box. The default fields it searches for and available predefined filters can be defined by a <search> view.


As before, we will add this to the todo_view.xml:


  1. <record id="view_filter_todo_task" model="ir.ui.view">
  2. <field name="name">To-do Task Filter</field>
  3. <field name="model">todo.task</field>
  4. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  5. <search>
  6. <field name="name"/>
  7. <filter string="Not Done"
  8. domain="[('is_done','=',False)]"/>
  9. <filter string="Done"
  10. domain="[('is_done','!=',False)]"/>
  11. </search>
  12. </field>
  13. </record>

The <field> elements define fields that are also searched when typing in the search box. The <filter> elements add predefined filter conditions, using domain syntax that can be selected with a user click.


Adding business logic 添加业务逻辑

Now we will add some logic to our buttons. Edit the todo_model.py Python file to add to the class the methods called by the buttons. We will use the new API introduced in Odoo 8.0. For backward compatibility, by default Odoo expects the old API, and to create methods using the new API we need to use Python decorators on them. First we need to import the new API, so add it to the import statement at the top of the Python file:

现在,我们要给按钮添加一些逻辑。编辑Python文件todo_model.py,然后添加可以被按钮调用的类方法。我们使用在Odoo 8.0中引入的新API。考虑到向后兼容性,默认Odoo使用的是旧版本的API,要创建使用新API的方法,我们需要对定义的方法使用Python装饰器。首先我们需要导入新API,

  1. from openerp import models, fields, api

The Toggle Done button’s action will be very simple: just toggle the Is Done? flag. For logic on a record, the simplest approach is to use the @api.one decorator. Here self will represent one record. If the action was called for a set of records, the API would handle that and trigger this method for each of the records.

Toggle Done按钮的动作非常简单:应用切换是否完成?旗标。对于一条记录的逻辑来说,最简单的方法是使用装饰器@api.one。这里self表示的是一条记录。如果动作被一组记录调用,API就可以处理这样的调用,然后喂每一条记录出发这个方法。

Inside the TodoTask class add:


  1. @api.one
  2. def do_toggle_done(self):
  3. self.is_done = not self.is_done
  4. return True

As you can see, it simply modifies the is_done field, inverting its value. Methods, then, can be called from the client side and must always return something. If they return None, client calls using the XMLRPC protocol won’t work. If we have nothing to return, the common practice is to just return the True value.


After this, if we restart the Odoo server to reload the Python file, the Toggle Done button should now work.

这样做之后,如果我们重启Odoo服务器来读取Python文件,现在,Toggle Done这个按钮就可以使用了。

For the Clear All Done button we want to go a little further. It should look for all active records that are done, and make them inactive. Form buttons are supposed to act only on the selected record, but to keep things simple we will do some cheating, and it will also act on records other than the current one:

对于Clear All Done按钮我们想做的更近一步。它能够查询所有已完成的活动记录,而且能够将这些记录标记为不活动。表单按钮被假设为仅与被选择的记录交互,但是,简单起见,我们就偷懒一点儿,它也可以和其它的记录交互,而仅仅是当前的记录:

  1. @api.multi
  2. def do_clear_done(self):
  3. done_recs = self.search([('is_done', '=', True)])
  4. done_recs.write({'active': False})
  5. return True

On methods decorated with @api.multi the self represents a recordset. It can contain a single record, when used from a form, or several records, when used from a list view. We will ignore the self recordset and build our own done_recs recordset containing all the tasks that are marked as done. Then we set the active flag to False, in all of them.


The search is an API method returning the records meeting some conditions. These conditions are written in a domain, that is a list of triplets. We’ll explore domains in more detail later.


The write method sets values at once on all elements of the recordset. The values to write are described using a dictionary. Using write here is more efficient than iterating through the recordset to assign the value to them one by one.


Note that @api.one is not the most efficient for these actions, since it will run for each selected record. The @api.multi ensures that our code runs only once even if there is more than one record selected when running the action. This could happen if an option for it were to be added on the list view.


Setting up access control security 设置访问控制安全

You might have noticed, upon loading our module is getting a warning message in the server log: The model todo.task has no access rules, consider adding one.

你或许也注意到了,之前在载入模块时我们碰到了服务器日志中的错误警告: The model todo.task has no access rules, consider adding one.

The message is pretty clear: our new model has no access rules, so it can’t be used by anyone other than the admin super user. As a super user the admin ignores data access rules, that’s why we were able to use the form without errors. But we must fix this before other users can use it.


To get a picture of what information is needed to add access rules to a model, use the web client and go to: Settings|Technical|Security|Access Controls List.

为了获取多模型添加访问规则所需的信息蓝图,我们可以使用web客户端依次访问:Settings|Technical|Security|Access Controls List。


Here we can see the ACL for the mail.mail model. It indicates, per group, what actions are allowed on records.


This information needs to be provided by the module, using a data file to load the
lines into the ir.model.access model. We will add full access on the model to the employee group. Employee is the basic access group nearly everyone belongs to.


This is usually done using a CSV file named security/ir.model.access.csv. Models have automatically generated identi ers: for todo.task the identifier is model_todo_task. Groups also have identifiers set by the modules creating them. The employee group is created by the base module and has identifier base.group_user. The line’s name is only informative and it’s best if it’s kept unique. Core modules usually use a dot-separated string with the model name and the group. Following this convention we would use todo.task.user.


Now we have everything we need to know, let’s add the new file with the following content:


  1. id,name,model_id:id,group_id:id,perm_read,perm_write,perm_create,perm_
  2. unlink
  3. access_todo_task_group_user,todo.task.user,model_todo_task,base.group_
  4. user,1,1,1,1

We must not forget to add the reference to this new le in the __openerp__.py descriptor’s data attribute, so that should look like this:


  1. 'data': [
  2. 'todo_view.xml',
  3. 'security/ir.model.access.csv',
  4. ],

As before, upgrade the module for these additions to take effect. The warning message should be gone, and you can con rm the permissions are OK by logging in with the user demo (password is also demo) and trying the to-do tasks feature.


Row-level access rules 多级别访问规则

Odoo is a multi-user system, and we would like the to-do tasks to be private to each user. Fortunately for us, Odoo also supports row-level access rules. In the Technical menu they can be found in the Record Rules option, alongside the Access Control List.


Record rules are defined in the ir.rule model. As usual, we need a distinctive name. We also need the model they operate on and the domain to force access restriction. The domain filter uses the same domain syntax mentioned before, and used across Odoo.


Finally, rules may be either global (the global field is set to True) or only for particular security groups. In our case, it could perfectly be a global rule, but to illustrate the most common case, we will make it a group-specific rule, applying only to the employees group.


We should create a security/todo_access_rules.xml file with this content:


  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <openerp>
  3. <data noupdate="1">
  4. <record id="todo_task_user_rule" model="ir.rule">
  5. <field name="name">ToDo Tasks only for owner</field>
  6. <field name="model_id" ref="model_todo_task"/>
  7. <field name="domain_force">[('create_uid','=',user.id)]
  8. </field>
  9. <field name="groups" eval="[(4,ref('base.group_user'))]"/>
  10. </record>
  11. </data>
  12. </openerp>

Notice the noupdate=”1” attribute. It means this data will not be updated in module upgrades. This will allow it to be customized later, since module upgrades won’t destroy user-made changes. But beware that this will also be so while developing, so you might want to set noupdate=”0” during development, until you’re happy with the data file.


In the groups field, you will also find a special expression. It’s a one-to-many relational field, and they have special syntax to operate with. In this case, the (4, x) tuple indicates to append x to the records, and x is a reference to the employees group, identified by base.group_user.

在group字段,你也会发现一个特殊的表达式。它是一个一对多关系字段,有特殊的语法来操作它们。本例中,(4, x)元组表示将x追加到记录,而且x是一个到通过base.group_user来识别的雇员组的引用。

As before, we must add the file to __openerp__.py before it can be loaded to the module:


  1. 'data': [
  2. 'todo_view.xml',
  3. 'security/ir.model.access.csv',
  4. 'security/todo_access_rules.xml',
  5. ],

Adding an icon to the module 对模块添加一个图标

Our module is looking good. Why not add an icon to it to make it look even better? For that we just need to add to the module a static/description/icon.png file with the icon to use.


The following commands add an icon copied form the core Notes module:


  1. $ mkdir -p ~/odoo-dev/custom-addons/todo_app/static/description
  2. $ cd ~/odoo-dev/custom-addons/todo_app/static/description
  3. $ cp ../odoo/addons/note/static/description/icon.png ./

Now, if we update the module list, our module should be displayed with the new icon.


Summary 总结

We created a new module from the start, covering the most frequently used elements in a module: models, the three base types of views (form, list, and search), business logic in model methods, and access security.


In the process, you got familiar with the module development process, which involves module upgrades and application server restarts to make the gradual changes effective in Odoo.


Always remember, when adding model elds, an upgrade is needed. When changing Python code, including the manifest file, a restart is needed. When changing XML or CSV files, an upgrade is needed; also when in doubt, do both: upgrade the modules and restart the server.


In the next chapter, you will learn about building modules that stack on existing ones to add features.
