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The ConsoleLauncher is a command-line Java application that lets you launch the JUnit Platform from the console. For example, it can be used to run JUnit Vintage and JUnit Jupiter tests and print test execution results to the console.

An executable junit-platform-console-standalone-1.7.0.jar with all dependencies included is published in the Maven Central repository under the junit-platform-console-standalone directory. You can run the standalone ConsoleLauncher as shown below.

java -jar junit-platform-console-standalone-1.7.0.jar <Options>

Here’s an example of its output:

├─ JUnit Vintage
│  └─ example.JUnit4Tests
│     └─ standardJUnit4Test ✔
└─ JUnit Jupiter
   ├─ StandardTests
   │  ├─ succeedingTest() ✔
   │  └─ skippedTest() ↷ for demonstration purposes
   └─ A special test case
      ├─ Custom test name containing spaces ✔
      ├─ ╯°□°)╯ ✔
      └─ ✔

Test run finished after 64 ms
[         5 containers found      ]
[         0 containers skipped    ]
[         5 containers started    ]
[         0 containers aborted    ]
[         5 containers successful ]
[         0 containers failed     ]
[         6 tests found           ]
[         1 tests skipped         ]
[         5 tests started         ]
[         0 tests aborted         ]
[         5 tests successful      ]
[         0 tests failed          ]

Exit Code

The ConsoleLauncher exits with a status code of 1 if any containers or tests failed. If no tests are discovered and the --fail-if-no-tests command-line option is supplied, the ConsoleLauncher exits with a status code of 2. Otherwise the exit code is 0.

4.3.1. Options

Usage: ConsoleLauncher [-h] [--disable-ansi-colors] [--disable-banner]
                       [--fail-if-no-tests] [--scan-modules] [--scan-classpath[=PATH[;|:
                       PATH...]]]... [--details=MODE] [--details-theme=THEME]
                       [--reports-dir=DIR] [-c=CLASS]... [--config=KEY=VALUE]... [-cp=PATH
                       [;|:PATH...]]... [-d=DIR]... [-e=ID]... [-E=ID]...
                       [--exclude-package=PKG]... [-f=FILE]... [--include-package=PKG]...
                       [-m=NAME]... [-n=PATTERN]... [-N=PATTERN]... [-o=NAME]...
                       [-p=PKG]... [-r=RESOURCE]... [-t=TAG]... [-T=TAG]... [-u=URI]...
Launches the JUnit Platform from the console.
  -h, --help                 Display help information.
      --disable-ansi-colors  Disable ANSI colors in output (not supported by all
      --disable-banner       Disable print out of the welcome message.
      --details=MODE         Select an output details mode for when tests are executed.
                               Use one of: none, summary, flat, tree, verbose. If 'none'
                               is selected, then only the summary and test failures are
                               shown. Default: tree.
      --details-theme=THEME  Select an output details tree theme for when tests are
                               executed. Use one of: ascii, unicode. Default: unicode.
      -cp, --classpath, --class-path=PATH[;|:PATH...]
                             Provide additional classpath entries -- for example, for
                               adding engines and their dependencies. This option can be
      --fail-if-no-tests     Fail and return exit status code 2 if no tests are found.
      --reports-dir=DIR      Enable report output into a specified local directory (will
                               be created if it does not exist).
      --scan-modules         EXPERIMENTAL: Scan all resolved modules for test discovery.
  -o, --select-module=NAME   EXPERIMENTAL: Select single module for test discovery. This
                               option can be repeated.
      --scan-classpath, --scan-class-path[=PATH[;|:PATH...]]
                             Scan all directories on the classpath or explicit classpath
                               roots. Without arguments, only directories on the system
                               classpath as well as additional classpath entries supplied
                               via -cp (directories and JAR files) are scanned. Explicit
                               classpath roots that are not on the classpath will be
                               silently ignored. This option can be repeated.
  -u, --select-uri=URI       Select a URI for test discovery. This option can be repeated.
  -f, --select-file=FILE     Select a file for test discovery. This option can be
  -d, --select-directory=DIR Select a directory for test discovery. This option can be
  -p, --select-package=PKG   Select a package for test discovery. This option can be
  -c, --select-class=CLASS   Select a class for test discovery. This option can be
  -m, --select-method=NAME   Select a method for test discovery. This option can be
  -r, --select-resource=RESOURCE
                             Select a classpath resource for test discovery. This option
                               can be repeated.
  -n, --include-classname=PATTERN
                             Provide a regular expression to include only classes whose
                               fully qualified names match. To avoid loading classes
                               unnecessarily, the default pattern only includes class
                               names that begin with "Test" or end with "Test" or
                               "Tests". When this option is repeated, all patterns will
                               be combined using OR semantics. Default: [^(Test.*|.+[.$]
  -N, --exclude-classname=PATTERN
                             Provide a regular expression to exclude those classes whose
                               fully qualified names match. When this option is repeated,
                               all patterns will be combined using OR semantics.
      --include-package=PKG  Provide a package to be included in the test run. This
                               option can be repeated.
      --exclude-package=PKG  Provide a package to be excluded from the test run. This
                               option can be repeated.
  -t, --include-tag=TAG      Provide a tag or tag expression to include only tests whose
                               tags match. When this option is repeated, all patterns
                               will be combined using OR semantics.
  -T, --exclude-tag=TAG      Provide a tag or tag expression to exclude those tests whose
                               tags match. When this option is repeated, all patterns
                               will be combined using OR semantics.
  -e, --include-engine=ID    Provide the ID of an engine to be included in the test run.
                               This option can be repeated.
  -E, --exclude-engine=ID    Provide the ID of an engine to be excluded from the test
                               run. This option can be repeated.
      --config=KEY=VALUE     Set a configuration parameter for test discovery and
                               execution. This option can be repeated.

4.3.2. Argument Files (@-files)

On some platforms you may run into system limitations on the length of a command line when creating a command line with lots of options or with long arguments.

Since version 1.3, the ConsoleLauncher supports argument files, also known as @-files. Argument files are files that themselves contain arguments to be passed to the command. When the underlying picocli command line parser encounters an argument beginning with the character @, it expands the contents of that file into the argument list.

The arguments within a file can be separated by spaces or newlines. If an argument contains embedded whitespace, the whole argument should be wrapped in double or single quotes — for example, "-f=My Files/Stuff.java".

If the argument file does not exist or cannot be read, the argument will be treated literally and will not be removed. This will likely result in an "unmatched argument" error message. You can troubleshoot such errors by executing the command with the picocli.trace system property set to DEBUG.

Multiple @-files may be specified on the command line. The specified path may be relative to the current directory or absolute.

You can pass a real parameter with an initial @ character by escaping it with an additional @ symbol. For example, @@somearg will become @somearg and will not be subject to expansion.