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dircache – Cache directory listings

Purpose:Cache directory listings, updating when the modification time of a directory changes.
Python Version:1.4 and later

Listing Directory Contents

The main function in the dircache API is listdir(), a wrapper around os.listdir() that caches the results and returns the same list each time it is called with the a path unless the modification date of the named directory changes.

import dircache

path = '.'
first = dircache.listdir(path)
second = dircache.listdir(path)

print 'Contents :', first
print 'Identical:', first is second
print 'Equal    :', first == second

It is important to recognize that the exact same list is returned each time, so it should not be modified in place.

$ python dircache_listdir.py
Contents : ['.svn', '__init__.py', 'dircache_annotate.py', 'dircache_listdir.py',
'dircache_listdir_file_added.py', 'dircache_reset.py']
Identical: True
Equal    : True

Of course, if the contents of the directory changes it is rescanned.

import dircache
import os

path = '/tmp'
file_to_create = os.path.join(path, 'pymotw_tmp.txt')

# Look at the directory contents
first = dircache.listdir(path)

# Create the new file
open(file_to_create, 'wt').close()

# Rescan the directory
second = dircache.listdir(path)

# Remove the file we created

print 'Identical :', first is second
print 'Equal     :', first == second
print 'Difference:', list(set(second) - set(first))

In this case the new file causes a new list to be constructed.

$ python dircache_listdir_file_added.py
Identical : False
Equal     : False
Difference: ['pymotw_tmp.txt']

It is also possible to reset the entire cache, discarding its contents so that each path will be rechecked.

import dircache

path = '/tmp'
first = dircache.listdir(path)
second = dircache.listdir(path)

print 'Identical :', first is second
print 'Equal     :', first == second
print 'Difference:', list(set(second) - set(first))
$ python dircache_reset.py
Identical : False
Equal     : True
Difference: []

Annotated Listings

The other interesting function provided by the dircache module is annotate(). When called, annotate() modifies a list such as is returned by listdir(), adding a ‘/’ to the end of the names that represent directories. (Sorry Windows users, although it uses os.path.join() to construct names to test, it always appends a ‘/’, not os.sep.)

import dircache
from pprint import pprint

path = '../../trunk'

contents = dircache.listdir(path)

annotated = contents[:]
dircache.annotate(path, annotated)

fmt = '%20s\t%20s'

print fmt % ('ORIGINAL', 'ANNOTATED')
print fmt % (('-' * 20,)*2)

for o, a in zip(contents, annotated):
    print fmt % (o, a)
$ python dircache_annotate.py
            ORIGINAL               ANNOTATED
--------------------    --------------------
           .DS_Store               .DS_Store
                .svn                   .svn/
           ChangeLog               ChangeLog
         LICENSE.txt             LICENSE.txt
            MANIFEST                MANIFEST
         MANIFEST.in             MANIFEST.in
      MANIFEST.in.in          MANIFEST.in.in
            Makefile                Makefile
              PyMOTW                 PyMOTW/
          README.txt              README.txt
         setup.py.in             setup.py.in
      static_content         static_content/
       template.html           template.html

See also

The standard library documentation for this module.