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PyMOTW: textwrap

  • 模块:textwrap
  • 目的: 通过调整段落中的换行符位置来格式化文本
  • python版本:2.5


textwrap模块可以用来格式化文本, 使其在某些场合输出更美观. 他提供了一些类似于在很多文本编辑器中都有的段落包装或填充特性的程序功能.


import textwrap

# Provide some sample text
sample_text = '''

 The textwrap module can be used to format text for output in situations
 where pretty-printing is desired.  It offers programmatic functionality similar
 to the paragraph wrapping or filling features found in many text editors.


fill()将文本作为输入, 格式化文本作为输出. 让我们看下面是如何对样本文本进行格式化的.

print 'No dedent:\n'
print textwrap.fill(sample_text)


No dedent:

        The textwrap module can be used to format text for output in
        situations         where pretty-printing is desired.  It offers
        programmatic functionality similar         to the paragraph wrapping
        or filling features found in many text editors.




dedented_text = textwrap.dedent(sample_text).strip()
print 'Dedented:\n'
print dedented_text



The textwrap module can be used to format text for output in situations
where pretty-printing is desired.  It offers programmatic functionality similar
to the paragraph wrapping or filling features found in many text editors.

由于”dedent”是”indent”的相反, 结果就是将每行开始的普通空白符删除了. 如果某行已经比另一行多了个缩进层次, 那么对应的空格不会被去掉.

>>> a="""
...     one tab
...             two tab
...     one tab
... """
>>> import textwrap
>>> dedented_text = textwrap.dedent(a).strip()
>>> print dedented_text
one tab
    two tab
one tab
>>> print a
    one tab
        two tab
    one tab

接下来, 让我们看下如果我们传递非缩进格式的文本给fill(), 并使用一些不同的宽度值, 会发生什么.


# Format the output with a few different max line width values
for width in [ 20, 60, 80 ]:
    print '%d Columns:\n' % width
    print textwrap.fill(dedented_text, width=width)


20 Columns:

The textwrap module
can be used to
format text for
output in situations
where pretty-
printing is desired.
It offers
similar to the
paragraph wrapping
or filling features
found in many text

60 Columns:

The textwrap module can be used to format text for output in
situations where pretty-printing is desired.  It offers
programmatic functionality similar to the paragraph wrapping
or filling features found in many text editors.

80 Columns:

The textwrap module can be used to format text for output in situations where
pretty-printing is desired.  It offers programmatic functionality similar to the
paragraph wrapping or filling features found in many text editors.

除了制定输出中的宽度, 你可以控制首行缩进, 他独立于接下来的行.

# Demonstrate how to produce a hanging indent
print '\nHanging indent:\n'
print textwrap.fill(dedented_text, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='    ')

这个看起来很容易就能实现文本的悬挂缩进, 也就是首行要比后继行有少的缩进.

Hanging indent:

The textwrap module can be used to format text for output in
   situations where pretty-printing is desired.  It offers
   programmatic functionality similar to the paragraph wrapping or
   filling features found in many text editors.

缩进值也可以是非空格字符, 因此, 可以用*作为前缀产生bullet点, 等等. 在我转换老的zwiki内容以便将其导入到trac中是很灵活的. 我使用Zope中的StructuredText包来解析zwiki数据, 然后创建一个格式化器产生一个trac的wiki标记作为输出. 使用textwrap就可以格式化输出页, 因此转换后就几乎不需要再进行手工操作整个转换过程几乎没有手工进行.
