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mobilebone学习 ajax封装,css制作loading等



	// Is it webkit
	var isWebkit = "WebkitAppearance" in document.documentElement.style || typeof document.webkitHidden != "undefined";

	// Is it suppory history API
	var supportHistory = "pushState" in history && "replaceState" in history;

	 * For ajax request to get HTML or JSON.

	 * @params  aOrFormOrObj        - Necessary
	            1. dom-object:<a>|<form>.
				2. object.
	 * @returns undefined
	 * @example Mobilebone.ajax(document.querySelector("a"));
				  url: 'xxx.html',
				  success: function() {}
	Mobilebone.ajax = function(aOrFormOrObj) {
		if (!aOrFormOrObj) return;

		// default params
		var defaults = {
			url: "",
			type: "",
			dataType: "",
			data: {},
			timeout: 10000,
			async: true,
			username: "",
			password: "",
			success: function() {},
			error: function() {},
			complete: function() {}

		var params = {}, eleMask = null, formData = null;

		// classname of mask
		var classMask = this.classMask;

		// if 'aOrFormOrObj' is a element, we should turn it to options-object
		var paramsFromTrigger = {}, attrMask;
		if (aOrFormOrObj.nodeType == 1) {
			paramsFromTrigger = _queryToObject(aOrFormOrObj.getAttribute("data-params") || "");
			// get params
			for (key in defaults) {
				// data-* > data-params > defaults
				params[key] = aOrFormOrObj.getAttribute("data-" + key) || paramsFromTrigger[key] || defaults[key];
				if (typeof defaults[key] == "function" && typeof params[key] == "string") {
					// eg. globalObject.functionName
					params[key] = this.getFunction(params[key]);
					if (typeof params[key] != "function") {
						params[key] = defaults[key];

			// address of ajax url
			params.url = this.getCleanUrl(aOrFormOrObj, params.url);

			var queryFromUrl = _queryToObject(params.url.split('?')[1]);

			// v2.7.4 fix params may ingore problem
			for (var key in queryFromUrl) {
				if (typeof paramsFromTrigger[key] == 'undefined') {
					paramsFromTrigger[key] = queryFromUrl[key];
			// v2.7.4
			params.query = paramsFromTrigger;
			// store target
			params.target = aOrFormOrObj;
			// v2.5.2
			// is back? for issues #128
			params.back = aOrFormOrObj.getAttribute("data-rel") == "back";

			var tagName = aOrFormOrObj.tagName.toLowerCase();
			if (tagName == "form") {
				params.type = aOrFormOrObj.method;

				formData = new FormData(aOrFormOrObj);
			} else if (tagName == "a") {
				// v2.5.8 for issues #157
				var idContainer = aOrFormOrObj.getAttribute("data-container"),
					classPageInside = aOrFormOrObj.getAttribute("data-classpage"),
					container = idContainer && document.getElementById(idContainer);
				if (container && classPageInside && classPageInside != Mobilebone.classPage) {
					// inner ajax no history change
					params.history = false;
					// title do not change
					params.title = false;

			// get mask element
			attrMask = aOrFormOrObj.getAttribute("data-mask");
			if (attrMask == "true" || attrMask == "") {
				eleMask = aOrFormOrObj.querySelector("." + classMask);
		// if 'aOrFormOrObj' is a object
		else if (aOrFormOrObj.url) {
			// get params
			for (key2 in defaults) {
				params[key2] = aOrFormOrObj[key2] || defaults[key2];
			// get url
			params.url = this.getCleanUrl(null, params.url, params.data);
			// here params.title will become page title;
			params.title = aOrFormOrObj.title;
			// v2.5.2
			// is back? for issues #128
			// when history.back()
			params.back = aOrFormOrObj.back;
			// v2.6.1
			params.container = aOrFormOrObj.container;
			// v2.7.4
			params.query = _queryToObject(aOrFormOrObj.url.split('?')[1]);
		} else {

		// do ajax
		// get mask and loading element
		var body = container || document.body;
		if (typeof attrMask != "string") {
			eleMask = [].slice.call(body.children).filter(function (element) {
				return element.classList.contains(classMask);

		if (eleMask == null) {
			eleMask = document.createElement("div");
			eleMask.className = classMask;
			eleMask.innerHTML = '<i class="loading"></i>';
			if (typeof attrMask == "string") {
			} else {
		// show loading
		eleMask.style.display = "inline";
		if (this.showLoading) {

		// ajax request
		var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
		xhr.open(params.type || "GET", params.url + (/\?/.test(params.url)? "&" : "?") + "r=" + Date.now(), params.async, params.username, params.password);
		xhr.timeout = params.timeout;

		xhr.onload = function() {
			// so far, many browser hasn't supported responseType = 'json', so, use JSON.parse instead
			var response = null;

			if (xhr.status == 200) {
				if (params.dataType == "json" || params.dataType == "JSON") {
					try {
						response = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
						params.response = response;
						Mobilebone.createPage(Mobilebone.jsonHandle(response, params), aOrFormOrObj, params);
					} catch (e) {
						params.message = "JSON parse error:" + e.message;
						params.error.call(params, xhr, xhr.status);
				} else if (params.dataType == "unknown") {
					// ajax send by url
					// no history hush
					params.history = false;
					// I don't remember why add 'params.remove = false' here,
					// but it seems that this will cause issues #147
					// no element remove
					// del → v2.5.8 // params.remove = false;
					try {
						// as json
						response = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
						params.response = response;
						Mobilebone.createPage(Mobilebone.jsonHandle(response, params), aOrFormOrObj, params);
					} catch (e) {
						// as html
						response = xhr.response;
						Mobilebone.createPage(response, aOrFormOrObj, params);
				} else {
					response = xhr.response;
					// 'response' is string
					Mobilebone.createPage(response, aOrFormOrObj, params);
				params.success.call(params, response, xhr.status);
			} else {
				params.message = "The status code exception!";
				params.error.call(params, xhr, xhr.status);

			params.complete.call(params, xhr, xhr.status);

			// hide loading
			eleMask.style.display = "none";
			if (this.hideLoading) {

		xhr.onerror = function(e) {
			params.message = "Illegal request address or an unexpected network error!";
			params.error.call(params, xhr, xhr.status);
			// hide loading
			eleMask.style.display = "none";
			if (this.hideLoading) {

		xhr.ontimeout = function() {
			params.message = "The request timeout!";
			params.error.call(params, xhr, xhr.status);
			// hide loading
			eleMask.style.display = "none";
			if (this.hideLoading) {

		// set request header for server
		xhr.setRequestHeader("Type", "ajax");
		xhr.setRequestHeader("From", "mobilebone");


	 * private method: convert query string to key-value object
	var _queryToObject = function(string) {
		var obj = {};
		if (typeof string == "string") {
			string.split("&").forEach(function(part) {
				var arrPart = part.split("=");
				if (arrPart.length > 1) {
					obj[arrPart[0]] = part.replace(arrPart[0] + "=", "");
		return obj;


.loading { /* more info: [http://www.zhangxinxu.com/wordpress/?p=3357](http://www.zhangxinxu.com/wordpress/?p=3357) */
    width: 3px; height:3px;
    border-radius: 100%;
    box-shadow: 0 -10px 0 1px currentColor,           /* top, 1px expand */
                10px 0px currentColor,                /* right */
                0 10px currentColor,                  /* bottom */
                -10px 0 currentColor,                 /* left */

                -7px -7px 0 .5px currentColor,        /* left-top, 0.5px expand */
                7px -7px 0 1.5px currentColor,        /* right-top, 1.5px expand */
                7px 7px currentColor,                 /* right-bottom */
                -7px 7px currentColor;                /* left-bottom */
	-webkit-animation: spin 1s steps(8) infinite;
	animation: spin 1s steps(8) infinite;
	position: absolute;
	top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;
	margin: auto;
/* chrysanthemum loading effect */
@-webkit-keyframes spin {
     0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
   100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); }
@keyframes spin {
     0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
    100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }