谷歌面试官 java面试_Google的面试教给我有关如何处理拒绝的知识


谷歌面试官 java面试

There are tons of success stories about how people have prepared and cracked interviews at top tech firms like Google, Facebook, and Amazon. However, hidden behind these success stories are stories of those who didn’t quite make it.

关于人们如何准备和破解Google,Facebook和Amazon等顶级科技公司的采访,有大量成功案例。 但是,这些成功故事背后隐藏着那些做不到的人的故事。

When I got a call from a Google recruiter on a cold morning in January 2020, I was thrilled. For anyone associated with technology, aspiring to work at Google is a dream-come-true opportunity, and I had to give it my best shot.

2020年1月一个寒冷的早晨,当我接到Google招聘人员的电话时,我很兴奋。 对于任何与技术相关的人来说,渴望在Google工作都是一次梦想成真的机会,我必须尽我所能。

The interview process was rigorous, as expected. After four months and eight rounds of interviews, juggling between a full-time job and late nights preparing for the interviews, I made it through the last round and was approved by the Google hiring committee.

正如预期的那样,面试过程很严格。 经过四个月零八轮的面试,在一个全职工作和准备面试的深夜之间进行了一些杂乱的工作,我完成了最后一轮,并得到了Google招聘委员会的批准。

I was finally ready to receive the offer letter and pop that bottle of champagne to celebrate the fruit of my hard work.


Alas! I was informed that as a result of the ongoing pandemic, there had been a slowdown in the hiring process. They now had only one open position, and the decision had to be made between me and another candidate. They didn’t make me an offer as the other candidate had a slight edge.

唉! 我被告知,由于持续的大流行,招聘过程有所放缓。 他们现在只有一个空缺职位,必须在我和另一位候选人之间做出决定。 他们没有给我要价,因为其他候选人略有优势。



I found myself sitting on my balcony, staring at the sky wondering what I could have done differently. Where did I screw up?

我发现自己坐在阳台上,凝视着天空,想知道我本可以做些不同的事情。 我在哪里弄糟?

Be it in love or a dream job opportunity, the emotions of rejection can be overwhelming. That’s especially so when it’s something you dearly looked forward to achieving but the outcome was against you, despite your putting in all the dedication and hard work.

无论是在恋爱中还是梦想中的工作机会,拒绝的情绪都可能是压倒性的。 尤其是当您非常希望实现这一目标,但是结果却不利于您,尽管您付出了所有的奉献精神和辛勤工作,这尤其如此。

Rejections are disheartening. But they are also humbling experiences that teach us to be better.

拒绝令人沮丧。 但是他们也谦卑地教导我们要变得更好。

“It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.”


— J.K. Rowling

- JK罗琳

1.感谢机会 (1. Be Thankful for the Opportunity)

There was hardly anything else I could think about for the next few days. I could hardly focus on my job. One morning, I decided to analyze and challenge my negative thoughts.

在接下来的几天里,我几乎没有什么可以想到的。 我几乎不能专注于我的工作。 一天早上,我决定分析并挑战我的消极想法。

It’s easy to spiral down the feeling of dejection, wondering what you could have done differently to change the outcome. Research has shown that humans are hardwired to focus on negativity. Psychologists refer to it as negativity bias.

降低沮丧感很容易,想知道您可以做些什么来改变结果。 研究表明, 人类固执地致力于消极情绪 。 心理学家将其称为消极倾向

It’s important to rise above the negative feelings and be thankful for the journey and the learning opportunity. I acknowledged my emotions and decided to divert my focus to positive affirmations. I thought of reasons why I should still be proud of myself despite the rejection.

摆脱负面情绪并为旅途和学习机会而感恩是很重要的。 我承认自己的情感,并决定将重点转移到积极的肯定上。 我想到了为什么尽管遭到拒绝我仍然应该为自己感到骄傲的原因。

“Negative thoughts and tensions are like birds. We cannot stop them from flying near us, but we can stop them from making a nest in our mind.” — Buddha

消极的思想和紧张就像鸟。 我们不能阻止他们在我们附近飞行,但是我们可以阻止他们在我们的脑海中筑巢。” —佛

2.注意你的自言自语 (2. Be Careful of Your Self-Talk)

Psychology Today magazine defines self-talk as an inner voice that provides a running monologue combining conscious thoughts and unconscious beliefs and biases. It can either be cheerful and supportive or negative and self-defeating.

《今日心理学》杂志将自我对话定义为一种内在声音,它提供了连续的独白,结合了有意识的思想,无意识的信念和偏见 。 它可以是开朗和支持,也可以是消极和自欺欺人。

I felt like a failure when I didn’t get the offer letter. I didn’t want to share the experience of interviewing with my friends because it dented my confidence, and I started thinking about what they would think. My brain started analyzing all the things I could have done better, which might have given me the edge.

当我没有收到录取通知书时,我感到很失败。 我不想与朋友分享面试的经历,因为这削弱了我的信心,我开始考虑他们会怎么想。 我的大脑开始分析我本可以做得更好的所有事情,这可能给了我优势。

The truth is, I did get selected. I just didn’t receive an offer.

事实是,我确实被选中了。 我只是没有收到要约。

Sulking over the rejection wasn’t helping me. After a few days, I started to focus on the positives I received from the four-month-long journey. For example, I never thought I would get an interview opportunity with Google, but I did. Through my hard work, I cleared all their rounds in my first attempt. I met new people and in the process of preparing for it, gained new knowledge.

为拒绝而生闷气并没有帮助我。 几天后,我开始专注于从四个月的旅程中获得的积极收获。 例如,我从没想过会得到Google的采访机会,但是我做到了。 通过我的努力,我第一次尝试清除了所有回合。 我结识了新朋友,并在为此做准备的过程中获得了新知识。

I realized that in the end, all that matters is my effort and knowing that I pushed limits and gave it my best shot. The outcome wasn’t in my hands, and hence I couldn’t let the outcome define me.

我意识到,最后,最重要的是我的努力,并且知道我不断突破极限,并尽了最大的努力。 结果不在我手中,因此我不能让结果定义我。

“Don’t be a victim of negative self-talk. Remember, YOU are listening.”— Bob Proctor

“不要成为负面自我谈话的受害者。 记住,你在听。”-鲍勃·普罗克特

3.不要放弃。 坚持不懈 (3. Don’t Give Up. Be Persistent)

This is probably the most obvious one. I decided to use it as an opportunity to grow and move forward with more wisdom. The whole process was a confidence booster.

这可能是最明显的一种。 我决定以此为契机,以更大的智慧成长和前进。 整个过程增强了信心。

I still aspire to work and learn from Google’s nourishing environment. So what’s the answer? Try again. The doors to Google are not closed yet, and there are many examples of persistent people who kept trying and eventually made it into Google.

我仍然渴望在Google的营养环境中工作并学习。 那么答案是什么呢? 再试一次。 通往Google的大门尚未关闭,并且有许多坚持不懈的人不断尝试并最终进入Google的例子。

I am working on improving my knowledge and gaining new skills that will help me succeed in the role at Google when I get the call. It’s also important to stay in touch with the Google HR person who managed your candidacy during the interview process. They are your best gateway to Google.

我正在努力提高自己的知识并获得新技能,这将有助于我在接到电话后在Google担任职务。 与面试过程中管理您的候选人资格的Google人力资源人员保持联系也很重要。 它们是您通往Google的最佳门户。

We all have failures in our life, but it’s important not to let the failure define you. Learn from it and move forward knowing that you are better equipped and one step closer to success. As they say: Fail forward.

我们一生都有失败,但重要的是不要让失败定义您。 从中学到东西,并继续前进,知道自己拥有更好的装备,并且距离成功更近了一步。 正如他们所说:失败。

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.” — Confucius

“我们最大的荣耀不是永不下降,而是每次跌倒时都在上升。” —Kong子

4.提高当前工作的机智 (4. Improve Resourcefulness in Your Current Job)

Just because I didn’t get into Google doesn’t mean I can’t use the knowledge and improve my resourcefulness in my current role. After all, I had spent four months studying rigorously for the interviews.

仅仅因为我没有加入Google并不意味着我无法利用所学的知识并提高我在目前职位上的机智。 毕竟,我花了四个月的时间认真研究面试。

I started taking on more responsibilities in my current role. New technical challenges, resource and project management, business development — I was taking it all. The learning curve was steep, but I enjoyed the challenge.

在我目前的职位上,我开始承担更多责任。 新的技术挑战,资源和项目管理,业务发展-我正在全力以赴。 学习曲线陡峭,但我乐于接受挑战。

The delightful thing is, the skills you acquire in the process will only help provide better examples to set yourself apart.


“A resourceful person will always make opportunity fit his or her needs.” — Napolean Hill

“一个机智的人将始终根据自己的需要创造机会。” —拿破仑山

底线 (Bottom Line)

Rejections are a part and parcel of life, and a good teacher.


We all experience stings of rejection in life and failures are inevitable. How we respond to them and bounce back better and stronger defines us as individuals. When faced with failures during interviews:

我们每个人都经历过拒绝生活的痛苦,失败是不可避免的。 我们如何回应他们并更好地反弹,将我们定义为个人。 面试中遇到失败时:

  • Be thankful for the opportunity — Acknowledge your emotions and divert focus to positive affirmations.

    多谢有机会 -承认自己的情绪并将注意力转移到积极的肯定上。

  • Be careful of your self-talk — Don’t let negative self-talk cloud your mind. Focus on the positives and don’t let the outcome define you.

    注意您的自我谈话 -不要让负面的自我谈话笼罩您的思想。 专注于积极因素,不要让结果定义您。

  • Don’t give up. Be persistent — Use rejection as an opportunity to grow and move forward with more wisdom. Keep trying till success comes knocking.

    不要放弃 坚持不懈-将拒绝作为机会,以更多的智慧成长和前进。 继续努力,直到成功敲门。

  • Improve resourcefulness in your current job — You don’t need to wait for a Google job to start implementing the skills you have acquired. Use them in your current job to catapult you to success.

    改善当前工作的机智性-您无需等待Google的工作即可开始实施所学技能。 在您当前的工作中使用它们可以使您成功。

New opportunities will always find their way to you in life. You just need to be prepared and ready to grasp them when they reveal themselves.

新的机会将始终为您找到生活中的途径。 当他们展示自己时,您只需要做好准备并准备好抓住它们即可。

As our beloved character, Rocky Balboa once said:

作为我们心爱的角色,洛基·巴尔波亚(Rocky Balboa)曾经说过:

“You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!”

“你,我,或者没人会像生活一样遭受重创。 但这与您遭受的打击无关。 这是关于您受到打击并继续前进的难易程度。 您可以拿多少并继续前进。 那就是赢的方式!”


谷歌面试官 java面试
