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 阿里巴巴-阿里云主机 阿里云2

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Power Users

Analyst Toolbox is a set of intelligent agents that are able to understand data like a human. We have our first few customers using Analyst Toolbox to read surveys, legal contracts and mine libraries of text for medical research.
Analyst Toolbox is an end-user application for professionals who need to find “what matters most” in texts and unstructured data repositories. Unlike other eDiscovery and tools for text analytics, Analyst Toolbox requires very little training and is able to detect ideas even if they are expressed using different words. Moreover, it is blistering fast and works in any language.
Register for a free trial of the Analyst Toolbox.

NathanApp™ – Our general purpose machine learning platform-as-a-service (PaaS) API will be available soon. Like Topic-Mapper, it is ideally suited to learn the meaning of any human language by learning the context of words — only faster and with greater deployment flexibility. NathanApp is a RESTful API using JavaScript and JSON. In addition, we will offer NathanNode™ for private clouds for customers who want to keep data on their own network(s) and NathanCore™ for embedding into devices. Our Nathan API is undergoing beta testing with a few selective customers before release to the general market. We are also integrating Nathan into our existing applications and upgrading our Topic-Mapper customers.  This will provide good references and use cases to accompany the release.
We expect to release NathanApp in Q4 2013.  NathanNode and NathanCore will be available to selected OEM clients by end of Q3.  To receive updates on NathanApp availability click here  to sign up!
Nathan is the result of more than 10 years of research and development by our team. Nathan API replaces our popular Topic-Mapper™ – with new features, faster and more precise performance.
ai-one™ – Biologically Inspired Intelligence:  
We provide software programming tools that enable any developer to build intelligent software agents. Our core technology emulates the complex pattern recognition functions of the human brain. It can detect the key features and contextual meaning of text, time-series and visual data.