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Video & Slides From TorqueBox at ATL JBUG


TorqueBox: News

    Video & Slides From TorqueBox at ATL JBUG
    Ben Browning
    07 February 2012




    On Tuesday, Jan 31st I presented TorqueBox to the Atlanta JBoss User
    Group in a talk titled, "When Two Worlds Collide: Java and Ruby
    in the Enterprise". There was a good turnout with a few members of the
    Atlanta Ruby User Group showing up as well.

    In case you missed it, we have three ways you can consume the
    presentation. The audio on the Ustream recording is a bit quiet so
    turn your speakers all the way up or watch the screen capture instead.

    Screen Capture With Audio and Captioned Questions



    Ustream Live Recording



    Slides Only

    Comments (2)
    TorqueBox v2.0.0.beta3 Released
    The Entire TorqueBox Team
    24 January 2012


    The entire TorqueBox team is proud to announce the immediate
    availability of TorqueBox v2.0.0.beta3.

        Download TorqueBox 2.0.0.beta3 (ZIP)
        Browse HTML manual
        Browse JavaDocs
        Browse Gem RDocs
        Download PDF manual
        Download ePub manual

    What is TorqueBox?

    TorqueBox is a Ruby application server built on JBoss AS7 and JRuby. In
    addition to being one of the fastest Ruby servers around, it supports
    Rack-based web frameworks, and provides simple Ruby interfaces to
    standard JavaEE services, including scheduled jobs, caching, messaging,
    and services.
    What's special about 2.0.0?

    This is the third beta for our 2.0.0 release, which is a major
    upgrade over the 1.x you may already be familiar with. Notable
    inclusions in 2.0.0 include:

        JRuby (with better Ruby 1.9 support)
        JBoss AS7 (faster boot time, smaller memory footprint)
        Multi-resource distributed XA transactions

    We'd love it if you give our beta3 release a whirl and report any
    issues you find in JIRA. If all goes as planned, we should have our
    first 2.0.0 candidate release out in a few weeks!
    What's In Beta 3?
    No-op gem

    We admit it. Sometimes unit testing is difficult. While TorqueSpec is great
    for integration tests, you don't always want or need the entire TorqueBox
    stack. Introducing torquebox-no-op. Joe Kutner, a long-time TorqueBox
    user has written this gem to help you out in those situations. It's now
    maintained in the TorqueBox source. Look for a post from Joe on these pages
    HornetQ updated to 2.2.10

    This release brings with it an updated HornetQ, fixing a small memory
    leak for each published message and issues with large messages in a
    Configuration validation

    One of the things that we wanted to add to TorqueBox is automatic validation for
    your app's configuration. So, we now validate configuration at deploy time according to
    our schema. If it doesn't pass, we'll fail fast and stop the deployment with an
    appropriate error, which should greatly reduce confusing errors related to erroneous

posted on 2012-02-28 23:28  lexus 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏

