Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller源码分析



controllers/nginx/pkg/cmd/controller/main.go:29 func main() {
	// start a new nginx controller
	ngx := newNGINXController()
	// create a custom Ingress controller using NGINX as backend
	ic := controller.NewIngressController(ngx)
	go handleSigterm(ic) // start the controller
	ic.Start() // wait
	glog.Infof("shutting down Ingress controller...") for {
		glog.Infof("Handled quit, awaiting pod deletion")
		time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
  • start a new nginx controller.
  • create a custom Ingress controller using NGINX as backend.
  • start the Ingress controller.


controllers/nginx/pkg/cmd/controller/nginx.go:68 func newNGINXController() ingress.Controller {

 // 从环境变量“NGINX_BINARY”中获取nginx二进制文件的路径,如果没有该环境变量,则使用预设的默认值“/usr/sbin/nginx”
	ngx := os.Getenv("NGINX_BINARY")
	if ngx == "" {
		ngx = binary

 // 从"/etc/resolv.conf"中读取dns nameservers的IP列表
	h, err := dns.GetSystemNameServers()

 // 构造NGINXController对象
	n := &NGINXController{
		binary: ngx,
		configmap: &api_v1.ConfigMap{},
		// 查看 "/proc/net/if_inet6"文件是否存在,检查是否Enable IPv6
		isIPV6Enabled: isIPv6Enabled(),
		resolver: h,
		proxy: &proxy{
		 // 设置proxy的default server为 ””
			Default: &server{
				Hostname: "localhost",
				IP: "",
				Port: 442,
				ProxyProtocol: true,

 // 启动对 tcp/443 端口的监听
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":443")
	proxyList := &proxyproto.Listener{Listener: listener}

	// start goroutine that accepts tcp connections in port 443 go func() {
		for {
			var conn net.Conn
			var err error

			if n.isProxyProtocolEnabled {
				// we need to wrap the listener in order to decode // proxy protocol before handling the connection
				conn, err = proxyList.Accept()
			} else {
				conn, err = listener.Accept()

			if err != nil {
				glog.Warningf("unexpected error accepting tcp connection: %v", err)

			glog.V(3).Infof("remote address %s to local %s", conn.RemoteAddr(), conn.LocalAddr())
			go n.proxy.Handle(conn)

 // onChange定义nginx.tmpl文件内容发生变化时需要进行操作:重新生成nginx template instance,并赋给NGINXController var onChange func()
	onChange = func() {
		template, err := ngx_template.NewTemplate(tmplPath, onChange)

		n.t = template
		glog.Info("new NGINX template loaded")

 // 根据nginx.tmpl生成nginx Template,并将onChange注册进去,通过FileWatcher监听nginx.tmpl的变化时,自动调用onChange。
	ngxTpl, err := ngx_template.NewTemplate(tmplPath, onChange)
	n.t = ngxTpl

 // start a new NGINX master process running in foreground.
	go n.Start()
	return ingress.Controller(n)
  • 从环境变量“NGINX_BINARY”中获取nginx二进制文件的路径,如果没有该环境变量,则使用预设的默认值“/usr/sbin/nginx”

  • 从"/etc/resolv.conf"中读取dns nameservers的IP列表

  • 构造NGINXController对象

    • 查看 "/proc/net/if_inet6"文件是否存在,检查是否Enable IPv6
    • 设置proxy的default server为 ””
  • 启动对 tcp/443 端口的监听

  • start goroutine that accepts tcp connections in port 443

  • onChange定义nginx.tmpl文件内容发生变化时需要进行操作:重新生成nginx template instance,并赋给NGINXController

  • 根据nginx.tmpl生成nginx Template,并将onChange注册进去,通过FileWatcher监听nginx.tmpl的变化时,自动调用onChange。

  • start a new NGINX master process running in foreground.



type NGINXController struct {
	t *ngx_template.Template

	configmap *api_v1.ConfigMap

	storeLister ingress.StoreLister

	binary string
	resolver []net.IP

	cmdArgs []string

	stats *statsCollector
	statusModule statusModule

	// returns true if IPV6 is enabled in the pod
	isIPV6Enabled bool // returns true if proxy protocol es enabled
	isProxyProtocolEnabled bool

	proxy *proxy


//controllers/nginx/pkg/template/template.go:57 func NewTemplate(file string, onChange func()) (*Template, error) {
	tmpl, err := text_template.New("nginx.tmpl").Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles(file)
	fw, err := watch.NewFileWatcher(file, onChange)

	return &Template{
		tmpl: tmpl,
		fw: fw,
		s: defBufferSize,
		tmplBuf: bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, defBufferSize)),
		outCmdBuf: bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, defBufferSize)),
	}, nil

funcMap = text_template.FuncMap{
	"empty": func(input interface{}) bool {
		check, ok := input.(string)
		if ok {
			return len(check) == 0
		return true
	"buildLocation": buildLocation,
	"buildAuthLocation": buildAuthLocation,
	"buildAuthResponseHeaders": buildAuthResponseHeaders,
	"buildProxyPass": buildProxyPass,
	"buildRateLimitZones": buildRateLimitZones,
	"buildRateLimit": buildRateLimit,
	"buildResolvers": buildResolvers,
	"buildUpstreamName": buildUpstreamName,
	"isLocationAllowed": isLocationAllowed,
	"buildLogFormatUpstream": buildLogFormatUpstream,
	"buildDenyVariable": buildDenyVariable,
	"getenv": os.Getenv,
	"contains": strings.Contains,
	"hasPrefix": strings.HasPrefix,
	"hasSuffix": strings.HasSuffix,
	"toUpper": strings.ToUpper,
	"toLower": strings.ToLower,
	"formatIP": formatIP,
	"buildNextUpstream": buildNextUpstream,


core/pkg/ingress/controller/launch.go:29 // NewIngressController returns a configured Ingress controller func NewIngressController(backend ingress.Controller) *GenericController {

	// 对于Ningx而言,OverrideFlags主要处理ingress-class配置,如果ingress-class没有配置,则使用默认配置"nginx",并启动Prometheus Collector for the nginx。

	flag.Set("logtostderr", "true")

 // 如果配置了publish-service,则要检查该serivce的svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress不为空。 if *publishSvc != "" {
		if len(svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) == 0 {
			// We could poll here, but we instead just exit and rely on k8s to restart us
			glog.Fatalf("service %s does not (yet) have ingress points", *publishSvc)


 // 创建目录 "/ingress-controller/ssl", 用于保存Ingress中定义的SSL certificates,文件名格式为<namespace>-<secret name>.pem
	err = os.MkdirAll(ingress.DefaultSSLDirectory, 0655)
	// 构造Ingress Controller的配置
	config := &Configuration{
		UpdateStatus: *updateStatus,
		ElectionID: *electionID,
		Client: kubeClient,
		ResyncPeriod: *resyncPeriod,
		DefaultService: *defaultSvc,
		IngressClass: *ingressClass,
		DefaultIngressClass: backend.DefaultIngressClass(),
		Namespace: *watchNamespace,
		ConfigMapName: *configMap,
		TCPConfigMapName: *tcpConfigMapName,
		UDPConfigMapName: *udpConfigMapName,
		DefaultSSLCertificate: *defSSLCertificate,
		DefaultHealthzURL: *defHealthzURL,
		PublishService: *publishSvc,
		Backend: backend,
		ForceNamespaceIsolation: *forceIsolation,
		UpdateStatusOnShutdown: *UpdateStatusOnShutdown,
		SortBackends: *SortBackends,

 // 创建 Nginx Ingress controller。
	ic := newIngressController(config)
	// 注册 "/debug/pprof"等handler,方便必要时进行性能调试. // 注册 "/stop" handler,以必要时stop nginx-ingress-controller. // 注册 "/metrics" handler,提供Prometheus收集监控数据。 go registerHandlers(*profiling, *healthzPort, ic)
	return ic
  • 对于Ningx而言,OverrideFlags主要处理ingress-class配置,如果ingress-class没有配置,则使用默认配置"nginx",并启动Prometheus Collector for the nginx。
  • 如果配置了publish-service,则要检查该serivce的svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress不为空。
  • 创建目录 "/ingress-controller/ssl", 用于保存Ingress中定义的SSL certificates,文件名格式为<namespace>-<secret name>.pem
  • 构造Ingress Controller的配置
  • 创建 Nginx Ingress controller。
  • 注册 "/debug/pprof"等handler, 方便必要时进行性能调试.
  • 注册 "/stop" handler,以必要时stop nginx-ingress-controller.
  • 注册 "/metrics" handler,提供Prometheus收集监控数据。
core/pkg/ingress/controller/controller.go:149 // newIngressController creates an Ingress controller
func newIngressController(config *Configuration) *GenericController {

 // 创建事件广播器
	eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
		Interface: config.Client.Core().Events(config.Namespace),

 // 构建GenericController
	ic := GenericController{
		cfg: config,
		stopLock: &sync.Mutex{},
		stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
		// 设置syncRateLimiter的qps为0.3, burst为1.
		syncRateLimiter: flowcontrol.NewTokenBucketRateLimiter(0.3, 1),
		recorder: eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(scheme.Scheme, api.EventSource{
			Component: "ingress-controller",
		// sslCertTracker holds a store of referenced Secrets in Ingress rules.
		sslCertTracker: newSSLCertTracker(),

 // 创建Ingress的syncQueue,每往syncQueue插入一个Ingress对象,就会调用syncIngress一次。
	ic.syncQueue = task.NewTaskQueue(ic.syncIngress)

	// from here to the end of the method all the code is just boilerplate // required to watch Ingress, Secrets, ConfigMaps and Endoints. // This is used to detect new content, updates or removals and act accordingly // 定义Ingress Event Handler: Add, Delete, Update。
	ingEventHandler := cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
	 // 注册Ingress Add Event Handler.
		AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			addIng := obj.(*extensions.Ingress)
			// 只处理Annotation ”kubernetes.io/ingress.class”满足条件的Ingress,条件必须满足其中之一:1. 如果Annotation为空,则要求--ingress-class设置的值为"nginx";2. Annotation与--ingress-class设置的值相同。 if !class.IsValid(addIng, ic.cfg.IngressClass, ic.cfg.DefaultIngressClass) {
				a, _ := parser.GetStringAnnotation(class.IngressKey, addIng)
				glog.Infof("ignoring add for ingress %v based on annotation %v with value %v", addIng.Name, class.IngressKey, a)
			ic.recorder.Eventf(addIng, api.EventTypeNormal, "CREATE", fmt.Sprintf("Ingress %s/%s", addIng.Namespace, addIng.Name))
			// 将满足条件的Ingress Object加入到syncQueue,如此便会触发调用ic.syncIngress来update and reload nginx config。
			// extracts information about secrets inside the Ingress rule, 如果该Ingress中的secret不在sslCertTracker cache中,则会调用ic.syncSecret将secret内容更新到对应的"/ingress-controller/ssl/<namespace>-<secret name>.pem"中。
		// 注册Ingress Delete Event Handler。
		DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			delIng := obj.(*extensions.Ingress)
			// 同Add一样,只处理Annotation ”kubernetes.io/ingress.class”满足条件的Ingress。 if !class.IsValid(delIng, ic.cfg.IngressClass, ic.cfg.DefaultIngressClass) {
				glog.Infof("ignoring delete for ingress %v based on annotation %v", delIng.Name, class.IngressKey)
			ic.recorder.Eventf(delIng, api.EventTypeNormal, "DELETE", fmt.Sprintf("Ingress %s/%s", delIng.Namespace, delIng.Name))
			// 将满足条件的Ingress Object加入到syncQueue。
		// 注册Ingress Update Event Handler。
		UpdateFunc: func(old, cur interface{}) {
			oldIng := old.(*extensions.Ingress)
			curIng := cur.(*extensions.Ingress)
			validOld := class.IsValid(oldIng, ic.cfg.IngressClass, ic.cfg.DefaultIngressClass)
			validCur := class.IsValid(curIng, ic.cfg.IngressClass, ic.cfg.DefaultIngressClass)
			if !validOld && validCur {
				glog.Infof("creating ingress %v based on annotation %v", curIng.Name, class.IngressKey)
				ic.recorder.Eventf(curIng, api.EventTypeNormal, "CREATE", fmt.Sprintf("Ingress %s/%s", curIng.Namespace, curIng.Name))
			} else if validOld && !validCur {
				glog.Infof("removing ingress %v based on annotation %v", curIng.Name, class.IngressKey)
				ic.recorder.Eventf(curIng, api.EventTypeNormal, "DELETE", fmt.Sprintf("Ingress %s/%s", curIng.Namespace, curIng.Name))
			} else if validCur && !reflect.DeepEqual(old, cur) {
				ic.recorder.Eventf(curIng, api.EventTypeNormal, "UPDATE", fmt.Sprintf("Ingress %s/%s", curIng.Namespace, curIng.Name))
			} else {
				// old and cur are invalid or old and cur doesn't have changes, so ignore return
			// 将满足条件的Ingress Object加入到syncQueue。
			// 将Ingress中定义的Secret同步更新到对应的"/ingress-controller/ssl/<namespace>-<secret name>.pem"中。

 // 定义Secret Event Handler: Add, Delete, Update。
	secrEventHandler := cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
	 // 注册Secret Add Event Handler。
		AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			sec := obj.(*api.Secret)
			key := fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", sec.Namespace, sec.Name)
			// checks if a secret is referenced or not by one or more Ingress rules if ic.secrReferenced(sec.Namespace, sec.Name) {
			 // 调用ic.syncSecret将secret内容更新到对应的"/ingress-controller/ssl/<namespace>-<secret name>.pem"中
		// 注册Secret Update Event Handler。
		UpdateFunc: func(old, cur interface{}) {
		 // 判断old secret与current secret内容是否相同。 if !reflect.DeepEqual(old, cur) {
				sec := cur.(*api.Secret)
				key := fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", sec.Namespace, sec.Name)
				// 如果不同,则调用ic.syncSecret同步到pem文件中。
		// 注册Secret Delete Event Handler。
		DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			sec := obj.(*api.Secret)
			key := fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", sec.Namespace, sec.Name)
			// 从sslCertTracker cache中删除对应的secret

 // 定义通用event handler(给Endpoint Object使用),对于Add/Delete/Update都将object插入到syncQueue.
	eventHandler := cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
		AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
		DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
		UpdateFunc: func(old, cur interface{}) {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(old, cur) {

 // 定义ConfigMap Event Handler: Add, Delete, Update。
	mapEventHandler := cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
	 // 注册ConfigMap Add Event Handler。
		AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			upCmap := obj.(*api.ConfigMap)
			mapKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", upCmap.Namespace, upCmap.Name)
			// 判断该ConfigMap的namespace/configMapName是都匹配--configmap的Name。 if mapKey == ic.cfg.ConfigMapName {
				glog.V(2).Infof("adding configmap %v to backend", mapKey)
				// 如果匹配,则将该configmap内容设置给后端nginx,并设置reloadRequired为true(syncIngress中会判断reloadRequired是否为true,才执行对应的OnUpdate对nginx config更新并reload。)
				ic.reloadRequired = true
		// 注册ConfigMap Update Event Handler。
		UpdateFunc: func(old, cur interface{}) {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(old, cur) {
				upCmap := cur.(*api.ConfigMap)
				mapKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", upCmap.Namespace, upCmap.Name)
				// 判断该ConfigMap的namespace/configMapName是都匹配--configmap的Name if mapKey == ic.cfg.ConfigMapName {
					glog.V(2).Infof("updating configmap backend (%v)", mapKey)
					// 如果匹配,则将该configmap内容设置给后端nginx,并设置reloadRequired为true(syncIngress中会判断reloadRequired是否为true,才执行对应的OnUpdate对nginx config更新并reload。)
					ic.reloadRequired = true
				// updates to configuration configmaps can trigger an update if mapKey == ic.cfg.ConfigMapName || mapKey == ic.cfg.TCPConfigMapName || mapKey == ic.cfg.UDPConfigMapName {
					ic.recorder.Eventf(upCmap, api.EventTypeNormal, "UPDATE", fmt.Sprintf("ConfigMap %v", mapKey))
					// 将更新的configmap插入到syncQueue,触发调用syncIngress。

 // 如果启用了--force-namespace-isolation,并且配置--watch-namespace不是“”(表示all namespace),则watchNs为--watch-namespace配置的值,否则其他任何情况,wathNs都为all. // 注意watchNs只表示对Secret和ConfigMap的watch namesapce。
	watchNs := api.NamespaceAll
	if ic.cfg.ForceNamespaceIsolation && ic.cfg.Namespace != api.NamespaceAll {
		watchNs = ic.cfg.Namespace

 // 对ingress,endpoint,service而言,watch的namespace就是--watch-namespace配置的值。
	ic.ingLister.Store, ic.ingController = cache.NewInformer(
		cache.NewListWatchFromClient(ic.cfg.Client.Extensions().RESTClient(), "ingresses", ic.cfg.Namespace, fields.Everything()),
		&extensions.Ingress{}, ic.cfg.ResyncPeriod, ingEventHandler)

	ic.endpLister.Store, ic.endpController = cache.NewInformer(
		cache.NewListWatchFromClient(ic.cfg.Client.Core().RESTClient(), "endpoints", ic.cfg.Namespace, fields.Everything()),
		&api.Endpoints{}, ic.cfg.ResyncPeriod, eventHandler)

	ic.secrLister.Store, ic.secrController = cache.NewInformer(
		cache.NewListWatchFromClient(ic.cfg.Client.Core().RESTClient(), "secrets", watchNs, fields.Everything()),
		&api.Secret{}, ic.cfg.ResyncPeriod, secrEventHandler)

	ic.mapLister.Store, ic.mapController = cache.NewInformer(
		cache.NewListWatchFromClient(ic.cfg.Client.Core().RESTClient(), "configmaps", watchNs, fields.Everything()),
		&api.ConfigMap{}, ic.cfg.ResyncPeriod, mapEventHandler)

	ic.svcLister.Store, ic.svcController = cache.NewInformer(
		cache.NewListWatchFromClient(ic.cfg.Client.Core().RESTClient(), "services", ic.cfg.Namespace, fields.Everything()),
		&api.Service{}, ic.cfg.ResyncPeriod, cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{})

 // 对node对象而言,watch的namespace当然始终是all namespace。
	ic.nodeLister.Store, ic.nodeController = cache.NewInformer(
		cache.NewListWatchFromClient(ic.cfg.Client.Core().RESTClient(), "nodes", api.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything()),
		&api.Node{}, ic.cfg.ResyncPeriod, cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{})

 // --update-status配置默认为true,也就是说默认会通过status.NewStatusSyncer来配置ingress controller的syncStatus接口。syncStatus用来returns a list of IP addresses and/or FQDN where the ingress controller is currently running。 if config.UpdateStatus {
		ic.syncStatus = status.NewStatusSyncer(status.Config{
			Client: config.Client,
			PublishService: ic.cfg.PublishService,
			IngressLister: ic.ingLister,
			ElectionID: config.ElectionID,
			IngressClass: config.IngressClass,
			DefaultIngressClass: config.DefaultIngressClass,
			UpdateStatusOnShutdown: config.UpdateStatusOnShutdown,
	} else {
		glog.Warning("Update of ingress status is disabled (flag --update-status=false was specified)")

	ic.annotations = newAnnotationExtractor(ic)

 // 将Ingress, Service, Node, Endpoint, Secret, ConfigMap的Lister赋值给nginx ingress controller的Lister。
		Ingress: ic.ingLister,
		Service: ic.svcLister,
		Node: ic.nodeLister,
		Endpoint: ic.endpLister,
		Secret: ic.secrLister,
		ConfigMap: ic.mapLister,

	return &ic
  • 创建事件广播器
  • 构建GenericController
  • 创建Ingress的syncQueue,每往syncQueue插入一个Ingress对象,就会调用syncIngress一次。
  • 定义Ingress Event Handler: Add, Delete, Update。
    • 注册Ingress Add Event Handler.
      • 只处理Annotation ”kubernetes.io/ingress.class”满足条件的Ingress,条件必须满足其中之一:1. 如果Annotation为空,则要求--ingress-class设置的值为"nginx";2. Annotation与--ingress-class设置的值相同。
      • 将满足条件的Ingress Object加入到syncQueue,如此便会触发调用ic.syncIngress来update and reload nginx config。
      • extracts information about secrets inside the Ingress rule, 如果该Ingress中的secret不在sslCertTracker cache中,则会调用ic.syncSecret将secret内容更新到对应的"/ingress-controller/ssl/<namespace>-<secret name>.pem"中。
    • 注册Ingress Delete Event Handler。
      • 同Add一样,只处理Annotation ”kubernetes.io/ingress.class”满足条件的Ingress。
      • 将满足条件的Ingress Object加入到syncQueue。
    • 注册Ingress Update Event Handler。
      • 将满足条件的Ingress Object加入到syncQueue。
      • 将Ingress中定义的Secret同步更新到对应的"/ingress-controller/ssl/<namespace>-<secret name>.pem"中。
  • 定义Secret Event Handler: Add, Delete, Update。
    • 注册Secret Add Event Handler。
      • checks if a secret is referenced or not by one or more Ingress rules
        • 调用ic.syncSecret将secret内容更新到对应的"/ingress-controller/ssl/<namespace>-<secret name>.pem"中
    • 注册Secret Update Event Handler。
      • 判断old secret与current secret内容是否相同。 - 如果不同,则调用ic.syncSecret同步到pem文件中
    • 注册Secret Delete Event Handler。
      • 从sslCertTracker cache中删除对应的secret
  • 定义通用event handler(给Endpoint Object使用),对于Add/Delete/Update都将object插入到syncQueue.
  • 定义ConfigMap Event Handler: Add, Delete, Update。
    • 注册ConfigMap Add Event Handler。
      • 判断该ConfigMap的namespace/configMapName是都匹配--configmap的Name。
        • 如果匹配,则将该configmap内容设置给后端nginx,并设置reloadRequired为true(syncIngress中会判断reloadRequired是否为true,才执行对应的OnUpdate对nginx config更新并reload。)
    • 注册ConfigMap Update Event Handler。 - 判断该ConfigMap的namespace/configMapName是都匹配--configmap的Name - 如果匹配,则将该configmap内容设置给后端nginx,并设置reloadRequired为true(syncIngress中会判断reloadRequired是否为true,才执行对应的OnUpdate对nginx config更新并reload。) - updates to configuration configmaps can trigger an update - 将更新的configmap插入到syncQueue,触发调用syncIngress。
  • 如果启用了--force-namespace-isolation,并且配置--watch-namespace不是“”(表示all namespace),则watchNs为--watch-namespace配置的值,否则其他任何情况,wathNs都为all.
  • 注意watchNs只表示对Secret和ConfigMap的watch namesapce。
  • 对ingress,endpoint,service而言,watch的namespace就是--watch-namespace配置的值。
  • 对node对象而言,watch的namespace当然始终是all namespace。
  • --update-status配置默认为true,也就是说默认会通过status.NewStatusSyncer来配置ingress controller的syncStatus接口。syncStatus用来returns a list of IP addresses and/or FQDN where the ingress controller is currently running。
  • 将Ingress, Service, Node, Endpoint, Secret, ConfigMap的Lister赋值给nginx ingress controller的Lister。


  • Ingress Add/Delete/Update Event Handler
  • Endpoint Add/Delete/Update Event Handler
  • ConfigMap Update Event Handler

上面也提到,syncIngress会update and reload nginx config,具体的逻辑见如下代码。

core/pkg/ingress/controller/controller.go:378 // sync collects all the pieces required to assemble the configuration file and // then sends the content to the backend (OnUpdate) receiving the populated // template as response reloading the backend if is required.
func (ic *GenericController) syncIngress(key interface{}) error {

	if ic.syncQueue.IsShuttingDown() {
		return nil

 // getBackendServers returns a list of Upstream and Server to be used by the backend. An upstream can be used in multiple servers if the namespace, service name and port are the same
	upstreams, servers := ic.getBackendServers()
	var passUpstreams []*ingress.SSLPassthroughBackend

 // 构建passUpstreams部分 for _, server := range servers {
		if !server.SSLPassthrough {

		for _, loc := range server.Locations {
			if loc.Path != rootLocation {
				glog.Warningf("ignoring path %v of ssl passthrough host %v", loc.Path, server.Hostname)
			passUpstreams = append(passUpstreams, &ingress.SSLPassthroughBackend{
				Backend: loc.Backend,
				Hostname: server.Hostname,
				Service: loc.Service,
				Port: loc.Port,

 // 构建当前nginx config。
	pcfg := ingress.Configuration{
		Backends: upstreams,
		Servers: servers,
		TCPEndpoints: ic.getStreamServices(ic.cfg.TCPConfigMapName, api.ProtocolTCP),
		UDPEndpoints: ic.getStreamServices(ic.cfg.UDPConfigMapName, api.ProtocolUDP),
		PassthroughBackends: passUpstreams,

 // 如果ic.reloadRequired为false,并且nginx config内容不变,则跳过nginx reload,流程结束。 if !ic.reloadRequired && (ic.runningConfig != nil && ic.runningConfig.Equal(&pcfg)) {
		glog.V(3).Infof("skipping backend reload (no changes detected)")
		return nil

	glog.Infof("backend reload required")

 // 否则,调用NGINXController.OnUpdate对nginx config进行reload.
	err := ic.cfg.Backend.OnUpdate(pcfg)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("unexpected failure restarting the backend: \n%v", err)
		return err

	ic.reloadRequired = false
	glog.Infof("ingress backend successfully reloaded...")

 // 更新ic.runningConfig
	ic.runningConfig = &pcfg

	return nil
  • getBackendServers returns a list of Upstream and Server to be used by the backend. An upstream can be used in multiple servers if the namespace,
  • 构建passUpstreams部分
  • 构建当前nginx config。
  • 如果ic.reloadRequired为false,并且nginx config内容不变,则跳过nginx reload,流程结束。
  • 否则,调用NGINXController.OnUpdate对nginx config进行reload.
  • 更新ic.runningConfig

从前面的代码分析,可得出以下情况会调用ic.syncSecret将secret内容更新到对应的"/ingress-controller/ssl/<namespace>-<secret name>.pem"中。

  • Ingress Add Event Handler
  • Secret Add/Update Event Handler


core/pkg/ingress/controller/backend_ssl.go:38 // syncSecret keeps in sync Secrets used by Ingress rules with the files on // disk to allow copy of the content of the secret to disk to be used // by external processes.
func (ic *GenericController) syncSecret(key string) {
	glog.V(3).Infof("starting syncing of secret %v", key)

	var cert *ingress.SSLCert
	var err error

 // 调用ic.getPemCertificate receives a secret, and creates a ingress.SSLCert as return. It parses the secret and verifies if it's a keypair, or a 'ca.crt' secret only.
	cert, err = ic.getPemCertificate(key)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Warningf("error obtaining PEM from secret %v: %v", key, err)

	// create certificates and add or update the item in the store(sslCertTracker)
	cur, exists := ic.sslCertTracker.Get(key)
	if exists {
		s := cur.(*ingress.SSLCert)
		if reflect.DeepEqual(s, cert) {
			// no need to update return
		glog.Infof("updating secret %v in the local store", key)
		ic.sslCertTracker.Update(key, cert)
		ic.reloadRequired = true return

	glog.Infof("adding secret %v to the local store", key)
	ic.sslCertTracker.Add(key, cert)
	ic.reloadRequired = true
  • 调用ic.getPemCertificate receives a secret, and creates a ingress.SSLCert as return. It parses the secret and verifies if it's a keypair, or a 'ca.crt' secret only.
  • create certificates and add or update the item in the store(sslCertTracker)
  • 设置 ic.reloadRequired = true

在newIngressController中通过NewStatusSyncer给ingress Controller创建了一个StatusSyncer。 --update-status配置默认为true,也就是说默认会通过status.NewStatusSyncer来配置ingress controller的syncStatus接口。syncStatus用来returns a list of IP addresses and/or FQDN where the ingress controller is currently running。

core/pkg/ingress/status/status.go:186 // NewStatusSyncer returns a new Sync instance
func NewStatusSyncer(config Config) Sync {
	pod, err := k8s.GetPodDetails(config.Client)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("unexpected error obtaining pod information: %v", err)

	st := statusSync{
		pod: pod,
		runLock: &sync.Mutex{},
		Config: config,
	// 每往st.syncQueue中插入一个Object,都会触发调用st.sync。
	st.syncQueue = task.NewCustomTaskQueue(st.sync, st.keyfunc)

	// we need to use the defined ingress class to allow multiple leaders // in order to update information about ingress status id := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", config.ElectionID, config.DefaultIngressClass)
	if config.IngressClass != "" {
		id = fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", config.ElectionID, config.IngressClass)

 // 选举leader
	le, err := NewElection(id,
		pod.Name, pod.Namespace, 30*time.Second,
		st.callback, config.Client)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("unexpected error starting leader election: %v", err)
	st.elector = le
	return st

func (s *statusSync) sync(key interface{}) error {
	defer s.runLock.Unlock()

	if s.syncQueue.IsShuttingDown() {
		glog.V(2).Infof("skipping Ingress status update (shutting down in progress)")
		return nil

 // skipping Ingress status update (I am not the current leader) if !s.elector.IsLeader() {
		glog.V(2).Infof("skipping Ingress status update (I am not the current leader)")
		return nil

 // runningAddresses returns a list of IP addresses and/or FQDN where the ingress controller is currently running.
	addrs, err := s.runningAddresses()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// 将新Ip更新到对应的ingress.status中(Ingress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress = newIPs)

	return nil
core/pkg/ingress/status/status.go:218 // runningAddresses returns a list of IP addresses and/or FQDN where the // ingress controller is currently running
func (s *statusSync) runningAddresses() ([]string, error) {

 // 如果配置了PublishService,则获取PublishService的`svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress`作为currently running ingress controller的IP/FQDN if s.PublishService != "" {
		ns, name, _ := k8s.ParseNameNS(s.PublishService)
		svc, err := s.Client.Core().Services(ns).Get(name, meta_v1.GetOptions{})
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		addrs := []string{}
		for _, ip := range svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress {
			if ip.IP == "" {
				addrs = append(addrs, ip.Hostname)
			} else {
				addrs = append(addrs, ip.IP)

		return addrs, nil

	// get information about all the pods running the ingress controller
	pods, err := s.Client.Core().Pods(s.pod.Namespace).List(meta_v1.ListOptions{
		LabelSelector: labels.SelectorFromSet(s.pod.Labels).String(),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

 // 如果没有配置PublishService,则返回各个pod所在的node IP组成的Array。
	addrs := []string{}
	for _, pod := range pods.Items {
		name := k8s.GetNodeIP(s.Client, pod.Spec.NodeName)
		if !strings.StringInSlice(name, addrs) {
			addrs = append(addrs, name)
	return addrs, nil


  • 每往st.syncQueue中插入一个Object,都会触发调用st.sync。sync的流程如下:
    • skipping Ingress status update (I am not the current leader)
    • runningAddresses returns a list of IP addresses and/or FQDN where the ingress controller is currently running. runningAddresses的流程如下:
      • 如果配置了PublishService,则获取PublishService的svc.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress作为currently running ingress controller的IP/FQDN
      • 如果没有配置PublishService,则返回各个pod所在的node IP组成的Array。
    • 将新Ip更新到对应的ingress.status中(Ingress.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress = newIPs)
  • 选举leader



// Start starts the Ingress controller.
func (ic GenericController) Start() {
	glog.Infof("starting Ingress controller")

 // 分别启动goruntine对ingress,endpoint,service,node,secret,configmap进行listwatch。
	go ic.ingController.Run(ic.stopCh)
	go ic.endpController.Run(ic.stopCh)
	go ic.svcController.Run(ic.stopCh)
	go ic.nodeController.Run(ic.stopCh)
	go ic.secrController.Run(ic.stopCh)
	go ic.mapController.Run(ic.stopCh)

	// Wait for all involved caches to be synced, before processing items from the queue is started
	if !cache.WaitForCacheSync(ic.stopCh,
	) {
		runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("Timed out waiting for caches to sync"))

 // 启动goruntine,每次执行完worker(在newIngressController时通过ic.syncQueue = task.NewTaskQueue(ic.syncIngress)注册worker为ic.syncIngress),等待10s,再次执行worker,如此循环,直到收到stopCh
	go ic.syncQueue.Run(10*time.Second, ic.stopCh)

 // 如果配置了--update-status(默认为true),则启动goruntine执行statusSync.Run,starts the loop to keep the status in sync. if ic.syncStatus != nil {
		go ic.syncStatus.Run(ic.stopCh)

  • 分别启动goruntine对ingress,endpoint,service,node,secret,configmap进行listwatch。
  • Wait for all involved caches to be synced, before processing items from the queue is started.
  • 启动goruntine,每次执行完worker(在newIngressController时通过ic.syncQueue = task.NewTaskQueue(ic.syncIngress)注册worker为ic.syncIngress),等待10s,再次执行worker,如此循环,直到收到stopCh.
  • 关于ic.syncIngress的代码分析在前面小节中已经分析过了。
  • 如果配置了--update-status(默认为true),则启动goruntine执行statusSync.Run,starts the loop to keep the status in sync.



func (s statusSync) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {

 // 启动goruntine starts the leader election loop。
	go wait.Forever(s.elector.Run, 0)
	// 启动goruntine,每隔30s往statusSync.syncQueue中插入dummy object,强制触发ingress status sync。
	go s.run()

 // 启动goruntine,每次执行完worker(在NewStatusSyncer时通过st.syncQueue = task.NewCustomTaskQueue(st.sync, st.keyfunc)注册worker为st.sync),等待1s,再次执行worker,如此循环,直到收到stopCh。
	go s.syncQueue.Run(time.Second, stopCh)


func (s *statusSync) run() {
	err := wait.PollInfinite(updateInterval, func() (bool, error) {
		if s.syncQueue.IsShuttingDown() {
			return true, nil
		// send a dummy object to the queue to force a sync
		return false, nil
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("error waiting shutdown: %v", err)
  • 启动goruntine starts the leader election loop。
  • 启动goruntine,每隔30s往statusSync.syncQueue中插入dummy object,强制触发ingress status sync。
  • 启动goruntine,每次执行完worker(在NewStatusSyncer时通过st.syncQueue = task.NewCustomTaskQueue(st.sync, st.keyfunc)注册worker为st.sync),等待1s,再次执行worker,如此循环,直到收到stopCh。
  • 对于st.sync的源码分析在前面小节中已经分析过了。
本文转自掘金-Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller源码分析