bottle.py是python的一个Web框架,整个框架只有一个文件,几十K,却自带了路径映射、模板、简单的数据库访问等web框架组件,确实是个可用的框架。初学web开发可以拿来玩玩,其语法简单,部署也很方便。官方文档: (官方文档的介绍挺好懂的,主要是这个框架比较小)
from bottle import route, run
def index(name='World'):
return 'Hello %s!' % name
run(host='localhost', port=8080)
To support file uploads, we have to change the tag a bit. First, we tell the browser to encode the form data in a different way by adding an enctype=”multipart/form-data” attribute to the tag. Then, we add tags to allow the user to select a file. Here is an example:*
Select a file:
Bottle stores file uploads in BaseRequest.files as FileUpload instances, along with some metadata about the upload. Let us assume you just want to save the file to disk:
@route('/upload', method='POST')
def do_upload():
category = request.forms.get('category')
upload = request.files.get('upload')
name, ext = os.path.splitext(upload.filename)
if ext not in ('.png','.jpg','.jpeg'):
return 'File extension not allowed.'
save_path = get_save_path_for_category(category) # appends upload.filename automatically
return 'OK'
FileUpload. filename contains the name of the file on the clients file system, but is cleaned up and normalized to prevent bugs caused by unsupported characters or path segments in the filename. If you need the unmodified name as sent by the client, have a look at FileUpload.raw_filename.
The method is highly recommended if you want to store the file to disk. It prevents some common errors (e.g. it does not overwrite existing files unless you tell it to) and stores the file in a memory efficient way. You can access the file object directly via FileUpload.file. Just be careful.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from bottle import run,post,get,request
def index():
return '''
Solution 4-5: Sending multiple files
Solution 4-5: Sending multiple files
Upload one or more files:
def uploadFile():
upload = request.files.getall('upload')
for meta in upload:
buf =
print ('image:',str(buf))
run(host='localhost', port=8888,debug=True)