Angular UI 组件


Angular UI 组件


A datagrid for Angular with enterprise style features such as sorting, filtering, custom rendering, editing, grouping, aggregation and pivoting.

Amexio - Angular Extensions

Amexio (Angular MetaMagic EXtensions for Inputs and Outputs) is a rich set of Angular components powered by Bootstrap for Responsive Design. UI Components include Standard Form Components, Data Grids, Tree Grids, Tabs etc. Open Source (Apache 2 License) & Free and backed by MetaMagic Global Inc

Angular Material

Material Design components for Angular

Ant Design Mobile of Angular (ng-zorro-antd-mobile)

A set of enterprise-class mobile UI components based on Ant Design Mobile and Angular

Ant Design of Angular (ng-zorro-antd)

A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular

Blox Material

A lightweight Material Design library for Angular, based upon Google's Material Components for the Web

Clarity Design System

UX guidelines, HTML/CSS framework, and Angular components working together to craft exceptional experiences


50+ UI components including data grid, pivot grid, scheduler, charts, editors, maps and other multi-purpose controls for creating highly responsive web applications for touch devices and traditional desktops.

Element Angular

Angular UI libraries derived from Element UI.

Essential JS 2

Essential JS 2 for Angular is a collection modern TypeScript based true Angular Components. It has support for Ahead Of Time (AOT) compilation and Tree-Shaking. All the components are developed from the ground up to be lightweight, responsive, modular and touch friendly.

Ignite UI for Angular

Ignite UI for Angular is a dependency-free Angular toolkit for building modern web apps.


Angular UI Components including data grid, tree grid, pivot grid, scheduler, charts, editors and other multi-purpose components

Kendo UI

A professional grade library of Angular UI components written in TypeScript that includes our Data Grid, TreeView, Charts, Editors, DropDowns, DatePickers, and many more. Features include support for AOT compilation, Tree Shaking for high-performance, localization, and accessibility.

Material Community Components

Material components made by the community


The Angular version of the Angular UI Bootstrap library. This library is being built from scratch in Typescript using the Bootstrap 4 CSS framework.


Native Angular components & directives for Lightning Design System


Native Angular directives for Bootstrap

Onsen UI

UI components for hybrid mobile apps with bindings for both Angular & AngularJS.

Prime Faces

PrimeNG is a collection of rich UI components for Angular

Semantic UI

UI components for Angular using Semantic UI

Simple Quality UI

Simple Quality UI (SQ-UI) is a flexible and easily customizable UI-kit, aiming to provide maximum efficiency with as little overhead as possible. Driven by the idea that it should be strictly "for developers by developers", every new feature release includes functionalities demanded by the developers who are using it.

Smart Web Components

Web Components for Angular. Dependency-free Angular components for building modern and mobile-friendly web apps

Truly UI

TrulyUI is an Angular UI Framework especially developed for Desktop Applications based on Web Components using the greatest technologies of the world.


Material design inspired UI components for building great web apps. For mobile and desktop.


High-performance UI controls with the most complete Angular support available. Wijmo’s controls are all written in TypeScript and have zero dependencies. FlexGrid control includes full declarative markup, including cell templates.
