功能简称 | 功能解释 | 快捷键 |
Copy | Copy selected text | Shift+Ctrl+C |
Paste | Paste clipboard | Shift+Ctrl+v |
Split_horiz | Split horizontally | Shift+Ctrl+O 水 |
Split_vert | Split vertically | Shift+Ctrl+E |
Close_terminal | Close terminal | Shift+Ctrl+W |
新建_tab | Create a new tab | Shift+Ctrl+T |
next_tab | Switch to the next tab | Ctrl+Page Down |
prev_tab | Switch to the previous tab | Ctrl+Page Up |
move_tab_left | Move the tab left | Shift+Ctrl+Page up |
move_tab_right | Move the tab right | Shift+Ctrl+Page Down |
go_down | Focus the terminal below | Alt+Down |
go_left | Focus the terminal left | Alt+Left |
go_right | Focus the terminal right | Alt+Right |
go_up | Focus the terminal above | Alt+Up |
broadcast_all | Broadcast key events to all | Alt+A |
broadcast_group | Broadcast key presses to group | Alt+G |
broadcast_off | Don't broadcast key presses | Alt+O |
group_tab | Group terminals in tab | Super+T |
ungroup_tab | Ungroup terminals in tab | Shift+Super+T |
group_all | Group all terminals | Super+G |
ungroup_all | Ungroup all terminals | Shift+Super+G |
group_all_toggle | Group/Ungroup all terminals | Disabled |
group_tab_toggle | Group/Ungroup terminals in tab | Disabled |
edit_terminal_title(terminal最小) | Edit terminal title | Ctrl+Alt+X |
edit_tab_title | Edit tab title | Disabled |
edit_window_title(window最大) | Edit window title | Ctrl+Alt+W |
reset | Reset the terminal (啥都不干) | Shift+Ctrl+R |
reset_clear | Reset and clear the terminal (清空屏幕) | Shift+Ctrl+G |
resize_down | Resize the terminal down | Shift+Ctrl+Down |
resize_left | Resize the terminal left | Shift+Ctrl+Left |
resize_right | Resize the terminal right | Shift+Ctrl+Right |
resize_up | Resize the terminal up | Shift+Ctrl+Up |
close_window | Close window (关闭最大的window,包含多个tab) | Shift+Ctrl+Q |
help | Open the manual | F1 |
full_screen | Toggle fullscreen | F11 |
toggle_scrollbar | Show/Hide the scrollbar (显示当前terminal的左侧滚动条) | Shift+Ctrl+S |
toggle_zoom | Maximize terminal (最大化当前terminal) | Shift+Ctrl+X |
zoom_in | Increase font size | Ctrl++ 其实就是Shift+Ctrl+= |
zoom_normal | Restore original font size | Ctrl+0 |
zoom_out | Decrease font size | Ctrl+- |
search | Search terminal scrollback | Shift+Ctrl+F |
hide_window | Toggle window visibility | Disabled |
insert_number | Insert terminal number | Super+1 |
insert_padded | Insert padded terminal number | Super+0 |
layout_launcher | Open layout launcher window | Alt+L |
next_profile | Switch to next profile | Disabled |
previous_profile | Switch to previous profile | Disabled |
switch_to_tab_1 | Switch to the first tab | Disabled |
switch_to_tab_2 | Switch to the second tab | Disabled |
switch_to_tab_3 | Switch to the third tab | Disabled |
switch_to_tab_4 | Switch to the fourth tab | Disabled |
switch_to_tab_5 | Switch to the fifth tab | Disabled |
switch_to_tab_6 | Switch to the sixth tab | Disabled |
switch_to_tab_7 | Switch to the seventh tab | Disabled |
switch_to_tab_8 | Switch to the eighth tab | Disabled |
switch_to_tab_9 | Switch to the ninth tab | Disabled |
switch_to_tab_10 | Switch to the tenth tab | Disabled |