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1. The application of the vertebral body can reduce the postoperative bed-rest.人工椎体的应用能进一步缩短患者卧床时间。

dict.cnki.net2. By the end of the study, synthesis of new muscle in the total bed-rest group had dropped by almost 50 percent, while the centrifuge group kept making muscle at a normal rate.实验结束时,完全躺在床上的小组的新合成肌肉减少近50%,而离心组始终以正常速度合成着肌肉。

article.yeeyan.org3. The results indicated that the method of short time head-down bed-rest is an effective approach to examine the adaptive capacity of subjects for bearing WL and the REG is a valuable index.结果提示,短期头低位卧床可作为检查被试者失重适应能力的一种方法,而REG是一个有用的评定指标。

zgkj.cast.cn4. Activity intolerance, which was associated with myasthenia gravis and long-term bed-rest resulting in decreasing activity;活动无耐力,与全身肌肉无力及长期卧床休息导致活动减少有关。

www.teps.com.cn5. A second study on subjects confined to bedrest-- intended to simulate the muscle atrophy and other conditions astronauts experience in weightlessness -- found similar results.进一步的研究局限在床上——试图模拟在失重条件下的肌肉萎缩和其他宇航员经历的条件,发现了相同的结果。

article.yeeyan.org6. High risk factors for lower extremity DVT include poor condition, other diseases, surgical trauma due to joint replacement, anesthesia method, operative time, fixation way and long-term bedrest.患者的全身状况差,合并其他疾病,关节置换手术创伤,手术麻醉方法,手术时间延长,肢体固定以及长期卧床都是下肢深静脉血栓形成的高危因素。

oa.crter.org7. Treatment includes limited weight-bearing and bedrest, oral analgesics, and sacral corsets .治疗方法包括限制负重、卧床、口服镇痛药和穿戴骶骨腰围等。

dictsearch.appspot.com8. Four bed-rooms and two garrets formed the rest of the house.构成小楼其余部分的,是四间卧室和两间阁楼。

www.kekenet.com9. A screen separated her bed from the rest of her one-room apartment.屏风把她的床与单间公寓的其他部位隔开来。

www.tingvoa.com10. The utility model relates to a health-care curing bed, in particular a body posture rest health-care curing bed which produces curing effects in human body sleeping.本实用新型涉及一种保健治疗床,尤其针对人体睡眠时产生治疗效果的体位休息保健治疗床。

ip.com11. Objective To explore the influence of whether rest in bed after in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer on therapy results.目的探讨体外受精-胚胎移植后卧床休息与否对治疗结局的影响。

dict.cnki.net12. Because of the system-wide complications that arise with prolonged bedrest, early mobilization plays a critical role in the recovery process, especially in the patient with significant burn injury.由于全系统并发症出现的长期卧床,及早动员中发挥着关键作用的复苏进程,特别是在重大的病人烧伤。

syyxw.com13. The rest of the room is soothing with an all-white bed and little coral accents like this throw.白色的床,和这条盖毯一样的珊瑚色点缀,这个房间整体非常舒适。

article.yeeyan.org14. Non-operative management entailed active early mobilisation without bedrest or traction.非手术治疗需要早期去除牵引、下床活动。

www.oaopdoc.com15. At twenty-five weeks he issued a stark prescription: bedrest.在二十五周时,他开出了严格的处方:卧床休息。

article.yeeyan.org16. At twenty-five weeks he issued a stark prescription: bedrest.25周,他开出了一个要求苛刻的药方:卧床休息。

article.yeeyan.org17. The pattern of bone loss is 2-4 times greater than those associated with prolonged bedrest without spinal cord injury.格局的骨丢失是2-4倍大于那些与长期卧床无脊髓损伤。

www.imsci.cn18. Namely, that you may find it helpful to view your entire rest-wake cycle holistically and not put all your effort into dragging yourself out of bed at a certain time each morning.也就是说,你也许会发现这能帮助你全面地观察到自己整个休息-兴奋的循环过程,还能让你每天早上在特定的时间毫不费力地从床上爬起来。

article.yeeyan.org19. Bedrest for about a week, one month, anti-cold spicy food, avoid cold water, preferably less wash or not wash your hair, wash hair dryer after using the heaters immediately put the hair dryer.卧床休息壹周左右,壹个月之内,忌生冷辛辣食物,忌冷水,最好少洗或者不洗头,洗了之后马上用电吹风的暖风把头发吹干。

danci.911cha.com20. Before and after bedrest, the characteristics of reaction to this stress were similar intraindivi-dually.卧床前后负荷试验的反应特征基本相似。

dict.cnki.net21. When playing with their doll-sticks, the young females would cuddle with them, put them to bed and rest with them in their nests like a little girl sleeping with her plush toy for security.与她们的树枝娃娃玩耍的时候,小雌猩猩们会抱着它们,把它们放到窝中与自己一同在床上休息,就像小女孩出于安全起见与自己的玩具睡在一起一样。

article.yeeyan.org22. Bedrest, decreased physical activity, and neuromuscular blockade during mechanical ventilation cause skeletal-muscle wasting and inhibit protein anabolic responses.卧床、体力活动减少和机械通气期间的神经肌肉阻滞,可导致骨骼肌废用并抑制蛋白质合成反应。

www.times.ac.cn23. Bedrest, decreased physical activity, and neuromuscular blockade during mechanical ventilation cause skeletal-muscle wasting and inhibit protein anabolic responses.卧床、体力活动减少和机械通气期间的神经肌肉阻滞,可导致骨骼肌废用并抑制蛋白质合成反应。

