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if (RunmodeGetCurrent() == RUNMODE_ENGINE_ANALYSIS) {
	fp_engine_analysis_set = SetupFPAnalyzer();
	rule_engine_analysis_set = SetupRuleAnalyzer();

这个位置判断当前的运行模式,若是分析规则模式,则会生成两个文件用于后续记录分析结果。一个是分析整个规则的记录,另外一个是分析fast pattern的记录。

真正执行文件分析的函数执行路径为ProcessSigFiles->DetectLoadSigFile,在DetectEngineAppendSig函数之后,每新增一个规则,则进行一次分析。EngineAnalysisFP函数对应fast pattern的分析,EngineAnalysisRules函数对应整条规则的分析,效果如下:


Date: 18/10/2020 -- 13:59:08
== Sid: 100000001 ==
alert http $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"Mediacast Password Dump Attempt Flowbit Set"; flow:to_server,established; content:"GET"; http_method; content:"authenticate_ad_setup_finished.cfm?UserID="; nocase; http_uri; content:"&ClearSession=1"; nocase; http_uri; flowbits:set,ETPRO.MediaCast.passwDump; flowbits:noalert; reference:cve,2010-0216; reference:url,www.packetninjas.net/storage/advisories/MediaCast-PWDump-FINAL.txt; classtype:attempted-recon; sid:100000001; rev:3; metadata:created_at 2011_04_26, updated_at 2020_04_20;)
    Fast Pattern analysis:
        Fast pattern matcher: http request uri (http_uri)
        Flags: Nocase
        Fast pattern set: no
        Fast pattern only set: no
        Fast pattern chop set: no
        Original content: authenticate_ad_setup_finished.cfm?userid=
        Final content: authenticate_ad_setup_finished.cfm?userid=
== Sid: 100000002 ==
alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"Mediacast Password Dump Attack Response"; flow:from_server,established; flowbits:isset,ETPRO.MediaCast.passwDump; content:"IsAdmin"; nocase; content:"IsGeneric"; nocase; distance:0; content:"IsInstructor"; nocase; distance:0; content:"IsManager"; nocase; distance:0; content:"IsTrainingManager"; nocase; distance:0; content:"OrganizationID"; nocase; distance:0; content:"Password"; nocase; distance:0; content:"SetTopMode"; nocase; distance:0; content:"SystemID"; nocase; distance:0; content:"WebCT"; nocase; distance:0; content:"cfid"; nocase; distance:0; content:"cftoken"; nocase; distance:0; content:"email"; nocase; distance:0; content:"sessionid"; nocase; distance:0; content:"urltoken"; flowbits:unset,ETPRO.MediaCast.passwDump; reference:cve,2010-0216; reference:url,www.packetninjas.net/storage/advisories/MediaCast-PWDump-FINAL.txt; classtype:successful-recon-limited; sid:100000002; rev:7; metadata:created_at 2011_04_26, updated_at 2011_04_26;)
    Fast Pattern analysis:
        Fast pattern matcher: content
        Flags: Distance Nocase
        Fast pattern set: no
        Fast pattern only set: no
        Fast pattern chop set: no
        Original content: istrainingmanager
        Final content: istrainingmanager

可以看到此项的分析中列出了该条规则fast pattern所对应的content内容,对应的flags(包括是否区分大小写,是否有相对位置等关键字),fast pattern对应的buffer等等。由于fast pattern最将会是prefilter中内容的匹配部分,因此如果选中的fast patttern如果过弱,将会导致后续流程中需要匹配的规则数量过多。因此该分析可以让使用者,对于fast pattern的选择有一个整体的印象,决定是否要指定fast pattern。


Date: 18/10/2020 -- 13:59:08
== Sid: 100000001 ==
alert http $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"Mediacast Password Dump Attempt Flowbit Set"; flow:to_server,established; content:"GET"; http_method; content:"authenticate_ad_setup_finished.cfm?UserID="; nocase; http_uri; content:"&ClearSession=1"; nocase; http_uri; flowbits:set,ETPRO.MediaCast.passwDump; flowbits:noalert; reference:cve,2010-0216; reference:url,www.packetninjas.net/storage/advisories/MediaCast-PWDump-FINAL.txt; classtype:attempted-recon; sid:100000001; rev:3; metadata:created_at 2011_04_26, updated_at 2020_04_20;)
    Rule matches on http uri buffer.
    Rule matches on http method buffer.
    App layer protocol is http.
    Rule contains 0 content options, 3 http content options, 0 pcre options, and 0 pcre options with http modifiers.
    Fast Pattern "authenticate_ad_setup_finished.cfm?userid=" on "http request uri (http_uri)" buffer.
    No warnings for this rule.

== Sid: 100000002 ==
alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"Mediacast Password Dump Attack Response"; flow:from_server,established; flowbits:isset,ETPRO.MediaCast.passwDump; content:"IsAdmin"; nocase; content:"IsGeneric"; nocase; distance:0; content:"IsInstructor"; nocase; distance:0; content:"IsManager"; nocase; distance:0; content:"IsTrainingManager"; nocase; distance:0; content:"OrganizationID"; nocase; distance:0; content:"Password"; nocase; distance:0; content:"SetTopMode"; nocase; distance:0; content:"SystemID"; nocase; distance:0; content:"WebCT"; nocase; distance:0; content:"cfid"; nocase; distance:0; content:"cftoken"; nocase; distance:0; content:"email"; nocase; distance:0; content:"sessionid"; nocase; distance:0; content:"urltoken"; flowbits:unset,ETPRO.MediaCast.passwDump; reference:cve,2010-0216; reference:url,www.packetninjas.net/storage/advisories/MediaCast-PWDump-FINAL.txt; classtype:successful-recon-limited; sid:100000002; rev:7; metadata:created_at 2011_04_26, updated_at 2011_04_26;)
    Rule matches on reassembled stream.
    App layer protocol is http.
    Rule contains 15 content options, 0 http content options, 0 pcre options, and 0 pcre options with http modifiers.
    Fast Pattern "istrainingmanager" on "reassembled stream" buffer.
    Warning: Rule app layer protocol is http, but content options do not have http_* modifiers.
             -Consider adding http content modifiers.
    Warning: Rule app layer protocol is http, but the fast_pattern is set on the raw stream.  Consider adding fast_pattern over a http buffer for increased performance.

可以看到该项分析中列出了规则更为丰富的信息,对于比较好的规则,一般给出的结论是No warnings for this rule。对于有问题的规则,会列出该项规则具体需要改进的地方,例如Warning: 。一般这里面的指标可以作为编写规则的指导,更多的内容参见EngineAnalysisRules函数或者我的上一篇文章《影响suricata性能的因素》。



void PreRunInit(const int runmode)
    if (runmode == RUNMODE_UNIX_SOCKET)

#endif /* PROFILING */

以rule profiling为例,SCProfilingRulesGlobalInit函数中读取配置并设置profiling_rules_enabled。DetectRulePacketRules函数以及DetectRunTx是进行规则的匹配,记录的起始位置为RULE_PROFILING_START(p);,记录的结束位置是RULE_PROFILING_END(det_ctx, s, smatch, p);
选取一次Rule Profiling的输出前10条记录如下:

  Date: 6/6/2020 -- 10:24:19. Sorted by: max ticks.
   Num      Rule         Gid      Rev      Ticks        %      Checks   Matches  Max Ticks   Avg Ticks   Avg Match   Avg No Match
  -------- ------------ -------- -------- ------------ ------ -------- -------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -------------- 
  1        2016918      1        7        292329       46.40  10       0        57054       29232.90    0.00        29232.90   
  2        2002994      1        7        41898        6.65   3        3        26166       13966.00    13966.00    0.00       
  3        2102649      1        3        20268        3.22   1        1        20268       20268.00    20268.00    0.00       
  4        2102003      1        9        19163        3.04   1        1        19163       19163.00    19163.00    0.00       
  5        2101979      1        6        17522        2.78   1        0        17522       17522.00    0.00        17522.00   
  6        2800000      1        5        90551        14.37  8        1        16870       11318.88    16870.00    10525.86   
  7        2017882      1        3        14895        2.36   1        0        14895       14895.00    0.00        14895.00   
  8        2102650      1        3        13736        2.18   1        0        13736       13736.00    0.00        13736.00   
  9        2016680      1        6        34047        5.40   3        0        12696       11349.00    0.00        11349.00   
  10       2002992      1        7        32773        5.20   4        4        9503        8193.25     8193.25     0.00       


  • 1,rule表示规则的sid。
  • 2,Gid表示规则的group id,通常来说suricata中默认的Gid为1,除非在规则中进行设置。即使在规则中设置了Gid,对于识别也是没有影响的,可能有助于输出的统计。
  • 3,Rev及规则中的rev字段,表示该条规则的版本信息。
  • 4,Ticks表示的是suricata花费在该条规则上的检测检测总时间,可以理解为跑完一个pcap文件,所有数据包在某条规则上所消耗的检测时间总和,使用CPU的时钟进行统计。
  • 5,%该条规则所消耗的时间占所有规则检测时间的百分比。
  • 6,Checks表示该条规则在所有数据包进行检测的过程中,被检测了几次。
  • 7,Matches表示该条规则检测并且命中的次数。
  • 8,Max Ticks表示该条规则最耗时的一次检测消耗的时钟数。
  • 9,Avg Ticks表示该条规则平均消耗的时钟数,计算方法为Ticks/Checks。
  • 10,Avg Match 表示该条规则命中平均消耗的时钟数,计算方法为匹配的上的总时钟数/Matches
  • 11,Avg No Match表示该条规则没有命中平均消耗的时钟数,计算方法为没有匹配的上的总时钟数/没有命中的次数

1,Avg Ticks的值较小
2,为了是的性能比较稳定,Max Ticks应该尽可能的接近Avg Ticks
3,Checks和Matches应尽可能的接近,也就是说只要对于该条规则进行检测,其命中的概率要高。如果相差较大,需要考虑是否优化fast pattern的选定。

Rule Profiling针对的是每一条规则的统计,而keyword profiling针对的是规则中每一个关键字的统计,统计的内容和Rule Profiling差不多,实力如下:

  Date: 6/6/2020 -- 12:09:16
  Stats for: total
  Keyword          Ticks           Checks          Matches         Max Ticks       Avg             Avg Match       Avg No Match   
  ---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 
  flags            41351           27              27              2176            1531.00         1531.00         0.00           
  flow             172567390       108466          108466          908451          1590.00         1590.00         0.00           
  threshold        716302          196             16              55928           3654.00         3881.00         3634.00        
  content          607206544       309454          202622          2642793         1962.00         2046.00         1801.00        
  pcre             149140639       65543           2121            650334          2275.00         3050.00         2249.00        
  byte_test        64096976        45899           21431           523733          1396.00         1489.00         1314.00        
  byte_jump        8183145         4693            465             583426          1743.00         1447.00         1776.00        
  isdataat         6170749         4605            42              380857          1340.00         1396.00         1339.00        
  flowbits         1010813         489             341             4343            2067.00         2319.00         1486.00        
  tls.fingerprint  547970320       423539          0               544085          1293.00         0.00            1293.00        
  urilen           12391829        6569            2557            1816927         1886.00         1625.00         2052.00        
  byte_extract     92702           43              43              2757            2155.00         2155.00         0.00           
  dce_iface        48427           36              0               1979            1345.00         0.00            1345.00        
  xbits            83196           28              0               3930            2971.00         0.00            2971.00        



  Stats for: packet
  Keyword          Ticks           Checks          Matches         Max Ticks       Avg             Avg Match       Avg No Match   
  ---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 
  flags            11598           7               7               2832            1656.00         1656.00         0.00           
  flow             55784           32              32              4590            1743.00         1743.00         0.00           
  Stats for: packet/stream payload
  Keyword          Ticks           Checks          Matches         Max Ticks       Avg             Avg Match       Avg No Match   
  ---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 
  content          32484           13              10              4130            2498.00         2786.00         1541.00        
  pcre             148549          9               0               35495           16505.00        0.00            16505.00       
  isdataat         2619            2               1               1369            1309.00         1369.00         1250.00        
  Stats for: threshold
  Keyword          Ticks           Checks          Matches         Max Ticks       Avg             Avg Match       Avg No Match   
  ---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 
  threshold        33490           7               0               14232           4784.00         0.00            4784.00        
  Stats for: http_uri
  Keyword          Ticks           Checks          Matches         Max Ticks       Avg             Avg Match       Avg No Match   
  ---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 
  content          28087           13              5               3563            2160.00         2565.00         1907.00        


  Date: 6/6/2020 -- 10:24:19
  Stats for: total
  Prefilter                        Ticks           Called          Max Ticks       Avg            
  -------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 
  payload                          3303743         1476            39328           2238.00        
  stream                           3336949         1451            50633           2299.00        
  http_uri                         492654          84              151947          5864.00        
  http_client_body                 185799          63              19199           2949.00        
  http_header (request)            313699          70              18555           4481.00        
  http_header (request trailer)    68668           57              2088            1204.00        
  http_method                      114693          84              5425            1365.00        
  http_cookie (request)            118137          70              4007            1687.00        
  http_raw_uri                     157771          84              4100            1878.00        
  http_user_agent                  207845          70              13475           2969.00        
  http_header (response)           12208           2               8376            6104.00        
  http_cookie (response)           3598            2               2170            1799.00        
  http_stat_code                   5809            2               3109            2904.00        
  file_data                        5314            4               1544            1328.00        

  • 1,Prefilter表示的是该条规则中被选中作为prefilter的匹配条件。可以看到相当多的是针对HTTP的匹配,主要是HTTP作为应用最为广泛的互联网协议,被攻击的场景最多,因此针对HTTP的规则也最多,针对于HTTP的攻击往往在头域中会出现一定的特征。
  • 2,Ticks表示该项匹配条件所消耗的CPU时钟总数,和前面的规则Ticks类似。
  • 3,Called表示改该项buffer被调用了多少次,前面的规则中的checks字段类似。
  • 4,Max Ticks表示单次匹配消耗的最长时钟。
  • 5,Avg表示该项匹配消耗的平均时钟。

对于prefilter来说,使用出现次数较少的字符串作为fast pattern有助于提高检测效率。因为当一个报文到达的时候,如果很多的规则的prefilter都是http_uri,则可能导致每条fast pattern都要去匹配对应的uri。如果prefilter比较分散,则匹配可以性能更加的稳定。


