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css-p css,S-CSS-P


S-CSS-P is a cascading stylesheet picker for The SCP Wiki (www.scp-wiki.net). It allows you to change the layout, colors, logo, fonts, and rating module all independently of each other.

To use the extension, install it, then click it and choose Options. Chrome Sync is integrated so your settings are saved across computers.

Please report issues and suggestions via the User Feedback tool here, via reddit at /u/bluesoul, or on Wikidot (pxdnbluesoul).

1.1.7 Notes:

- Recolor of visited links in sidebar, to fix issues from today's site style changes.

1.1.6 Notes:

- Added SPC Theme and Logo

- Added a:visited code to all color swaps to fix display issues from today's changes to the site style.

1.1.5 Notes:

- Bugfix for night mode.

- Added dummy files to avoid benign Chrome errors.

1.1.4 Notes:

- Hotfix for missing path.

1.1.3 Notes:

- Fixed a bug affecting Night Mode on ChromeOS.

- Enhanced anqxyr's Night Mode.

- More minor adjustments to the interwiki iframe.

1.1.1 Notes:

- Now compatible with Firefox!

- Cleaned up some syntax errors in various CSS files.

1.0.3 Notes:

- Rating module at bottom of page visible when main module hidden.

- Fixed interwiki iframe showing a scrollbar on most themes.

- Tweaks to 'slidebar'

- Tweaks to 'minimal' color.

1.0.2 Notes:

- Added 'darkbody' theme, and 'O5' and 'O5-inverted' logos by djkaktus.

- Fixed margin bug in 'slidebar' layout.

- Fixed presentation of scpnet interwiki iframe height on all colors.

1.0.1 Notes:

- Decoupled Minimal Whites and Night Mode fonts from their color palletes.

- Added 'slidebar' layout.
