IEEE期刊模板 LaTeX template


IEEEtran.cls - The IEEEtran LaTeX class file.

changelog.txt - The revision history.

IEEEtran_HOWTO.pdf - The IEEEtran LaTeX class user manual.

bare_conf_compsoc.tex - A bare bones starter file for IEEE Computer Society conference papers.

bare_jrnl_compsoc.tex - A bare bones starter file for IEEE Computer Society journal papers.

bare_adv.tex - A bare bones starter file showing advanced techniques such as conditional compilation, hyperlinks, PDF thumbnails, etc. The illustrated format is for a IEEE Computer Society journal paper.

NOTE: Take care not to confuse the comsoc and compsoc class options/modes as they are very different:

comsoc ==> IEEE Communications Society
compsoc ==> IEEE Computer Society
