可以在投稿网站上面下载一个投稿的模板、比如IEEE Trans、SIGMOD的等。打开tex结尾的文件就可以看到别人做好的模板,然后按照对应的部分填入内容即可。这个上手很快,需要在实践中结合google不断的摸索
\title{The title of this slides}
\author{My name}
\institute{My organization}
% Creates title page of slide show using above information
\note{Talk for 30 minutes} % Add notes to yourself that will be displayed when
% typeset with the notes or notesonly class options
% Creates table of contents slide incorporating all \section and \subsection commands
\frametitle{Simple slide with three points shown all at once} % Insert frame title between curly braces
\item Point 1
\item Point 2
\item Point 3
\section{Problem Definition}
\frametitle{Simple slide for Problem Definition} % Insert frame title between curly braces
\item Point 1
\item Point 2
\item Point 3
\frametitle{Simple slide for Problem Definition 2} % Insert frame title between curly braces
\item Point 1
\item Point 2
\item Point 3
\frametitle{Simple slide for solution} % Insert frame title between curly braces
\item Point 1
\item Point 2
\item Point 3
\frametitle{Simple slide for solution} % Insert frame title between curly braces
\item Point 1
\item Point 2
\item Point 3
\frametitle{Slide with two columns: items and a graphic} % Insert frame title between curly braces
\column{2in} % slides are 3in high by 5in wide
\item<1-> First item
\item<2-> Second item
\item<3-> ...
\framebox{Insert graphic here % e.g. \includegraphics[height=2.65in]{graphic}