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【SEU 数据结构课笔记】 02 - 2021/03/08 - LaTeX Code of Assignment

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\title{\Huge \bfseries Data Structure (2021 Spring)\\Report for Assignment 2}

\author{\Large $<$ID Number$>$ $<$Name$>$}

\chead{Data Structure (2021 Spring) - Assignment 2}

		\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=gray!10, %gray background
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			arc=1mm, auto outer arc,
			\textcolor[rgb]{0.1,0.3,0.7}{Teddy van Jerry} is the alias for \textcolor[rgb]{0.1,0.3,0.7}{$<$Name$>$}
			in GitHub and CSDN.
	Use Seqlists to merge two arrays $L_a$, $L_b$ (no duplicate elements), sort $L_a$ and $L_b$ in the ascending order. Merge them in $L_c$. Analyze the time and space complexity.
	\section{Main Ideas}
	To merge two arrays (here I use \texttt{Vector} inherited from \texttt{Heap\_Vector} which I wrote that supports limited functions including \texttt{iterator}s.)
	Since $L_a$ and $L_b$ are already sorted, the element of $L_c$ can be chosen from the smaller one of the current unmerged smallest $L_a$ and $L_b$ elements.
	Another thing is that it is needed to check if there are duplicate elements. We can not add those elements twice.
	Here I use the function \texttt{merge}, which first sorts the two \texttt{Vector}s (actually uses \texttt{quick\_sort\_pro\_safe} defined in \texttt{TVJ\_Sort.h}), then use \texttt{push\_back} to add elements to $L_c$.
	\section{Core Code}	
	See my GitHub repository \textbf{TVJ\_Sort}: \url{https://github.com/Teddy-van-Jerry/TVJ_Sort},
	or in my CSDN blog: \url{https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_50012998/article/details/114628102}.\\
	Current Version: v2.2 updated in 2021/03/10.
 * File: Main.cpp
 * Project: Data Structure - Assignment 2
 * --------------------
 * @author: Teddy van Jerry
 * @licence: The MIT Licence
 * @compiler: At least C++/11
 * @version 1.0 2020/03/10
 * - Initial version

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <random>
#include "TVJ_Sort.h"

#define print(Vec__) \
for (const auto& c : Vec__) \
{ \
	std::cout << c << ' '; \

 * Vector class
 * A class inherited from Heap_Vector defined in TVJ_Sort
 * that supports iterator and const_iterator
template<typename T>
class Vector : public Heap_Vector<T>
	using iterator         =        T*;
	using const_iterator = const T*;
	Vector(size_t n = 32) : Heap_Vector<T>(n) { }
	Vector(const Vector<T>& vec) : Heap_Vector<T>(vec.size())
		this->content_number = 0; // clear first
		for (int i = 0; i != vec.size(); i++)
	inline iterator begin()
		return &((*this)[0]);
	inline iterator end()
		return &((*this)[this->size()]);
	inline const_iterator cbegin() const
		return &((*this)[0]);
	inline const_iterator cend() const
		return &((*this)[this->size()]);
	inline bool empty() const
		return !(cend() - cbegin());
	inline void clear()
		this->content_number = 0;
	void sort()
		quick_sort_pro_safe(this->begin(), this->end());
	void pop_back()
		if(this->size()) this->content_number--;
	// Using this function will sort this Vector
	// and the parameter Vector at the same time.
	auto merge(Vector<T>& vec)
		Vector<T> merged(this->size() + vec.size());
		auto i = this->cbegin(), j = vec.cbegin();
		while (1)
			T to_push_value = 0;
			if (i == this->cend())
				if (j == vec.cend()) break;
				else to_push_value = *j++;
				if (j == vec.cend()) to_push_value = *i++;
					to_push_value = *i < *j ? *i++ : *j++;
			if (merged.empty() || to_push_value != *(merged.cend() - 1)) merged.push_back(to_push_value);
		return merged;

void randomUniqueInt(int start_number, int last_number, unsigned step, Vector<int>& ran)
	for (int i = start_number; i <= last_number; i += step)
	std::random_shuffle(ran.begin(), ran.end());

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	Vector<int> La, Lb;
	// generate random sequences
	randomUniqueInt(-20, 100, 10, La);
	randomUniqueInt(-12, 33, 3, Lb);
	std::cout << "La: ";
	std::cout << "\nLb: ";
	// merge
	Vector<int> Lc = Lb.merge(La);
	std::cout << "\nLc: ";
	return 0;

	\section{Result and Analysis}
		\includegraphics[width = \linewidth]{Console.jpg}
		\caption{Console Output}
	It is apparent that $L_a$ and $L_b$ are merged successfully. 
	\subsection{Time Complexity}
	Here we do not consider the use of \texttt{sort} in function \texttt{merge}. (But we know that the average time complexity of quick sort (here is \texttt{quick\_sort\_pro\_safe}) is $O(n\log n)$.)
	Let $n_a$ and $n_b$ denote the \texttt{size} of $L_a$ and $L_b$.
	In function \texttt{merge} in \texttt{Main.cpp}, every time the \texttt{while} loop goes, either of the \texttt{iterator}s of \texttt{La} and \texttt{Lb} get incremented by one (\texttt{++}), until the \texttt{while} loop \texttt{break}s when both \texttt{iterator}s go to \texttt{end} (here is the \texttt{const\_iterator} \texttt{cend}).
	Therefore, the time used is in proportion to the total size of $L_a$ and $L_b$. Thus the time complexity is
	\subsection{Space Complexity}
	Here we do not consider the use of \texttt{sort} in function \texttt{merge}. (But we know that the average space complexity of quick sort (here is \texttt{quick\_sort\_pro\_safe}) is $O(\log n)$.)
	Let $n_a$ and $n_b$ denote the \texttt{size} of $L_a$ and $L_b$.
	In function \texttt{merge} in \texttt{Main.cpp}, the new \texttt{Vector} has to be copied to be assigned (not by a reference), so it can not reach the complexity of $O(1)$ which can be attained by doing so outside of the \texttt{class} directly on \texttt{Lc}.
	Therefore, the temporary space used is in proportion to the total size of $L_a$ and $L_b$ (and because we reckon shared elements by $L_a$ and $L_b$ is much smaller than their total \texttt{size}). Thus the space complexity is
	With a simple \texttt{class Vector} using \texttt{template}, we can achieve functions like \texttt{sort} and \texttt{merge}. Having analyzed its time and space complexity, we can have a deeper understanding of \texttt{Seqlist}s.
	This assignment is written in \LaTeX.
	\LaTeX\ code in my blog:
	The Chinese version of the report:
		\item GitHub Homepage: \url{https://github.com/Teddy-van-Jerry}
		\item CSDN Hoempage:\ \, \url{https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_50012998/article/details/108270307}

% Copyright 2021 Teddy van Jerry

报告中文版详见我的博客: 【SEU 数据结构课笔记】 02 - 2021/03/08 - Assignment

See also

Teddy van Jerry 的 CSDN 导航页
Teddy van Jerry 的 GitHub 主页
