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Real-Time Java Platform Programming

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Written for experienced Java platform developers, this practical guide provides a solid grounding in real-time programming. Dibble, a member of the RTSJ expert group, starts with an overview of real-time issues unique to the Java platform. He then explains how to use each major feature of the RTSJ. From broad real-time principles to detailed programming pitfalls, Real-Time Java Platform Programming covers everything you need to know to build effective RT programs. Key topics include:

*Interoperability with non-RT code, tradeoffs in real-time development, and RT issues for the JVMtm software
*Garbage collection, non-heap access, physical and "immortal" memory, and constant-time allocation of non-heap memory
*Priority scheduling, deadline scheduling, and rate monotonic analysis
*Closures, asynchronous transfer of control, asynchronous events, and timers
