└── Matlab_Wireless_Communications_example
├── 802.11b PHY MATLAB Code
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── IEEE80211b_PHY_DBPSK.m
├── Alamouti Space-Time Code
│ ├── Alamouti.zip
│ └── Description.doc
├── Antenna arrays design tool
│ ├── Ardtool 1.0.zip
│ └── Description.doc
├── Antenna's Array Synthesis
│ ├── Antenas.zip
│ └── Description.doc
├── Antennas Pattern
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── Pattern.ZIP
├── Basic diffraction models (Diffraction loss over one knife-edge and plot of Cornu's spiral)
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── difraction.zip
├── Basic radiowave propagation models
│ ├── BasicModels.zip
│ └── Description.doc
├── Bluetooth Full Duplex Voice and Data Transmission
│ ├── Bluetooth Full Duplex.zip
│ └── Description.doc
├── Bluetooth modulation and frequency hopping
│ ├── Bluetooth Frequency Hopping.zip
│ └── Description.doc
├── Bluetooth voice transmission
│ ├── Bluetooth Voice.zip
│ └── Description.doc
├── BPSK receiver simulation using Spread Spectrum Techniques
│ ├── bpsk.zip
│ └── Description.doc
├── Carrier & Symbol Timing Recovery
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── timing_recovery.zip
├── CDMA2000 Downlink Simulink Models
│ ├── Cdma2k
│ │ ├── cdma2k_inttable.m
│ │ ├── cdma2k_lib.mdl
│ │ ├── cdma2k_load.m
│ │ ├── cdma2k_phlayer.mdl
│ │ ├── cdma2k_rrcfil.mat
│ │ ├── expandPNSeq.c
│ │ ├── expandPNSeq.csf
│ │ ├── expandPNSeq.dll
│ │ ├── expandPNSeq.ilk
│ │ ├── expandpnseq.pdb
│ │ └── expandPNSeq_wrapper.c
│ ├── Cdma2k.zip
│ └── Description.doc
├── CDMA Power Control
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── tpc.zip
├── cdma例程
│ ├── bian.mdl
│ ├── CDMA.mdl
│ ├── make_stc.m
│ ├── mysound1.wav
│ ├── mysound2.wav
│ ├── mysound3.wav
│ └── readme.txt
├── Comparison of Combining Techniques (namely Selection Diversity, Equal Gain and Maximal Ratio)
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── diversity.m
├── Constellation QAM algorithm
│ ├── constellation_qam.m
│ └── Description.doc
├── convert the classical latitude & longitude coordinates to the maidenhead locator system
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── maidenhead.m
├── Defense Communications US MIL-STD-188-110B Waveform Simulation
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── MIL_STD_188_100B_Simulink_Demo.zip
├── Diffraction loss for several solid shapes with GTD-UTD
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── GTD-UTD-Difraction.zip
├── Digital
│ └── Description.doc
├── DSSS system using integrate and dump for detection (Simulate a DSSS system over an AWGN channel)
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── dsss_awgn.mdl
├── Example of rf amplifier design using S parameters in both MATLAB and Simulink
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── sparam_1.zip
├── Frequency Domain to Baseband-complex time-domain Modeling in RF Blockset
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── sub_bands.mdl
├── GSM Digital Down Converter
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── dspddc_R12p1.mdl
├── Highest point on ground profile calculator
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── highpoint.m
├── HiperLAN2 reference model
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── hiperlan2.mdl
├── IEEE 802.11a WLAN physical layer model, with demonstration of adaptive modulation and coding
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── IEEE80211a.zip
├── Path loss prevision using Hata model
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── HataModel.zip
├── Path loss prevision with Edwards and Durkin model
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── EdwardsAndDurkinModel.zip
├── Path loss prevision with Ibraim and Parsons model
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── IbraimAndParsonsModel.zip
├── Plots normalized impedance in a Smith chart
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── smith.m
├── Polling based PROFIBUS MAC layer over a 802.11 PHY
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── wireless-Profibus.zip
├── Propagation loss calculation using the Blomquist and Ladel model
│ ├── BlomquistLadelModel.zip
│ └── Description.doc
├── PSK31 Model with Symbol Timing and Carrier Recovery
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── psk31_13_14.zip
├── Radiowave propagation loss prevision using one of the two COST231 models
│ ├── COST231Models.zip
│ └── Description.doc
├── RAKE receiver for DS-SS systems
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── ds_ss_rake.mdl
├── Rayleigh Fading Envelope
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── Rayleigh_fading.m
├── Rayleigh Fading Simulation
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── Matlab Code.doc
├── RF Design and Analysis
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── rf.zip
├── RF Wave Toolbox (Transmission lines and antennas analysis and design)
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── RFWave.zip
├── Satellital Path (Simple)
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── enlace.mdl
├── SAW filter and SAW correlator simulation tools
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── Saw.zip
├── Simulates 9.6 kbps IS-95 system in static environment
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── Simulation.zip
├── Simulink model of 802.11b baseband physical layer
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── WiFi Simulink.zip
├── Software Defined Radio
│ ├── Description.doc
│ ├── sdr_model
│ │ ├── my_sfunxy.m
│ │ └── soft_rad.mdl
│ └── sdr_model.zip
├── S-parameter toolbox (also Z, Y, H, G, ABCD, T)
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── sbox.zip
├── ToyFDTD (Example of the FDTD method with graphical output)
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── ToyFDTD1.m
├── Transmission line length formula for coaxial cable to an antenna
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── xmitlnlength.m
├── Two Tone Test for LNA in RF Receiver
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── two_tone_lna.mdl
├── Ultrawideband (UWB) multiband OFDM physical layer with fixed-point transmitterreceiver modeling
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── uwb.zip
├── Uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── modified_jakes.m
├── UWB Analysis
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── UWB_analysis.m
├── UWB BPSK Analysis
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── UWBBPSK.m
├── UWB BPSK Fifth Order Derivative
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── UWBBPSK3.m
├── UWB channel model
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── UWB_Channel_IEEE_802_15_3a.zip
├── UWB Link Analysis
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── UWB_monocycle2.m
├── UWB Monocycle
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── UWB_monocycle1.m
├── UWB monopulse1
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── UWB_monocycle1.m
├── UWB polycycle
│ ├── Description.doc
│ └── gpolycycle1.m
└── WCDMA FDD Simulink Models
├── Description.doc
└── WCDMA Model + presentation.zip
64 directories, 139 files