foxipdf和adobe_过去和将来的活动:Adobe Max North America和CFCAMP澳大利亚



Most ColdFusion programmers have heard of Ben Forta -the leading CF “guru” since the Allaire days. The author of no less than six editions of the definitive “ColdFusion Web Application Programming Kit” books, affectionately known as CFWACK or “the bible” around many a CF shop’s office, Ben travels the world as Adobe’s Senior Technical Evangelist speaking and writing about ColdFusion. Having just got back from the Adobe MAX Europe conference (held in Spain), he’s next headed to Adobe Max Japan, then to Australia for a series of events on ColdFusion 8, Flex and AIR in late November. Called CFCAMP, the Australian events will be part formal presentation and part unconference, barcamp-style, so if you’re down under they should be worth getting along to – registration is now open.

自Allaire时代以来,大多数ColdFusion程序员都听说过本·福特 ( Ben Forta) -领先的CF“大师”。 Ben撰写了不少于六本权威的“ ColdFusion Web应用程序编程套件”书,在许多CF商店的办公室周围被亲切地称为CFWACK或“圣经”。 。 从刚刚在西班牙举行的Adobe MAX Europe会议回来之后,他接下来前往Adobe Max Japan,然后于11月下旬前往澳大利亚参加有关ColdFusion 8,Flex和AIR的一系列活动。 被称为CFCAMP的澳大利亚活动将是正式形式的陈述,而部分会议则是野营式的,因此,如果您不喜欢它们,那么他们应该值得相处- 现在开始报名

Before Europe, MAX kicked off in Chicago at the end of October. Kai Koenig, New Zealand-based developer, blogger, trainer and director of Ventego Creative, was there and was kind enough to answer some of my questions about the event.

在欧洲之前,MAX于10月底在芝加哥开始。 新西兰开发人员, 博客作者 ,培训师兼Ventego Creative总监Kai Koenig 在场 ,很乐意回答我有关此次活动的一些问题。

Kay: Attending Adobe MAX 2007 must have been pretty exciting. Have you been to MAX in previous years, and if so was it any different under the Adobe banner?

凯:参加Adobe MAX 2007一定很令人兴奋。 您之前曾去过MAX,如果是,在Adobe的旗帜下有什么不同吗?

Kai: Yes, the first major (at that time) Macromedia conference I’ve attended was the Macromedia DevCon 2002. From then on, the MAX conferences have become a must-be-there event for me.

Kai:是的,我参加的第一个主要(当时)Macromedia会议是Macromedia DevCon2002。从那时起,MAX会议已成为我必不可少的活动。

Some people avoided the MAX conferences during the last few years (and particularly in 2006) as they felt it was too much of a corporate, purely marketing-driven event. To a certain extent I have to agree with that, Macromedia and Adobe are obviously putting in a lot of effort to show off their technologies and to convince people to adopt more products of the Adobe platform. But I recommend not to overestimate this effect – by far most of the speakers are highly motivated and love the technologies as much as you and I do and there’s an overwhelming choice of sessions and stuff to learn.

在过去的几年中(尤其是2006年),有些人避免参加MAX会议,因为他们认为这完全是公司的,纯粹由市场驱动的活动。 在某种程度上,我必须同意这一点,Macromedia和Adobe显然在大力炫耀其技术并说服人们采用Adobe平台的更多产品。 但是我建议不要高估这种效果-到目前为止,大多数演讲者都非常有动力,并且像您和我一样热爱这项技术,而且会议和学习的内容种类繁多。

Kay: According to the web site, there were over 200 sessions organised into five tracks. Adobe obviously have a lot of products to cover – how well was ColdFusion represented? Was it hard to decide which sessions to go to?

凯:根据该网站,有200多个会议被组织为五个轨道。 Adobe显然涵盖了很多产品– ColdFusion的表现如何? 决定去哪个会议难吗?

Kai: I’ll answer the second question first: Yes, it was bloody hard to make a call what to attend :) Luckily I’ve been attending with another person, so that Diane and I were able to cover a whole set of different sessions/technologies.


When it comes to ColdFusion – you would be surprised how many CF-related sessions were available. Besides talks focussed on particular CF features such as CFCs, custom tags, printing etc. there were also a lot of sessions showing how to use ColdFusion as an integration platform, i.e. as a backend for Ajax- and/or Flex-based rich clients, hooking up CF with the PDF workflow engine LiveCycle, etc.

说到ColdFusion,您会惊讶于有多少与CF相关的会话可用。 除了针对特定CF功能(例如CFC,自定义标签,打印等)的演讲之外,还有很多会议展示了如何使用ColdFusion作为集成平台,即作为基于Ajax和/或Flex的富客户端的后端,将CF与PDF工作流引擎LiveCycle等连接。

In terms of the attendees – the majority of attendees described themselves as ColdFusion developers during the registration process. You came across people who actually work with CF one way or the other all the time.

在与会者方面,大多数与会者在注册过程中都将自己描述为ColdFusion开发人员。 您遇到了一直以一种方式或另一种方式实际使用CF的人。

Kay: What was the highlight for you?


Kai: Well, really hard to say. In regards to new products and stuff that was shown – my highlight was one part of the sneak peek session. Scott Petersen, one of the Adobe-internal computer scientists showed a tool to convert C and C++ code libraries into ActionScript to use them (with a particular toolkit to hook them into SWF) for basically any AS 3 coding. He showed an example of running Doom within the Flash Player using Flash-based overlay messages within Doom, i.e. when the player picks up a weapon. Most of the people didn’t get the idea though how powerful the Flash Platform suddenly becomes if this type of integration becomes publically available and he didn’t get the standing ovations and cheering he should have earned.

凯:嗯,真的很难说。 关于展示的新产品和新东西–我的亮点是偷窥环节的一部分。 Adobe内部计算机科学家之一的斯科特·彼得森(Scott Petersen)展示了一种将C和C ++代码库转换为ActionScript以便将它们(通过特定的工具包将它们连接到SWF)用于基本上所有AS 3编码的工具。 他展示了一个在Flash Player中使用Doom中基于Flash的叠加消息(即,当播放器拿起武器时)运行Doom的示例。 如果这种类型的集成公开发布,Flash平台会变得多么强大,但大多数人并没有想到,他没有得到应有的支持和欢呼。

My other non-technical highlight is the networking aspect of the MAX conference. Being involved in a lot of community activities and travelling to conferences all of the place during the last few years, you “pick up” a lot of friends along the way that you can’t see that often – just because they live on a different continent or at the other end of the world. MAX is always a nice opportunity to catch up, have a few beers, watch “weird” American sport events (sorry, US folks – but with being brought up in Germany (Soccer) and living in NZ now (Cricket, Rugby), it’s hard for me to get all of the excitement :-)

我的另一项非技术性亮点是MAX会议的网络方面。 在过去的几年中,您参与了很多社区活动并参加了各地的会议,因此您会遇到很多朋友,因为他们生活在不同的地方,所以您很少见到它大陆或世界另一端。 MAX总是一个很好的机会,可以赶上,喝些啤酒,观看“怪异的”美国体育赛事(对不起,美国人–但是在德国(足球)长大,现在在新西兰生活(Cricket,橄榄球))我很难得到所有的兴奋:-)

Oh yes, a whole bunch of stuff. Besides the C/C++-2-AS converter, Adobe showed great integration efforts when it comes to bringing the Flash platform and the Acrobat Reader together. One example they demonstrated was executing a Flex application in the Adobe Reader and additionally using Connect collaboration technologies that actually allowed you to work IN the document. We’ve also been shown a very nice and transparent integration of ColdFusion and AIR using an experimental library (which might at some point hopefully become part of a CF 8 updater or part of CF 9).

哦,是的,一大堆东西。 除了C / C ++-2-AS转换器外,在将Flash平台和Acrobat Reader集成在一起时,Adobe还展示了巨大的集成能力。 他们演示的一个示例是在Adobe Reader中执行Flex应用程序,并另外使用实际上允许您处理文档的Connect协作技术。 我们还展示了使用实验库将ColdFusion和AIR进行了很好,透明的集成(有望在某个时候成为CF 8更新程序或CF 9的一部分)。

Also – Adobe’s swing towards hosted services is pretty amazing. The acquisition of the Buzzword guys was awesome enough, but Adobe also work on a hosted Photoshop Express solution (it’s based on Flex) and huge improvements to their VoIP layer of the Connect platform.

另外– Adob​​e向托管服务的转变非常惊人。 对Buzzword家伙的收购真是太棒了,但是Adobe也在开发托管的Photoshop Express解决方案(基于Flex),并对Connect平台的VoIP层进行了重大改进。

Kay: We always hear about the parties at conferences – got any great stories for us?


Kai: Parties? Ehhhhh – no idea what you’re talking about here. Obviously I’m not going to got into personal details here, but the official conference party was some sort of a retro-futuristic geek-fest with all the stuff from the 80s, 90s and this decade we love – talking about arcade games and other stuff. So – there might have been a few “non work” events :)

凯:聚会吗? 恩-不知道您在这里说什么。 显然,我在这里不打算讨论个人细节,但是正式的会议聚会是某种怀旧风格的怪胎盛会,它包含了我们热爱的80年代,90年代和这个十年的所有东西–谈论街机游戏和其他东西。 所以–可能有一些“不工作”事件:)

Kay: Finally, we keep hearing this rumour that ColdFusion is dead. As a ColdFusion developer, are you worried?

凯:最后,我们不断听到有关ColdFusion已死的谣言。 作为ColdFusion开发人员,您担心吗?

Kai: Yeah, right. This seems to be the rumour that never dies. I’m pretty much aware that a lot of people have stopped following the evolution of the technology since CF 4 or 5 and not even closely aware what CF 8 is able to deliver. Large parts of my own business are based on ColdFusion and I’m pretty happy with doing so – which doesn’t mean that we don’t look into other technologies, i.e. Ruby on Rails is very interesting, so is the Java-based scripting language Groovy.

凯:是的,对。 这似乎是永不消逝的谣言。 我非常清楚,自CF 4或5以来,很多人已经停止关注该技术的发展,甚至都不知道CF 8能够提供什么。 我自己的大部分业务都基于ColdFusion,我对此很满意–这并不意味着我们不研究其他技术,即Ruby on Rails非常有趣,基于Java的脚本也是如此语言Groovy。

At MAX, I had a very interesting talk with Tim Buntel (Tim just moved into the role of being the Flex Builder Product Manager) and Kristen Schofield (who is taking over Tim’s former role as the Product Marketing Manager in the CF team) about the situation of ColdFusion internally in Adobe as well as externally and I’m very confident that we’re going to see a few more major releases of ColdFusion. Particularly when it comes to a deeper integration of CF with other Adobe platforms, I’d expect a bunch of very cool things to happen within the next few years.

在MAX上,我与Tim Buntel(Tim刚刚担任Flex Builder产品经理)和Kristen Schofield(将接替Tim担任CF团队的产品营销经理)进行了非常有趣的讨论。 Adobe内部以及外部的ColdFusion情况,我非常有信心我们将看到ColdFusion的更多主要版本。 特别是当涉及到CF与其他Adobe平台的更深层次集成时,我希望在未来几年内会发生很多非常酷的事情。

An argument that always comes up when people opt against CF is the price and the fact that it’s not open-source. As you’ve correctly mentioned in one of your last posts – get CF hosting for projects with an extremely small budget or look into using an alternative CFML engine – Railo, IgniteFusion, BlueDragon just to name a few. You might not be able to the exactly identical functionalities as in Adobe’s ColdFusion server, but it might perfectly suit you for straight forward and standard web apps.

当人们选择使用CF时,总会出现这样的争论:价格和它不是开源的事实。 正如您在上一篇文章中正确提到的那样–为预算非常小的项目获得CF托管,或者考虑使用替代CFML引擎– Railo,IgniteFusion,BlueDragon等。 您可能无法获得与Adobe ColdFusion服务器完全相同的功能,但它可能非常适合直接使用的标准Web应用程序。

To make a point: No, I’m not worried at all about CF dying. I notice though, that the ColdFusion (sales) figures here in Australia and New Zealand (based on my experience it would be very similar in Europe) are below what they could be, whereas CF 8 is breaking all sales records in the USA. That’s a problem that Adobe has to tackle rather sooner than later as I feel they didn’t look after those markets well enough during the last few years, but as far as I can say for us antipodeans, I’ve noticed that things started to move and I hope to see more of those improvements in the future.

指出一点:不,我完全不担心CF死亡。 但是我注意到,澳大利亚和新西兰的ColdFusion(销售)数据(根据我的经验,在欧洲会非常相似)低于可能的水平,而CF 8则打破了美国的所有销售记录。 这是Adobe必须尽快解决的一个问题,因为我觉得在过去几年中,他们对这些市场的照顾不足,但是就我对我们所说的对立观点而言,我注意到事情开始发生了。并希望将来能看到更多这些改进。

Kay: That’s good to hear! Thanks Kai – and hopefully I can come along too next year.

凯:真高兴! 感谢Kai –希望我明年也能来。


