Since the page uses $.get(), it's even easier to intercept requests. Use ajaxSuccess().
This will work in a Greasemonkey(Firefox) script:
Snippet 1:
unsafeWindow.$('body').ajaxSuccess (
function (event, requestData)
console.log (requestData.responseText);
Assuming the page uses jQuery in the normal way ($ is defined, etc.).
This should work in a Chrome userscript (as well as Greasemonkey):
Snippet 2:
function interceptAjax () {
$('body').ajaxSuccess (
function (event, requestData)
console.log (requestData.responseText);
function addJS_Node (text, s_URL, funcToRun) {
var D = document;
var scriptNode = D.createElement ('script');
scriptNode.type = "text/javascript";
if (text) scriptNode.textContent = text;
if (s_URL) scriptNode.src = s_URL;
if (funcToRun) scriptNode.textContent = '(' + funcToRun.toString() + ')()';
var targ = D.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement;
targ.appendChild (scriptNode);
addJS_Node (null, null, interceptAjax);
"But how then do I get that data to the script? ... (So I can) use the data later in the script."
This works in Greasemonkey(Firefox); it might also work in Chrome's Tampermonkey:
Snippet 3:
function myAjaxHandler (requestData) {
console.log ('myAjaxHandler: ', requestData.responseText);
unsafeWindow.$('body').ajaxSuccess (
function (event, requestData) {
myAjaxHandler (requestData);
But, if it doesn't then you cannot share JS information (easily) between a Chrome userscript and the target page -- by design.
Typically what you do is inject your entire userscript, so that everything runs in the page scope. Like so:
Snippet 4:
function scriptWrapper () {
//--- Intercept Ajax
$('body').ajaxSuccess (
function (event, requestData) {
doStuffWithAjax (requestData);
function doStuffWithAjax (requestData) {
console.log ('doStuffWithAjax: ', requestData.responseText);
console.log ('Doing stuff outside Ajax.');
function addJS_Node (text, s_URL, funcToRun) {
var D = document;
var scriptNode = D.createElement ('script');
scriptNode.type = "text/javascript";
if (text) scriptNode.textContent = text;
if (s_URL) scriptNode.src = s_URL;
if (funcToRun) scriptNode.textContent = '(' + funcToRun.toString() + ')()';
var targ = D.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement;
targ.appendChild (scriptNode);
addJS_Node (null, null, scriptWrapper);