HOMER:Software for motif discovery and ChIP-Seq analysis.
Homer 是motif发现和ChIP-Seq分析软件
## conda install homer
### 1.从FASTA文件中找motif
findMotifs.pl <targetSequences.fa> fasta <output directory> -fasta <background.fa> [options] -find motif1.motif > outputfile.txt
homer2 denovo -i input.fa -b background.fa > outputfile.txt
### 2. 从基因集的启动子区域找motif
## 需要先下载有关的数据
# 查找
perl /home/zheng/miniconda3/envs/chip_seq/share/homer/.//configureHomer.pl -list
# 先安装
perl /home/zheng/miniconda3/envs/chip_seq/share/homer/.//configureHomer.pl -install human-p
perl /home/zheng/miniconda3/envs/chip_seq/share/homer/.//configureHomer.pl -install hg38
findMotifs.pl homer_geneID.txt human out -start -800 -end 200 -p 32
nohup findMotifs.pl homer_geneID.txt human out -start -800 -end 200 &
### 3.在基因组区域发现motif
findMotifsGenome.pl test_peaks.xls /home/ref/seq/hg38.fa peakAnalysis -size 200 -len 8 -p 50
findMotifsGenome.pl test_peaks.xls human-p peakAnalysis -size 200 -len 8 -p 50
# 运行时间较长
# 注意:test_peaks.xls来自Mac2结果,参考基因组fasta文件位置/home/ref/seq/hg38.fa
# 脚本运行将在参考基因组位置建立preparsed文件夹
# 参数说明:
# -size:fragment size to use for motif finding
# -len:motif length