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runv nslistener源码分析




// NetlinkUpdate tracks the change of network namespace
type NetlinkUpdate struct {   // AddrUpdate is used to pass information back from AddrSubscribe()   Addr netlink.AddrUpdate   // RouteUpdate is used to pass information back from RouteSubscribe()   Route netlink.RouteUpdate   // Veth is used to pass information back from LinkSubscribe().   // Only support veth link at present   Veth *netlink.Veth   // UpdateType indicates which part of the netlink information has been changed.   UpdateType NetlinkUpdateType }


------------------------------------------------------------ nsListener 内-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


// runv/supervisor/hyperpod.go

1、func createHyperPod(f factory.Factory, spec *specs.Spec, defaultCpus int, defaultMemory int) (*HyperPod, error)

...// create Listener process running in its one netns



// runv/supervisor/hyperpod.go

2、func (hp *HyperPod) startNsListener() (err error)

(1)、创建var parentPipe, childPipe *os.File

(2)、调用`runv containerd-nslistener`命令

(3)、调用enc := gob.NewEncoder(parentPipe)和dec := gob.NewDecoder(parentPipe)


  enc:  enc,

  dec:  dec,

  cmd:   cmd,


(5)、从dec中独到read == "init"则表示创建成功


注:runv/supervisor/proxy/nslistener.go的init函数调用reexec.Register("containerd-nslistener", setupNsListener)函数,因此,`runv containerd-nslistener`命令本质上就是调用setupNsListener()函数

// runv/supervisor/proxy/nslistener.go

3、func setupNsListener()

(1)、调用syscall.Unshare(syscall.CLONE_NEWNET) --> create own netns

(2)、再通过childPipe将"init"传输给containerd--> notify containerd to execute prestart hooks

(3)、after execute prestart hooks从childPipe中读到"init"再继续执行

// Get network namespace info for the first time and send to the containerd

(4)、调用routes, err := netlink.RouteList(nil, netlink.FAMILY_V4) --> get route info before link down

(5)、调用infos := collectionInterfaceInfo() --> send interface info to containerd


(7)、创建函数netNs2Containerd := func(netlinkUpdate supervisor.NetlinkUpdate) ->本质上就是将netlinkUpdate信息通过childPipe发送出去

(8)、调用setupNetworkNsTrap(netNs2Containerd) --> keep collecting network namespace info and sending to the containerd


// runv/supervisor/proxy/nslistener.go

// 获取net ns中的veth网卡信息,传输出去,并且将其link down

4、func collectionInterfaceInfo() []supervisor.InterfaceInfo

(1)、调用links, err := netlink.LinkList()


最后调用netlink.LinkSetDown(link)  --> set link down, tap device take over it


// runv/supervisor/proxy/nslistener.go

// This function should be put into the main process or somewhere that can be used to init the network namespace trap

5、func setupNetworkNsTrap(netNs2Containerd func(supervisor.NetlinkUpdate))

该函数主要用于获取links change event,addresses change event,route change event,然后将它们分别利用handleLink,handleAddr和handleRoute函数发送给containerd




------------------------------------------------------------------- containerd中 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


6、func (c *Container) start(p *Process) error


(1)、调用err = execPrestartHooks(c.Spec, state)



7、func execPrestartHooks(rt *specs.Spec, state *specs.State)

遍历rt.Hooks.Prestart,调用execHook(hook, state)


8、func (hp *HyperPod) initPodNetwork(c *Container) error

(1)、当len(hp.Containers) > 1时,返回nil --> Only start first container will setup netns

(2)、当len(c.Spec.Hooks.Prestart) == 0时,返回nil --> container has no prestart hooks, means no net for this container



(5)、遍历infos,调用bridge,err := GetBridgeFromIndex(info.PeerIndex),nicId := strconv.Itoa(info.Index),并用它们填充获得conf := &api.InterfaceDescription{},最后调用hp.vm.AddNic(conf)


(7)、调用go hp.nsListenerStrap()


9、func (hp *HyperPod) nsListenerStrap()


// Keep watching container network setting and then update vm/hyperstart


