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php yi ju hua,汉音对照 这句话应该如何翻译? zhe ju hua ying gai ru he fan yi ? - 王朝网络 - wangchao.net.cn...



来源:互联网  宽屏版  评论

2010-03-12 16:00:23

分类: 游戏 >> 网络游戏






[b]分类:[/b] 游戏 >> 网络游戏[br][b]问题描述:[/b][br]Hello there Robin-- This message is being sent to confirm that all credit card information has been removed from the World of Warcraft account ycfirst2000, effectively cancelling its recurring subscription as of November 26, 2006 7:09 AM UTC. The account will not bill or renew any further unless new payment information (credit card or game card) is manually entered in. The account will remain playable for the remaining time it has already paid for. This account's current prepaid time will expire on December 26, 2006 7:01 AM UTC. To check your account status at any time, you can log into your Account Management page at this link, using your account name and password:[url=http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account]http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account[/url]At this time, Blizzard has no plans to delete or "expire" characters, even if an account is deactivated or cancelled. This means that all of your characters and their progress will be retained on our servers. Should you decide to return to World of Warcraft and reactivate your account, you will be able to pick up your characters again wherever you left off. In the event you have any other billing questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our Billing & Account Services team for support. You can reply to this email directly, or call 1-800-59-BLIZZARD (800-592-5499) for live phone support between 9am and 6pm Pacific Time. Users in Australia should please call 800-041-378, if the standard 800 line does not work for them. Regards, Billing & Account Services Blizzard Entertainment[br][b]参考答案:[/b][br]看这 是这个意思!在那里的哈罗罗宾--这一个信息正在被传达去确定所有的信用卡数据已经从军舰帐户 ycfirst 2000 的世界被移动, 有效地取消它的回到捐献当 2006 年十一月 26 日早上 7:09 UTC之时。 除非新的付款数据 (信用卡或者游戏卡片) 用手被进入,否则帐户将不送帐单或者更新更更进一步了在。 帐户将会保持可玩的它已经支付了的剩余的时间。 帐户的现在的预付时间 2006 年十二月 26 日将会期满早上 7:01 UTC。 为了要随时检查你的帐户状态,你能在这一个联编进入你的帐户管理页之内伐木,使用你的帐户名字和密码: 在这次的 [url=http://]http://[/url] [url=http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account]www.worldofwarcraft.com/account[/url], 大风雪没有计划划除或者 " 期满 " 个性,即使一个帐户被解除动员或取消。 这意谓你的全部个性和他们的进步将会在我们的伺候器上被保有。 如果你决定回到军舰的世界而且使恢复现役你的帐户, 你将会能够再一次在你停止的任何地方接载你的个性。 结果,你有任何其他的布告疑问或者关心, 请觉得自由为支持连络我们的布告 & 帐户服务队。你能直接地答复这一封电子邮件, 或拨打 1-800-59 大风雪的 (800-592-5499) 因为活的电话在早上 9 点和下午 6 点太平洋时间之间支援。 在澳洲的使用者应该请拨打 800-041-378,如果标准的 800条行不为他们工作。 关心, 布告 & 帐户服务大风雪娱乐
