


by Bhawana Singh

通过Bhawana Singh

适用于Android和iOS的10种最佳人脸识别应用程序 (The 10 best face recognition apps for Android and iOS)

Here are some of the best apps for facial recognition and fingerprint biometrics. These can help secure your software and your your Android and — in some cases — iOS devices.

这是面部识别和指纹生物识别的一些最佳应用。 这些可以帮助保护您的软件,Android和(在某些情况下)iOS设备的安全。

1. FaceLock (1. FaceLock)

Facial recognition may not be brand new but the app FaceLock is a free app that protects your other apps using only your face. Facelock is the only key to unlock your highly confidential files and frequently used apps.

面部识别可能不是全新的,但应用程序FaceLock是一个免费应用程序,仅使用您的脸部即可保护您的其他应用程序。 Facelock是解锁高度机密文件和常用应用程序的唯一钥匙。

After the installation of the app, it’ll navigate and give directions you to a main menu that has a list of options, allowing you to customize the performance of the app.


To enable the FaceLock functionality, you just need to click on the “Enable FaceLock” option. The FaceLock will start doing its job whenever someone tries to access the restricted apps on your phone, locking them down if it senses an intruder.

要启用FaceLock功能,您只需单击“启用FaceLock”选项。 每当有人尝试访问您手机上的受限应用程序时,FaceLock就会开始执行其工作,并在感知到入侵者时将其锁定。

There is a free as well as a paid version and has a pro version of FaceLock.


2.真金钥 (2. True Key)

True Key by Intel Security Productivity frees you from needing to type in long passwords to access the apps. If it doesn’t recognize your face, it will then ask for fingerprint biometrics for further access.

Intel Security Productivity的True Key使您无需输入长密码即可访问应用程序。 如果无法识别您的脸部,它将要求进行指纹生物识别以进行进一步访问。

Once you sign in with the True Key app with your preferred method, your devices will trust you.

使用首选方法使用True Key应用登录后,您的设备将信任您。

3. FindFace (3. FindFace)

FindFace identifies with 70% accuracy and reliability. If you snap a photo of a stranger, you can then find out who that person is through their social media profile. For now, it works with VK, a popular Russian social network.

FindFace具有70%的准确性和可靠性。 如果您拍摄了一个陌生人的照片,则可以通过其社交媒体个人资料找出该人的身份。 目前,它可以与流行的俄罗斯社交网络VK一起使用。

FindFace is mainly used for identification, verification, and documentation. It can search 250 million faces in 0.3 seconds. It maintains this pace, and that is an important criteria for its performance.

FindFace主要用于标识,验证和记录。 它可以在0.3秒内搜索2.5亿张脸。 它保持了这一步调,这是其性能的重要标准。

It recently reached 95% of accuracy in some circumstances, thanks to neural network trained to near perfection. With a cross-platform API, it can run on any web, mobile, or desktop application.

得益于训练有素的神经网络,该方法最近在某些情况下达到了95%的准确性。 使用跨平台API,它可以在任何Web,移动或桌面应用程序上运行。

4. FaceVault (4. FaceVault)

This only works and ensure security for iPhone, iPads, and iPods. An app known as FaceVault delivers face identification, then unlocks the iOS device for any feature beyond those that allow for the slide-to-share gesture.

这仅适用于确保iPhone,iPad和iPod的安全性。 名为FaceVault的应用程序可提供人脸识别功能,然后解锁iOS设备上除允许幻灯片共享手势功能以外的任何功能。

FaceVault uses your device’s front-facing camera to scan your face. Even if you wear makeup or glasses, your face can be easily detected.

FaceVault使用设备的前置摄像头扫描脸部。 即使您化妆或戴眼镜,也可以轻松检测到您的脸。

If it fails to detect your face, you will be switched to another mode, where you can unlock the app with a pattern-based code.


5.人脸检测 (5. Face Detection)

The FaceDetection screen lock is another high-security face detection screen lock app, which is an appropriate app for privacy and the security of your digital property.


The Face Detection app will let unlock your phone only when it detects your face. You can use the Face Detection screen lock for both locking your individual apps as well as a screen lock. But there’s also a password option if facial recognition fails.

面部检测应用程序仅在检测到您的面部时才可以解锁您的手机。 您可以使用人脸检测屏幕锁定来锁定单个应用程序和屏幕锁定。 但是,如果面部识别失败,还有一个密码选项。

You have to train your phone to recognize your face before being able to lock your screen. This is a one-time process. It will ask you to set your security level to be low, medium or high. The next step would be enabling or disabling the screen lock per your preference and setting a password.

您必须先训练手机以识别脸部,然后才能锁定屏幕。 这是一个一次性的过程。 它将要求您将安全级别设置为低,中或高。 下一步将根据您的喜好启用或禁用屏幕锁定并设置密码。

6. Luxand人脸识别 (6. Luxand face recognition)

Luxand allows you to tap any detected face and give it a name. This app will then memorize that face and recognize it in the future.

Luxand允许您点击任何检测到的脸部并为其命名。 然后,该应用会记住该面Kong并在将来识别它。

Luxand is basically used for face identification, surveillance, time and control monitory systems, which use the biometric identification for more accurate analysis with a high level of local security.


7.人脸锁屏 (7. Face Lock Screen)

This app trains on your face and automatically recognizes you. You don’t need any technical skills to be able to use it. Just set your password and check the box to enable this on your lock screen.

该应用会训练您的脸并自动识别您。 您不需要任何技术技能就能使用它。 只需设置密码,然后选中相应的框即可在锁定屏幕上启用该密码。

8. AppLock脸 (8. AppLock Face)

This app locks any apps that you want to keep private. It ensures that only you can access your personal information.

这个应用程式会锁定您要设为不公开的所有应用程式。 它确保只有您才能访问您的个人信息。

It uses your face as the biometric key to unlock your apps.


9.绿洲脸 (9. Oasis Face)

Oasis Face is an authenticated solution for screen lock that uses biometric face recognition. It reduces the need for passwords and other login procedures.

Oasis Face是使用生物特征识别功能的经过验证的屏幕锁定解决方案。 它减少了密码和其他登录过程的需要。

Oasis Face has a fully-featured cross platform SDK. It also has an optimized library for iOS and Android mobile devices.

Oasis Face具有功能全面的跨平台SDK。 它还具有针对iOS和Android移动设备的优化库。

It comes with greater higher accuracy and authenticity than most other apps I’ve listed here, and very little maintenance is required. It even has a modular architecture to evaluate the performance of its face authentication for mobile devices and server side.

与我在此处列出的大多数其他应用相比,它具有更高的准确性和真实性,并且几乎不需要维护。 它甚至具有模块化体系结构,可以评估其在移动设备和服务器端的面部认证性能。

10.名签 (10. Nametag)

This is an app that recognizes and unlocks your screen through your online or public profile. It runs on Android and iOS.

这是一个可通过在线或公开个人资料识别并解锁屏幕的应用。 它可以在Android和iOS上运行。 is currently working on technologies which can scan and verify profile pictures from the online dating apps and more. It may even recognize faces by looking at blurred images. It can also instantly search out the person’s occupation, age, and can take you to their social media accounts in real-time.

facialnetwork.com目前正在研究可以扫描和验证在线约会应用程序和其他程序中的个人头像的技术。 它甚至可以通过查看模糊的图像来识别人脸。 它还可以立即搜索该人的职业,年龄,并可以实时将您带到其社交媒体帐户。


