Now available in Overleaf!
The Better Poster is Mike Morrison's response to the traditional academic poster. In his own words:
Every field in science uses the same, old, wall-of-text poster design. If we can improve the knowledge transfer efficiency of that design even by a little bit, it could have massive ripple effects on all of science.
Also, poster sessions tend to suck, so here's my pitch to make them more efficient AND more fun with a new approach to designing scientific posters/academic posters that is both more usable, and easier to create!
The template has been implemented as a LaTeX class, betterposter.cls
. You can load it into your tex
file by using the command
commandThe main command provided by the betterposter
class is \betterposter
. The command takes three arguments: the content of the central, left and right columns, respectively. You type the content in, and the command takes care of the formatting.
% content of the main column
% content of the left column
% content of the right column
commandThe \maincolumn
command takes care of the formatting of the main column. It takes two arguments: the content of the main section (for the main point of the poster), and the content of the bottom section (destined for the QR code).
% main point of the poster
% QR code
commandThe \qrcode
command formats the QR code for the poster. It takes three arguments: the path for the QR code image, the path for a small icon (a smartphone by default), and the caption ("Take a picture to download the full paper" by default).
% caption
Alternatively, the \compactqrcode
command renders a more compact link by omitting the small icon.
% caption
You should include a QR code that links to a relevant document which complements the poster (your paper, a website containing simulations or data...) There are many free QR code tools available, I have used
The example included in the template points to this repository:
You can also create QR codes which contain a logo:
The betterposter
class accepts three options which change the paper size:
, for A0, the default size.a1paper
, for A1.a2paper
, for A2.These options behave like the usual LaTeX class options, for instance:
The betterposter
class extends the basic article
class. Any options you give betterposter
, other than the ones mentioned above, will be passed directly to article
. For instance,
will let betterposter
deal with the a0paper
option, but will pass fleqn
directly to article
These commands should be placed before \begin{document}
You can customise the width of the columns:
.You can change the margins of the columns:
.The \fontsize
command takes two arguments, the size
(the size of the font in pt
) and the baselineskip
(usually you want baselineskip
to be roughly 1.25 times the size
You can change specific font sizes:
\renewcommand{\fontsizestandard}{\fontsize{28}{35} \selectfont}
.\renewcommand{\fontsizemain}{\fontsize{28}{35} \selectfont}
.\renewcommand{\fontsizetitle}{\fontsize{28}{35} \selectfont}
.\renewcommand{\fontsizeauthor}{\fontsize{28}{35} \selectfont}
.\renewcommand{\fontsizesection}{\fontsize{28}{35} \selectfont}
.Additionally, you can change the font size of a specific text segment by placing the text in brackets as:
{\fontsize{28}{35} \selectfont Your text goes here}
The class defines the theme colours of the original design:
as well as imperialblue
You can change the background and the font colours:
.You can find me on twitter, @rtsbailo.
部署 LaTeX 安装 texlive-core 新建 a.tex 文件,内容如下: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} %加入了一些针对XeTeX的改进并且加入了 \XeTeX 命令来输入漂亮的XeTeX logo \usepackage{xltxtra} %启用一些LaTeX中的功能 \usepackage{xunicode} %%%% fontspe
LaTeX(LATEX,音译“拉泰赫”)是一种基于TeX的排版系统。 LaTeX通过CTAN服务器发布,或作为TeX用户组(TUG)或第三方提供的许多易于安装和可用的TeX发布版本的一部分。如果您遇到问题,请访问帮助部分。 LaTeX本身并不是一个独立的排版程序,而是运行在Donald E. Knuth的TeX排版系统之上的文档准备软件。TeX发行版通常会将工作中的TeX系统所需的所有部件捆绑在一
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PDF 下载: 放映版 阅读版 Copyright (C) 2018–2021 by Xiangdong Zeng.
Warning — looking for a maintainer This extension is no longer maintained. I'm sorry, it's not you, it's me. I still love this functionality, I've just moved to a different editor to get it.I don't wa