
A vector drawing editor for LaTeX (JavaFX).
授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
所属分类 企业应用、 LaTeX排版系统
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 乌鸿宝
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


A vector drawing editor for LaTeX.

Documentation and installation requirements (in particular regarding LaTeX):

Binaries and installation files to download on Sourceforge:

How to run

You downloaded the binaries of a 4.x version and you want to run the app.Go in the bin folder and launch the latexdraw-run file (or latexdraw-run.bat on Windows).

On Windows, the system may tell you Windows has protected your computer.To overcome this issue, right-click on this file, click on the properties menu, and activate the unlock checkbox.

On MacOSX, you may have the message damaged and can't be opened. You should eject the disk image" after installing the app.Look here: and here:

You do not need Java for running the app.For rendering LaTeX instructions, you need an up-to-date LaTeX installation.


You can support this software by making a donation:

How to report a bug

Before reporting a bug, please check the following elements:

  • Make sure you use the latest LaTeXDraw version.

  • Make sure your LaTeX installation is up to date (in particular for export / compilation issues). In particular with MikTeX, run the update utilities to check that. We already faced errors solved by updating MikTeX.

  • Do you have LaTeX and some required packages installed? The required packages are: pstricks, pstricks-add, pst-grad, pst-plot, geometry, pst-tools.To render text thumbnails the app use either GhostScript (gs) or pdftoppm (provided by poppler-utils and Texlive on Linux ).

  • With MikTeX, check the auto-install of missing packages is enable. MikTeX can install on-demand (during the compilation of a document) the missing packages. Go in the MikTeX preferences to check that this feature is enable (either 'yes' or 'ask me first'), as depicted by the following screenshot:

miktext config

If you still have a problem, please do the following steps while reporting the bug:

  • Copy/paste in a bug report or on the forum the information provided in the "system" tab you can find here: "Help" menu -> "About LateXDraw" menu item -> "system" tab.

  • Provide either a scenario that I can execute to reproduce the problem, or an SVG document plus some instructions regarding the problem.

  • Be nice. You did not pay for the software and I develop it on my free time since more than one decade.

  • Report your bug on Github (

Latest development version

You can test the next 4.x development version using the following binaries and installation files:

Linux packaging

Build LaTeXDraw

To compile you need JDK14 and Maven:

The default Maven profile is for Linux and does not work for Windows and MacOSXIf you want to compile the project on MacOSX use the mac profile.On Windows, use the win profile.To do so, you have to add the option -P mac or -P win in the following Maven commands.

If you just want to compile the app:mvn clean compile

If you want to build the app (and produce platform-specific installer files):mvn clean package

If you run the tests, you need LaTeX to be installed (and PSTricks packages).If you want to skip the tests:mvn -DskipTests=true clean package

If you want to skip the tests and the linters:mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip -Dspotbugs.skip

The packaging step is specific for each OS (Fedora, Debian, Windows, MacOSX, etc.):it uses tools these OS' provide to build installation files.These tools are:

  • On Fedora, you need rpmbuild:dnf install rpm-build
  • On Debian/Ubuntu, you need fakeroot: apt install fakeroot
  • On Windows, you need WIX toolset (
  • On MacOSX, it seems to work without any supplementary installation

If you do not want to go through this step, you can ask Maven to ignore these steps:mvn clean package -Dexec.skip -Dassembly.skipAssembly

LaTeXDraw 3.x serie

We do not maintain the 3.x serie anymore.You can find the 3.x help page here:

  • 问题内容: 是否可以在pom.xml中将JavaFX 2.0引用为Maven中的依赖项,以便一切顺利进行? 我在这个问题中看到可以在本地安装jfxrt.jar,但是理想情况下,我希望使用一种更简单的方法,在该方法中可以正确解决依赖关系并下载它,而无需任何本地黑客。 问题答案: 不,目前还没有这样的解决方案。我怀疑它会永远存在,因为从Java 1.7更新2开始,JavaFX与JVM一起安装了。从Ja

  • 问题内容: 我想在关闭JavaFX应用程序之前保存文件。 这就是我在中设置处理程序的方式: 当按下按钮时,控制器将调用: 如果关闭窗口,请单击窗口边框上的红色X(正常方式),然后会收到输出消息“ ”,这是所需的行为。 但是,在调用应用程序时,它会在不调用处理程序的情况下关闭(没有输出)。 如何使控制器使用添加到的处理程序? 问题答案: 如果你看一下在生命周期中的类: 每当启动应用程序时,JavaF

  • 问题内容: 假设我在TreeTableView中有2列,现在我想在第一列中添加一个字符串/标签,在另一列中添加一个ProgressBar。我将如何完成这样的事情? 非常感谢任何帮助! 问题答案: 正如James_D正确指出的,您可以将其用于带有ProgressBars的列。有内部支撑为如某些其他用户界面控件,等 对于其他UI控件,您可以创建一个Custom ,如下所示: 然后将a分配给第二列 在其

  • 问题内容: 我使用Java 8启动了一个Maven项目,并希望将其迁移到Java9。与此同时,我也从Eclipse Neon EE迁移到Eclipse Oxygen EE。(重新安装了JFX SDK)。尽管Eclipse工作区没有显示任何错误;一旦尝试编译并运行与Java 8中运行完全相同的程序,我将得到以下异常: 异常正在运行的应用程序application.Main 我现在已经多次重建了该项目

  • 问题内容: 在c ++或c编程语言中,我们知道要使用gotoxy(x,y)来更改坐标,并且可以使用循环和睡眠来更改坐标并制作动画。像这样; 但是我的问题是在JAVAFX 2.0编程中如何?我正在使用netbeans 7.2。感谢您的帮助。 问题答案: 看一下使用时间轴动画。它是JavaFX中动画的关键组成部分, 用于确定动画的关键部分何时以及以什么顺序出现。 这是一个例子

  • 问题内容: 我有一个具有简单场景(表单)的Java FX基本应用程序。我有一个Mysql Db,我正在使用Spring JPA(spring数据jpa,即存储库/实体)与之交互。 现在,由于我们知道javaFx有一些生命周期挂钩,即:init()start()和stop()。 假设我想使用JPA save() 方法在数据库中插入数据。通常,如果是我的控制器,则进行正常的数据库注入,例如: 本来可以

  • 问题内容: 因此,第一个和最后一个输入应该是字母,并且它们之间应该只有数字。这是我的代码: 问题答案: 您可以使用和 。 如果中的文本不符合这三个条件之一,则显示旧文本。 完整的应用 **更新:更改为。@kleopatra表示这是实现此目标的正确方法。

  • 问题内容: 我正在使用javafx构建桌面应用程序,我正在使用ftp下载约500 MB的文件。下载进行时,我需要在进度条上显示%。我还需要提供一个取消正在进行的下载过程的选项。 这是我下载文件的代码。 问题答案: 您应该使自己熟悉JavaFX中的并发性。 您可以在网上找到一些有关所需内容的示例,例如ProgressBar和Background Processes 。