基于CC BY-NC发布(若子文件夹下有LICENSE文件则按子文件夹下的LICENSE发布,否则CC BY-NC发布)。
子文件夹 | 描述 |
CExperiment/ | C8次实验及报告 |
NDDIMS/ | C课设,自然灾害信息管理系统(x) |
Assembler-and-Simulator/ | C课设,汇编器和解释器 |
HTMLAnalyser/ | 数据结构课设,HTML解析器 |
ComputerSystem/ | 计算机系统基础实验 |
DigitalCircuits/ | 数字电路实验 |
SoftwareEngineering/ | 软件工程课设 |
X86assembly/ | x86汇编实验 |
LowRC/ | 计算机网络实验,丑陋的聊天工具 |
NetProtocolAnalyse/ | 计算机网络实验,协议分析 |
NetStructureDesign/ | 计算机网络实验,组网 |
RaftSim/ | 计算机网络实验,Raft协议vote部分模拟 |
NetReport/ | 计算机网络实验报告 |
CppCheckPlusPlus/ | C++课设检查系统(x) |
CppExperiment/ | C++实验及报告(x) |
OperatingSystem/ | 操作系统实验及报告 |
JOS/ | 操作系统课设及报告(MIT-JOS 2017 lab1~4) |
ComputerOrganization/ | 计算机组成原理4次实验及报告 |
Algorithms/ | 算法8次实验及报告 |
CPU/ | 计算机组成原理: MPIS CPU实验及报告 |
CacheLab/ | 计算机系统结构实验及报告(CSAPP CacheLab) |
JavaExperiment/ | Java两次实验及报告(x) |
Database/ | 数据库2次实验、课设及报告 |
Embedded/ | 嵌入式5次实验及报告 |
CompilerPrinciples/ | 编译原理课设及报告 |
MachineLearning/ | 机器学习实验及报告 |
DataMining/ | 数据挖掘实验及报告 |
ParallelProgramming/ | 并行编程实验及报告 |
子文件夹 | 描述 |
CRLSAnswer/ | 算法导论答案 (Credit: Andrew Lohr) |
本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。
Description An even number N of strands are stuck through a wall. On one side of the wall, a girl ties N/2 knots between disjoint pairs of strands. On the other side of the wall, the girl's groom-to-b
L - Palindromes Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:524288KB 64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice HUST 1669 Description Palindromes are numbers that read the same forwards as backw
dance party Time Limit: 2 Sec Memory Limit: 128 MB Submissions: 324 Solved: 112 Description You are organizing a dance party. The party will be attended by n boys and n girls. There will be seve
Description Rocket323 loves math very much. One day, Rocket323 got a number string. He could choose some consecutive digits from the string to form a number. Rocket323 loves 64 very much, so he want
题目 查询一个区间比v大的最小的数 和hdu4417的相似,可以用线段树离线,或者划分树+二分,或者分块。。。 划分树+二分: #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; #define N 100010 int tree[20][N],sa[N],sum[20][N]; int t,n
http://acm.hust.edu.cn/problem.php?id=1440 寻找acm Description 作为一个acmer,应该具备团队合作能力和分析问题能力。给你一个只有a,c和m的字符串,你要依次取3个字母使之恰好为acm。 比如串 accmmmca 你可以取 12345678 ac_m____ ac__m___ ac___m__ a_cm____ a_c_m
题目链接:http://acm.hust.edu.cn/problem/show/1017 裸的舞蹈链模版题 关于舞蹈链算法请参考:http://www.cnblogs.com/grenet/p/3145800.html 这个博客讲解的很清楚详细 舞蹈链算法实际上是一个双向十字交叉链表数据结构,解决精确覆盖问题,数独等等都很方便。花了近一天终于搞懂额,纪念一下a的第一道dancing links
Description Give you a positive integer x, determine whether it is the sum of three positive cubic numbers. Input There’re several test cases. For each case: Only one line containing an integer x (
Description A googol written out in decimal has 101 digits. A googolplex has one plus a googol digits. That's a lot of digits! Given any number x0, define a sequence using the following recurrence: x
1.分而治之” 方法是 有效算法 设计中普遍采用的一种技术。 所谓“分而治之” 就是把一个复杂的算法问题按一定的“分解”方法分为等价的规模较小的若干部分,然后逐个解决,分别找出各部分的解,把各部分的解组成整个问题的解,这种朴素的思想来源于人们生活与工作的经验,也完全适合于技术领域。 2.分而治之的重点: 看是否能够发现重复的子问题,能否发现大问题存在的循环子结构,如果发现就把原问题转化为很简单的小
Description Isun is a genius. Not only he is an expert in algorithm, but also he plays damn-good in many funny games. Besides, he can recover a Rubik in 16 seconds or even less. The man is very crazy
题目大意是给出一段数字序列,可以忽略一次一段连续的序列,求忽略后的最长连续上升子序列 思路是dp,用end数组记录以当前元素作为结尾的最长连续上升序列的元素个数,那么不难得到状态转移方程为 dp(i) = max(dp(i - 1), max( end[k] ) ) + 1 代码如下: #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath>
题目描述 This problem is quiet easy. Initially, there is a string A. Then we do the following process infinity times. A := A + “HUSTACM” + A For example, if a = “X”, then After 1 step, A will become “XHUS
F - A Special Property Time Limit: 1s Memory Limit: 512MB Submissions: 56 Solved: 23 DESCRIPTION Given a boolean matrix, which means every element of it is either 0 or 1. If each row and each column o
转载自 : http://blog.csdn.net/zhblue/article/details/7259940 (版权为 zhblue) HUSTOJ http://code.google.com/p/hustoj 是一个开源OnlineJudge系统,广泛应用于计算机程序设计比赛和编程能力测试。 从代码上HUSTOJ分为两大部分,core和web,分别对应判题和数据管理两大功能。 两者之间数