LaTeX.css is a minimal, almost class-less CSS library which makes any website look like a LaTeX document. It is based on @davidrzs' latexCSS.
tagAdd the following code in the head of your project.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
or use a CDN like Unpkg:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
npm install latex.css
yarn add latex.css
Add any optional classnames to elements with special styles (author subtitle, abstract, lemmas, theorems, etc.). A list of supported class-based elements can be found here.
The labels of theorems, definitions, lemmas and proofs can be changed to other supported languages by including the following snippet in addition to the main CSS file.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
and changing the html lang
<html lang="es">
Have a look at the language support page for more info and a demo of the different languages.
Contributions, feedback and issues are welcome. Feel free to fork, comment, critique, or submit a pull request.
This project is based on David Zollikofer's project latexCSS.
Most of the CSS reset is based on Andy Bell's Modern CSS Reset.
The sample HTML5 markup test page is based on html5-test-page by @cbracco.
The idea of sidenotes was taken and adpated from Tufte CSS.
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.
写论文时,用到一个算法框架,形式如下: \begin{algorithm}[H]\label{alg.l1} \caption{算法标题} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \STATE \textbf{Input:}初始参数输入 \REPEAT \STATE 算法步骤语句 \UNTIL{终止条件} \STATE \textbf{Output:}
目前将CSS/HTML教程学完了一遍,现在边学习JS,边对之前学习的CSS/HTML进行一些总结。此篇文章主要是网站项目搭建相关的。 1、网站的首页的html文件名一般都叫做index.html 2、对应哪个网页的css文件名最好和该网页的html文件名一致,方便修改代码 3、因为一般一个网站不止有一个网页,而且这些网页的样式一般都有一些是相同的,所以可以创建一个base.css文件来写不同网页的
在VuePress中撰写文章时,为了解释说明,有时候需要显示公式。而LaTeX是公式编辑最常用的格式。那么如何在VuePress中显示由LaTeX撰写的公式呢?方法很简单。(如果VuePress支持显示,那么Vue中使用同样方法肯定也支持显示) 方法 安装katex yarn add -D katex # 或者 npm i -D katex VuePress中新建一个component 我的创建
目录 1.表格格式 2.表格字体大小调整 3.调间距 4.表标题 5.调整表大小 1.表格格式 \begin{table}[!htb] \small %此处写字体大小控制命令 \centering %表格居中 \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{0cm} \caption{Results for a.} %表标题
I'm currently developing a free open source tool that can convert LaTeX to a single HTML file. Its called PDBF ( and runs on win/linux/mac. Instructions: Make sure
按照cite顺序自动排序文献编号,用\bibliographystyle{unsrt} 其他几种如下[转]: 通过设置 bibliographystyle 就可以达到上述目的,Bibtex 自身已具备排序的功能,而且可以选择自己想要的排序方式。Bibtex 已自带有 8 种样式,分别如下(下面内容摘自 LaTeX 编辑部): 1. plain,按字母的顺序排列,比较次序为作者、年度和标题 2.
部署 LaTeX 安装 texlive-core 新建 a.tex 文件,内容如下: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} %加入了一些针对XeTeX的改进并且加入了 \XeTeX 命令来输入漂亮的XeTeX logo \usepackage{xltxtra} %启用一些LaTeX中的功能 \usepackage{xunicode} %%%% fontspe
LaTeX(LATEX,音译“拉泰赫”)是一种基于TeX的排版系统。 LaTeX通过CTAN服务器发布,或作为TeX用户组(TUG)或第三方提供的许多易于安装和可用的TeX发布版本的一部分。如果您遇到问题,请访问帮助部分。 LaTeX本身并不是一个独立的排版程序,而是运行在Donald E. Knuth的TeX排版系统之上的文档准备软件。TeX发行版通常会将工作中的TeX系统所需的所有部件捆绑在一
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latex-action GitHub Action to compile LaTeX documents. This actions runs on docker using a maximal TeXLive environment installed. Inputs root_file The root LaTeX file to be compiled. This input is req
PDF 下载: 放映版 阅读版 Copyright (C) 2018–2021 by Xiangdong Zeng.
Warning — looking for a maintainer This extension is no longer maintained. I'm sorry, it's not you, it's me. I still love this functionality, I've just moved to a different editor to get it.I don't wa