Multiple Selects

授权协议 未知
所属分类 jQuery 插件、 其他jQuery插件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 包和泰
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

jqMultiSelects enables you to deal purely with the presentation of your <select> elements, and then use the plugin to attach common behaviours to them. Current features include:

  • Set up double-click transferring of <option>s from one <select> to another
  • Enable transferring of multiple options via an external element, e.g. <button>, <input>, <a>, etc.
  • Automatic submission of <option> elements with parent form submission
  • Callbacks to hook into the process
  • Size is 4.4KB or 0.6KB packed
  • 首先了解: Multiple Select 是一个通过复选框来选择多元素的 jQuery 插件:).  官网地址: 有例子+文档 下面是简单使用的总结: 文件引用:     <link href="~/Content/multiple/multiple-select.css" rel="style

  • 【读论文】Multiple Kernel Learning, Conic Duality, and the SMO Algorithm(2004) 多核学习、圆锥对偶和SMO算法 Francis R. Bach,Gert R. G. Lanckriet DOI: 10.1145/1015330.1015424 摘要: While classical kernel-based classifiers

  • Problem Description Tokitsukaze has a sequence of length n, denoted by a. Tokitsukaze can merge two consecutive elements of a as many times as she wants. After each operation, a new element that equal

  • 今早 (2017-06-20) 收到 深夜徘徊 的邀请,让我帮忙解答 - angular2如何双向绑定多个checkbox? 这个问题。具体问题如下: 比如我又一个数组如下: var array = ['喜欢','不喜欢','非常喜欢','超级喜欢','喜欢得不得了']; html模板中 我盖如何实现,选中其中一个checkbox后,能在div.youselect中显示出我已经选中的内容,如果是多

  • <select multiple="multiple" style="width: 200px;" id="mymultiple">     <option>1</option>     <option>2</option>     <option>3</option>     <option>4</option>     <option>5</option> </select> 使用原生的jav

  • 从后台获取到多选框中的值后传到前端 js: item_mode = ','+item_mode+','; //从后台传过来的值 $('.mode_type option').each(function () { if (item_mode.indexOf(','+this.value+',')!=-1)this.selected=true; }); //重新加载 $('.selects'

  • None of the above helped me so I'll put this here for anyone who arrives at this page looking to use addHTML() to create a single pdf split into multiple pages with a different html element on each pa

  • 1.Intruduction A  <select>  element can serve as a single-select or multiple-select "picker" depending on whether the  multiple  attribute is present. select元素可以是单选也可以是多选,在于multiple属性是否存在。 配置select元素的

  • verdy_p at wanadoo dot fr (1999-07-24 14:14:32) Using this function is not required under Sybase, because Sybase SQL Server users can be configured with a default database to use at connection time. Y

  • Selects-v4.js 基于Layui的多选解决方案: jQuery下拉多选插件 下拉框复选 包括全选:



