None of the above helped me so I'll put this here for anyone who arrives at this page looking to use addHTML() to create a single pdf split into multiple pages with a different html element on each page. I used recursion so I'm not sure of the performance implications of this approach. It worked for me to create a 4 page pdf from 4 div elements.
var pdf = new jsPDF('landscape');
var pdfName = 'test.pdf';
var options = {};
var $divs = $('.myDivClass') //jQuery object of all the myDivClass divs
var numRecursionsNeeded = $divs.length -1; //the number of times we need to call addHtml (once per div)
var currentRecursion=0;
//Found a trick for using addHtml more than once per pdf. Call addHtml in the callback function of addHtml recursively.
function recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, totalRecursions){
//Once we have done all the divs save the pdf
//$('.myDivClass')[currentRecursion] selects one of the divs out of the jquery collection as a html element
//addHtml requires an html element. Not a string like fromHtml.
pdf.addHTML($('.myDivClass')[currentRecursion], 15, 20, options, function(){
recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, totalRecursions)
pdf.addHTML($('.myDivClass')[currentRecursion], 15, 20, options, function(){
recursiveAddHtmlAndSave(currentRecursion, numRecursionsNeeded);