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Firebase 3.0 Starter using React Redux

This is a Firebase 3.0 start using React and Redux.

It uses the latest version of libraries, including the brand new React Hot Loader (still beta)


  • React
    • React 15.1.0
    • React Hot Loader 3.0.0-beta.2
    • React Router 2.4.1
  • Redux
    • Redux 3.5.2
    • React Redux 4.4.5
    • React Router Redux 4.0.4
    • Redux Thunk 2.1.0
    • Redux Dev Tools
  • Webpack
    • Webpack 1.13.1
    • Webpack Dev Middleware 1.6.1
    • Webpack Hot Middleware 2.10.0
  • Firebase
    • Firebase 3.0.3
  • Linting
    • Eslint 2.11.1
  • Styles
    • Bootstrap 3.3.6
  • Testing
    • Mocha 2.5.3
    • Enzyme 2.3.0


  • Firebase:
    • Auth
      • Authentication setup (Registration/Login)
      • state.user sync with Firebase Auth
      • Protected routes (needs to be logged in)
      • Store users on '/users/<user.uid>'
      • Admin flag on user ('/isAdmin/<user.uid>' :: bool)
      • Admin Protected routes (needs to be logged in)
    • Database
      • Set example
      • Query example


git clone
cd react-hot-redux-firebase-starter
npm install
npm start -s

Development Tasks

  • npm start run the web app with lint and tests in watch mode
  • npm run lint linting javascript code usig eslint
  • npm run test test using mocha and enzyme


Check our roadmap issues

  • DEPRECATED. This project is not maintained anymore. Starter For Firebase, React Native, Redux Applications With 100% Of Code In Common Between IOS And Android, with built In Authentication, Crud Examp

  • 目录 为何组件没有被重新渲染、或者 mapStateToProps 没有运行? 为何组件频繁的重新渲染? 怎样使 mapStateToProps 执行更快? 为何不在被连接的组件中使用 this.props.dispatch ? 应该只连接到顶层组件吗,或者可以在组件树中连接到不同组件吗? React Redux 为何组件没有被重新渲染、或者 mapStateToProps 没有运行? 目前来看,

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